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Technische Universität München

Technische Universität München

Sitemap > selections > Diplom und Abschlussarbeiten

Diplom und Abschlussarbeiten

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Studienteilnehmer:innen gesucht
🎯 Noch 2 Plätze für weibliche Teilnehmer und 13 Plätze für männliche Teilnehmer in unserer Hör-Studie verfügbar! 🎯 Für unsere wissenschaftliche Studie an der Technische Universität München (TUM) suchen wir noch Teilnehmer im Alter von 18 bis 30 Jahren mit gesundem Gehör. Checkt den angehängten Studienflyer aus.
Nachricht 20.12.2024
Master thesis in Infection Biology: Developing a platform to test porcine CAR T therapy Nachricht 20.12.2024
Bachelor's or Master's Thesis: Decentralized Dataspace Governance Authority Nachricht 07.02.2025
Master's thesis: Bioelectrocatalysis with acetogenic bacteria (PhD opportunity afterwards)
In our bioelectrochemical system (BES) we focus on the electrocatalytic CO2 reduction reaction to CO that can be converted as carbon source by acetogenic bacteria to acids and alcohols. Here, a state-of-art electrolysis cell (membrane-electrode-assembly = MEA) was coupled to a gasfermentation bioreactor to enable another Power-to-X process. Further improvements of the catalyst, BES and MEA are main objectives within the whole project.
Nachricht 21.11.2024
Data Anonymization for LLM-based Automotive Requirements Processing
This thesis will focus on developing methods to protect privacy while using Large Language Models (LLMs) in automotive requirements processing. As LLMs process sensitive data, such as customer information and design specifications, ensuring that this data remains private is crucial. The research will explore anonymization techniques like data masking and pseudonymization, which hide sensitive details while keeping the data useful for LLM tasks. It will also focus on ensuring that anonymized data retains its meaning and effectiveness in the context of automotive requirements processing. For application please send me an email with title "Master Thesis Application: Data Anonymization LLM ". Please also attach your resume and transcript of records in the email. A motivation letter is NOT required.
Nachricht 05.02.2025
Bachelor and Master thesis in Restoration ecology in grasslands Nachricht 27.01.2025
An LLM-based Ubuntu User
Large language models (LLMs) have transformed how we interact with technology, allowing users to communicate with systems using natural language. Ubuntu, a popular open-source operating system, provides a powerful environment for exploring the use of LLMs as intelligent agents. This master topic focuses on using LLMs as agents that can directly control and manage Ubuntu. The goal is to develop an LLM-based agent that can perform tasks such as configuring system settings, installing software, troubleshooting issues, and managing resources—entirely through natural language commands. This research will explore how LLMs can streamline system management, making Ubuntu more intuitive and user-friendly, while also enabling greater automation and efficiency for users at all levels. For application please send me an email with title "Master Thesis Application: An LLM-based Ubuntu User". Please also attach your resume and transcript of records in the email. An motivation letter is NOT required.
Nachricht 05.02.2025
[Robotics] Designing and testing novel robotics actuator Nachricht 04.01.2025
Automatically Detecting Flaky Tests in CI (Master Thesis, Guided Research) Nachricht 21.12.2024
Abschlussarbeiten und Masterarbeiten Nachricht 21.12.2024
MSc thesis: Laplace Approximation for Computer Vision
Using the Laplace approximation in Bayesian deep learning for uncertainty estimation in the Airbus vision-based landing system. For details, see the attached file.
Nachricht 29.11.2024
[Robotics] Master’s thesis: Machine learning based radar point cloud filtering for odometry and mapping Nachricht 15.01.2025
CIT/EI Master Forschungspraxis: Satellite data processing for VPRM model Nachricht 17.01.2025
Master Thesis: AI-Powered Simulations for Real-World Medical Applications
Master Thesis: AI-Powered Simulations for Real-World Medical Applications
Nachricht 22.11.2024
Master's Thesis: Diffusion-Based Correspondences between Multimodal Medical Images Nachricht 04.02.2025
Thesis / Interdisciplinary Project (IDP) / Research Practice / Study Project Nachricht 31.01.2025
Abschlussarbeiten, Bachelor- und MasterarbeitenMaster thesis at the Chair of Infection Pathogenesis Nachricht 20.12.2024
Masterarbeit / Doktorarbeit: A Retrospective Assessment of the Clearance Function of the Brain in Healthy Adults During Sedation with Ketamine and Dexmedetomidine Using EEG and fMRI Nachricht 03.02.2025
Abschlussarbeiten, Bachelor- und Internships Nachricht 27.01.2025
Feedbacks between land use, biodiversity and human nutrition - Master thesis in socio-ecological studies Nachricht 27.01.2025
Master thesis at the Chair of Sport and Health Management Nachricht 18.12.2024
Studienteilnehmer:innen gesucht
🎯 Noch 2 Plätze für weibliche Teilnehmer und 13 Plätze für männliche Teilnehmer in unserer Hör-Studie verfügbar! 🎯 Für unsere wissenschaftliche Studie an der Technische Universität München (TUM) suchen wir noch Teilnehmer im Alter von 18 bis 30 Jahren mit gesundem Gehör.
Nachricht 20.12.2024
Thesis Projects in World Models Nachricht 28.01.2025
Bachelor's or Master's Thesis: Intelligent Signal Processing and Sampling Strategies for Gas Source Estimation in Intelligent Robotic Olfaction Nachricht 05.02.2025
Master Thesis: LCA of Circular Economy Strategies for Biogenic Waste in Bavaria
This Master’s thesis explores circular economy strategies for biogenic waste in Bavaria using Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). The research builds on an ongoing project, analyzing biomass flows and innovative utilization pathways like pyrolysis and gasification. The student will conduct a literature search, perform an LCA, and compare current vs. future waste management strategies. Applicants should have a background in sustainability, familiarity with LCA/MFA, and an interest in bioeconomy.
Nachricht 06.02.2025
BA/MA/SA: Entwicklung einer Methode zur Gelenkwinkelübertragung zwischen Motion Capture System und biomechanischem Modell
Beim Arbeiten mit handgehaltenen elektrischen Werkzeugen sind Anwender durch nicht ergonomische Haltungen, Vibrationen und externen Kräften teils hohen Belastungen ausgesetzt. Zur Entwicklung einer Beanspruchungsvorhersage soll ein Haltungsvorhersagemodell entstehen, welches auf messtechnisch erhobene Datensätze zurückgreift. Zur Erleichterung der Haltungsmodellerstellung soll eine Übertragungsschnittstelle zwischen einem Motion Capture System und einem biomechanischen Modell entwickelt und validiert werden. Aufgaben: • Entwicklung der Schnittstelle • Systematisches Erfassen von Haltungsdaten zur Validierung • Validierung der Übertragungsschnittstellen Vorraussetzungen: • Hohe Motivation zur selbstständigen und strukturierten Arbeit • Kenntnisse im Bereich Biomechanik und Menschmodellierung von Vorteil • Erfahrungen mit Matlab und RAMSIS • Gute Deutsch oder Englisch Kenntnisse
Nachricht 09.12.2024
Floral resources in urban gardens (bachelor / master thesis or internship) Nachricht 14.01.2025
[Robotics] Master’s thesis: Robot localization with radar: Measurement model based on full radar images Nachricht 15.01.2025
Master Thesis: Just like riding a bike? Learning to ride a reversed bicycle Nachricht 14.02.2025
Masterthesis: Design of a VR-Environment for clinical Human-Robot-Interaction
When working with robotic assistance systems in the operating theater, surgeons and assistant physicians may have to adopt unergonomic postures. As part of the project, a VR environment is to be created that enables the experimental investigation of human-robot interactions in a virtual clinical environment. As part of the project, the course of an operation is to be recreated with the help of infrared tracking and haptics and evaluated in a user study. The study builds on preliminary student work. The technical basis is provided by the Unity development environment and the Vicon infrared camera system. At the end of the work, a functional 3D environment is to be created that can be used for ergonomic studies.
Nachricht 14.02.2025
Bachelor/Master's thesis in Plant Insect Interactions chair Nachricht 11.12.2024
Master thesis or research project on land use change effects on biodiversity of insect communities Nachricht 29.01.2025
Project studies/work & IDPs: Research-based theater & AI ethics
The Chair of Business Ethics and the Institute for Ethics in AI are currently looking for motivated students to work on the topic of "Research-based Theater & AI Ethics". This opportunity is directed at TUM students (B.Sc. and M.Sc.) who can elect project studies/work or IDPs as part of their study curriculum. More details can be found here: https://www.ieai.sot.tum.de/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/20240621_Call-for-applicants_project-study_IDP.pdf
Nachricht 17.12.2024
Bachelor thesis: Image Synthesis for Real Clinical Tabular Data in Orthopaedics Nachricht 05.12.2024
[Robotics] Master’s Thesis: Intelligent Sampling Strategy for Open Path Gas Sensing with Mobile Robots Using Reinforcement Learning Nachricht 16.01.2025
Theses: bachelor's and master's theses Nachricht 07.01.2025
Bachelor and Master Thesis in Forestry Nachricht 28.12.2024
Masterarbeit / Semesterarbeit zu Pfadabhängigkeit der Alterung von Lithium-Ionen Zellen mit SiOx/Graphit-Elektroden
In dieser Arbeit wird eine bestehende Alterungsstudie mit zwei kom-merziellen Zelltypen um jeweils drei Testpunkte bei drei verschiede-nen Temperaturen erweitert, um das Vorhandensein einer Pfadab-hängigkeit für die Alterung von Silizium zu überprüfen und darauf ba-sierend die dominierenden Alterungsmechanismen zu bestimmen.
Nachricht 03.02.2025
Thesis opportunities for Bachelor's and Master's students in the structural biology of proteins associated with rare neurodegenerative disorders Nachricht 27.01.2025
2 Master Theses - “On Becoming an iCapital” & “On Becoming a Capital of Culture” Nachricht 23.01.2025

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