Diplomarbeiten, Bachelor- und Masterarbeiten
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Bridging the Domain Gap: Rendering and Testing Synthetic Training Data for Artifical Intelligence in the Operation Room
The Human-Centered Computing and Extended Reality Lab of the Professorship for Machine Intelligence in Orthopedics seeks applicants for Bachelor/Master Thesis for the Winter Semester 24/25 until 30th of September 2024.
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Kontakt: hex-thesis.ortho@mh.tum.de, shiyu.li@tum.de
Neural 3D Reconstruction Real-time Streaming to VR for Drone Rescue Teleguidance
The Human-Centered Computing and Extended Reality Lab of the Professorship for Machine Intelligence in Orthopedics seeks applicants for Bachelor/Master Thesis for the Winter Semester 24/25 until 30th of September 2024.
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Kontakt: hex-thesis.ortho@mh.tum.de, hannah.schieber@tum.de
Neural 3D Reconstruction and Region of Interest Real-time Speedup for Drone Rescue Teleguidance
The Human-Centered Computing and Extended Reality Lab of the Professorship for Machine Intelligence in Orthopedics seeks applicants for Bachelor/Master Thesis for the Winter Semester 24/25 until 30th of September 2024.
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Kontakt: hex-thesis.ortho@mh.tum.de, hannah.schieber@tum.de
Sparse Camera Gaussian Splatting for Challenging (Operating Room) Scenes
The Human-Centered Computing and Extended Reality Lab of the Professorship for Machine Intelligence in Orthopedics seeks applicants for Bachelor/Master Thesis for the Winter Semester 24/25 until 30th of September 2024.
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Kontakt: hannah.schieber@tum.de, hex-thesis.ortho@mh.tum.de
Dual / Multi Energy Level Computed Tomography (CT) Data Visualization
The Human-Centered Computing and Extended Reality Lab of the Professorship for Machine Intelligence in Orthopedics seeks applicants for Bachelor/Master Thesis for the Winter Semester 24/25 until 30th of September 2024.
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Kontakt: hex-thesis.ortho@mh.tum.de, constantin.kleinbeck@tum.de
Computed Tomography (CT) Data Generation using Deep Learning
The Human-Centered Computing and Extended Reality Lab of the Professorship for Machine Intelligence in Orthopedics seeks applicants for Master Thesis for the Winter Semester 24/25 until 30th of September 2024.
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Kontakt: hex-thesis.ortho@mh.tum.de, constantin.kleinbeck@tum.de
Medical Cross Reality Interaction between Mixed Reality and Stationary Devices
The Human-Centered Computing and Extended Reality Lab of the Professorship for Machine Intelligence in Orthopedics seeks applicants for Bachelor/Master Thesis for the Winter Semester 24/25 until 30th of September 2024.
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Kontakt: hex-thesis.ortho@mh.tum.de, constantin.kleinbeck@tum.de
Thesis Projects in World Models
Are you fascinated by the potential of ChatGPT and other AI technologies? Imagine harnessing the
immense power of Nvidia A100 GPUs, each with 80GB of memory, to drive your AI innovations forward.
If you are passionate about World Models and eager to develop your own models or unlock the
potential of Large Language Models and World Models, we invite you to join our cutting-edge research
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Kontakt: cognitive.yunpu@gmail.com, xingcheng.zhou@tum.de
Non-Invasive Transcriptomics (Internship/Bachelor Thesis)
The Non-Invasive Transcriptomics Project is working on establishing an export-based RNA readout that makes it possible to track the transcriptome across time. We are looking for students that want to work at the intersection of wetlab and bioinformatics and are interested in establishing novel methods for RNA sequencing
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Kontakt: martin@westmeyerlab.org
Master thesis in high Performance Computing with Industry Collaboration
Unique opportunity to work with state-of-the-art high performance computing platforms, developing data processing algorithms and machine learning models aiming at autonomous and assisted driving capabilities, based on Camera, LIDAR and radar data. The activity might involve temporary relocation to the industrial partner, located at 89231 Neu-Ulm, supported and financed by TUM.
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Kontakt: nenad.petrovic@tum.de