Stichwortindex Abschlussarbeiten
Stichwortindex über aktuelle Abschlussarbeiten aus den letzten 3 Monaten.
abschlussarbeit (31)
- Neural 3D Reconstruction Real-time Streaming to VR for Drone Rescue Teleguidance
- Neural 3D Reconstruction and Region of Interest Real-time Speedup for Drone Rescue Teleguidance
- Abschlussarbeiten, Bachelor- und Masterarbeiten
- Abschlussarbeiten, Bachelor- und Masterarbeiten
- BA/SA/MA: Generierung sicherheitskritischer Szenarien basierend auf LLMs
- BA/SA/MA: Risikobewusste Szenarioanalyse basierend auf LLMs im autonomen Fahren
- BLDC actuator back-drivability hacking: Improving electronics, mechanics or control
- Bachelor and Master theses or short internships in insect ecology
- Bachelor- oder Masterarbeit
- Bridging the Domain Gap: Rendering and Testing Synthetic Training Data for Artifical Intelligence in the Operation Room
- Custom actuator Electronics Design
- Deep fusion for Multiple-view 6D pose estimation in the Operating Room
- Development of an ICU training simulation with integrated real-patient data
- Face Anonymization and Human Pose Estimation in the Operating Room
- Flexible Abschlussarbeit zu (nachhaltigen) Kaufentscheidungen im Bauwesen: Gestaltung und Durchführung von In-Depth-Interviews mit Bauherr*innen und Renovierenden
- From virtual to augmented reality: Enhancing ICU Alarm Interfaces for Improved Medical Monitoring
- MSc - Semester project or thesis: Development of an IMU Animated Shoulder Model
- MSc project and or thesis: Advancing Machine Learning-Based State of Health Estimation
- MSc thesis / guided research project: Känguru -- LLM mathematical reasoning challenge
- Master thesis - Immune Cell Dynamics in Porcine Tonsil Organoids
- Master's Thesis: Circular Economy
- Master's thesis: Artificial curiosity using deep neural networks for audio analysis
- Master's thesis: Bioelectrocatalysis with acetogenic bacteria (PhD opportunity afterwards)
- Master's thesis: Bioelectrocatalysis with acetogenic bacteria (PhD opportunity afterwards)
- Masterarbeiten: DNA-templated Click Chemistry in Acute Myeloid Leukemia
- Robotic manipulator control to take advantage of novel actuator concept
- Sparse Camera Gaussian Splatting for Challenging (Operating Room) Scenes
- Thesis Projects in World Models
- [Leg Robotics] Call for the founding members for the Student Team building Quadrupped
- [Master Thesis] Parallel elastic actuator for efficient manipulation
Last update time 24.11.2024 09:14