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Technische Universität München

Technische Universität München


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Sitemap > Schwarzes Brett > Abschlussarbeiten, Bachelor- und Masterarbeiten

Abschlussarbeiten, Bachelor- und Masterarbeiten

Sie suchen gerade eine Diplomarbeit, ein Thema für eine Bachelor oder Master Thesis? Dann sind Sie hier richtig. In diesem Bereich sind Abschlussarbeiten aus allen Fakultäten zu finden.
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Wenn Sie selbst eine Diplomarbeit ausschreiben wollen, lesen Sie bitte vorher unbedingt das 'Best Practice Manual Stellenanzeigen'.

Master thesis in high Performance Computing with Industry Collaboration

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Kontakt: nenad.petrovic@tum.de

MSc Project: Temporal Landmark Tracking on Medical Imaging

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Kontakt: daniel.lang@tum.de

Design and imlementation of a vehicle based enviromental recording system

The CeCaS project seeks bachelor and master thesis students to design and implement a vehicle-based environmental recording system. Students will write their thesis with us, focusing on tasks such as setting up sensor technology, researching state-of-the-art recording methods, developing and integrating novel solutions, and creating a digital twin from real vehicle data. Requirements include knowledge in sensors, Python and an interest in environmental data recording and digital twin technology.
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Kontakt: nils.purschke@tum.de

CAD based HMI development in the context of autonomous driving

The CeCaS project seeks bachelor and master thesis students writing their thesis with us, focusing on tasks such as researching HMI methods, designing and implementing novel solutions, and integrating these into our system. Requirements include high motivation, and knowledge in CAD, Python, and Linux, with an interest in autonomous driving and human-machine interaction.
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Kontakt: nils.purschke@tum.de

Master-/ Bachelor Thesis: Explainable AI for automotive Software Generation

The Chair of Robotics, Artificial Intelligence and Real-Time Systems offers thesis positions in the area of Explainable AI in the automotive context.
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Kontakt: sven.kirchner@tum.de

Master-/ Bachelor-Thesis: Design of an X-by-wire Car for Software Defined vehicle functions

The Chair of Robotics, Artificial Intelligence and Real-Time Systems offers thesis positions in the area of automotive prototyping.
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Kontakt: sven.kirchner@tum.de

Master-/ Bachelor Thesis: Systems Engineering for Autonomous Driving Test Bench Design

The Chair of Robotics, Artificial Intelligence and Real-Time Systems offers thesis positions in the area of software development in the automotive context.
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Kontakt: sven.kirchner@tum.de

Master- / Bachelor-Thesis: Formal Verification of Automatically Generated Code in Automotive Systems

The Chair of Robotics, Artificial Intelligence and Real-Time Systems offers thesis positions in the area of Large Language Models in the automotive context.
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Kontakt: sven.kirchner@tum.de

Master Thesis: Large Language Models in Medicine

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Kontakt: marton.szep@tum.de

Master thesis project: Validation of miRNA EV-cargo and their impact on AML cells

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Kontakt: mg.barresi@tum.de

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