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Technische Universität München

Technische Universität München

Sitemap > selections > Diplom und Abschlussarbeiten

Diplom und Abschlussarbeiten

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MSc project: Optimizing a Minimal Language using Pre-trained Language Models
Constructed languages (conlangs) have been a topic of interest in linguistics and language design for centuries. Recent advances in natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning (ML) have opened up new possibilities for conlang design. This research proposes to explore the use of pre-trained language models (LLMs) to develop a new conlang, with a focus on creating an optimal minimal language.
Nachricht 09.09.2024
Development and Automation of a Highly Sensitive Plasmonic Nanosensor Platform (Master Thesis) Nachricht 24.09.2024
BLDC actuator back-drivability hacking: Improving electronics, mechanics or control Nachricht 29.08.2024
Bridging the Domain Gap: Rendering and Testing Synthetic Training Data for Artifical Intelligence in the Operation Room Nachricht 09.09.2024
Design and imlementation of a vehicle based enviromental recording system
The CeCaS project seeks bachelor and master thesis students to design and implement a vehicle-based environmental recording system. Students will write their thesis with us, focusing on tasks such as setting up sensor technology, researching state-of-the-art recording methods, developing and integrating novel solutions, and creating a digital twin from real vehicle data. Requirements include knowledge in sensors, Python and an interest in environmental data recording and digital twin technology.
Nachricht 24.09.2024
Nachricht 28.10.2024
MSc project: Bayesian Physics-Informed Neural Networks Nachricht 23.08.2024
[Leg Robotics] Call for the founding members for the Student Team building Quadrupped Nachricht 30.10.2024
Neural 3D Reconstruction and Region of Interest Real-time Speedup for Drone Rescue Teleguidance Nachricht 09.09.2024
Wie können Frauenmannschaften durch unternehmerische Ansätze aus der Nische in den Mainstream treten?
In fast allen Mannschaftssportarten führen Frauenteams in Deutschland ein Nischendasein. Es stellt sich die dringende Frage, ob sich diese Situation durch innovative, unternehmerische Ansätze für den Betrieb von Frauenmannschaften verbessern lässt.
Nachricht 21.10.2024
Master's thesis: Artificial curiosity using deep neural networks for audio analysis Nachricht 16.10.2024
MSc thesis: Laplace Approximation for Computer Vision
For details, see the attached file.
Nachricht 09.09.2024
Robotic manipulator control to take advantage of novel actuator concept Nachricht 29.08.2024
BCAAs: good or bad? (BSc)
Branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) are a supplement for bodybuilders. However, BCAAs are also risk factors for metabolic and cardiovascular disease and even cancer. The aim of this project is to summarise the positive and negative associations and effects of BCAAs.
Nachricht 16.09.2024
Master Thesis: Hydrogel-based electrolytes for enhanced ion transport in water-based Zinc-ion batteries
Water-based Zn-ion batteries (ZIBs) offer sustainable energy storage potential but face challenges in optimizing ion transport. This research explores using hydrogels as electrolytes to enhance ion diffusion and improve ZIB performance by mitigating zinc dendrite formation and electrolyte issues. Various hydrogels are examined for their structural and electrochemical properties using techniques like electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and neutron scattering to optimize ZIBs.
Nachricht 04.09.2024
Formal Verification of Automatically Generated Code in Automotive Systems
The Chair of Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, and Realtime Systems is looking for multiple thesis students. Our focus is on developing new system architectures for autonomous vehicles, integrating AI-based functions to address the growing complexity in automotive engineering. You will work on our HPC systems and test your algorithms on real vehicles as part of the CeCaS research project.
Nachricht 14.10.2024
Artificial Intelligence in Lasers
As part of the "Artificial Intelligence in Lasers" research project, an instrument is being developed that uses algorithms based on optics and artificial intelligence to evaluate milk products. The device can determine the complex modulus, protein concentration, and particle size distribution of fat and protein in a non-invasive manner. The methods developed in this topic are significant in the characterization of fluids in many areas.
Nachricht 25.09.2024
MSc project: Hybrid physics-ML modeling with zero-th order optimization
In the context of numerical climate and weather modeling, we aim to replace the expensive function “run a high-resolution simulation and then coarse-grain” with a hybrid physics-ML model with an in-the-loop data-driven corrector, learned via a zero-th order optimization method.
Nachricht 23.08.2024
Thesis Projects in World Models Nachricht 08.11.2024
MSc - Semester project or thesis: Development of an IMU Animated Shoulder Model Nachricht 03.09.2024
IDP in Informatics: Deep Dish - Real-Time Food Identification and Pricing Solution for Large-Scale Dining Facilities Nachricht 05.11.2024
Using social practice theory to uncover healthy and unhealthy cooking practices
Are you interested in health and food research? The Chair of Sport and Health Management offers students the possibility for interdisciplinary research (i.e., write a bachelor or master thesis). The topic is: "Using social practice theory to uncover healthy and unhealthy cooking practices".
Nachricht 10.09.2024
Face Anonymization and Human Pose Estimation in the Operating Room Nachricht 09.09.2024
The role of intergenerational transmission and childhood memories for grocery shopping and cooking practices
Are you interested in health and food research? The Chair of Sport and Health Management offers students the possibility for interdisciplinary research (i.e., write a bachelor or master thesis). The topic is: "The role of intergenerational transmission and childhood memories for grocery shopping and cooking practices".
Nachricht 10.09.2024
Bachelor- oder Masterarbeit
Das Fachgebiet Marketing und Management Nachwachsender Rohstoffe (https://mnr.cs.tum.de/) am TUM Campus Straubing für Biotechnologie und Nachhaltigkeit hat folgende Abschlussarbeit zu vergeben:
Nachricht 06.11.2024
Sparse Camera Gaussian Splatting for Challenging (Operating Room) Scenes Nachricht 09.09.2024
Extreme exercise hypothesis: is too much exercise harmful (BSc)?
Exercise is good for health but what is the effect of extreme levels of endurance training e.g., in triathletes? Is too much endurance training over many years harmful? Is there some anecdotal or other evidence? The aim of the project is to investigate this.
Nachricht 16.09.2024
Masterarbeiten: DNA-templated Click Chemistry in Acute Myeloid Leukemia Nachricht 22.10.2024
Taurine & Exercise (BSc or MSc)
In a recent publication, we reported that the levels of taurine and related metabolites increase after exercise in blood (Singh et al., 2023). Moreover, some athletes ingest taurine for exercise-related effects. The aim of the study is to conduct a systematic review to investigate the effect of taurine ingestion on exercise-related variables.
Nachricht 16.09.2024
From virtual to augmented reality: Enhancing ICU Alarm Interfaces for Improved Medical Monitoring Nachricht 09.09.2024
MSc thesis / guided research project: Känguru -- LLM mathematical reasoning challenge Nachricht 23.08.2024
Adaptation of white and brown adipose tissue to exercise (BSc)
Exercise causes adaptations not only in skeletal muscle but also in many other organs. The aim of the study is to investigate the effects of exercise on white and brown adipose tissue. In addition, you should review the mechanisms by which exercise affects white and brown adipose tissue.
Nachricht 16.09.2024
Master’s thesis: AI based Cochlear Implant Insertion Depth Estimation
Cochlear implants (CIs) are effective neuroprostheses for patients with hearing loss. Knowing the position of CI electrodes can improve the hearing outcome for the patient. In this project, you will implement and test different deep learning techniques in an explorative dataset to estimate cochlear implant electrode insertion depth based on CT scans and impedance recordings from the cochlear implant.
Nachricht 19.09.2024
Development of an ICU training simulation with integrated real-patient data Nachricht 09.09.2024
How to motivate individuals who rank mid in smartphone app-based physical activity leaderboards best?
Are you interested in gamification and research into physical activity for health? The Chair of Sport and Health Management offers students the possibility for interdisciplinary research (i.e., write a bachelor or master thesis). The topic is: "How to motivate individuals who rank mid in leaderboards best? A study on gamified physical activity".
Nachricht 10.09.2024
Does a single gene knockout of Myostatin in mice change muscle fibre composition, fibre count, and fibre cross-sectional area? (MSc or BSc)
This study aims to dissect specific muscles from mouse hindlimbs. Muscles will be analysed for weight, fibre type, and fibre area by histology. Histological data will be added by bioinformatic analysis.
Nachricht 16.09.2024
Master Thesis: Advanced cathode design for highperformance Zinc-ion batteries Nachricht 04.09.2024
Master thesis - Immune Cell Dynamics in Porcine Tonsil Organoids
The chair of Infection Pathogenesis (Prof. Friederike Ebner) aims to understand immunity and immune evasion strategies of parasites, with the aim of developing intervention strategies and vaccines. In this master’s thesis, the student will be participating in developing porcine tonsil organoids for immunogenicity testing.
Nachricht 30.10.2024
Urban biogenic flux observations in Munich Nachricht 13.08.2024
Master's Thesis: Circular Economy
Circular Economy: Insights from Interdisciplinary Research
Nachricht 13.09.2024