Abschlussarbeiten, Bachelor- und Masterarbeiten
Sie suchen gerade eine Diplomarbeit, ein Thema für eine Bachelor oder Master Thesis? Dann sind Sie hier richtig. In diesem Bereich sind Abschlussarbeiten aus allen Fakultäten zu finden.
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Wenn Sie selbst eine Diplomarbeit ausschreiben wollen, lesen Sie bitte vorher unbedingt das 'Best Practice Manual Stellenanzeigen'.
Thesis / Interdisciplinary Project (IDP) / Research Practice / Study Project
Kontakt: info@omicsdiscoveries.com
Thesis / Interdisciplinary Project (IDP) / Research Practice / Study Project
to assist with the
Containerization of (Computational Fluid Dynamics) Workflows on High-performance Computing Systems (HPC)
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Kontakt: benjamin.farnbacher@tum.de
Master thesis or research project on metabolism of bees under climate change
Kontakt: Alejandra.parreno@tum.de
Master thesis or research project on land use change effects on biodiversity of insect communities
Kontakt: Alejandra.parreno@tum.de
Thesis opportunities for Bachelor's and Master's students in the structural biology of proteins associated with rare neurodegenerative disorders
Kontakt: ana.messias@tum.de
Thesis Projects in World Models
Kontakt: cognitive.yunpu@gmail.com, tresplab@gmail.com
2 Master Theses - “On Becoming an iCapital” & “On Becoming a Capital of Culture”
Kontakt: cindy.rentrop@tum.de; nadine.osbild@tum.de
Master thesis or research internship - Explainability Assessment for Video Synthesis
External master thesis or research internship supervised by the Chair of Media Technology and Sureel.ai
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Kontakt: christopher@sureel.ai
Master thesis or research internship - Influence of Novel Text Data on Large Language Models
External master thesis or research internship supervised by the Chair of Media Technology and Sureel.ai
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Kontakt: christopher@sureel.ai
Master Thesis - Economic Evaluation of Biotechnological Processes using SuperPro Designer
100 % remote possible / Start ASAP
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Kontakt: j.galbusera@tum.de