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Technische Universität München

Technische Universität München

Sitemap > Schwarzes Brett > Abschlussarbeiten, Bachelor- und Masterarbeiten > Master thesis in Molecular Oncology from fall 2024
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DNA templated Click Chemistry

Master thesis in Molecular Oncology from fall 2024

30.06.2024, Abschlussarbeiten, Bachelor- und Masterarbeiten

The research group of „Translational DNA damage modification” is actively looking for a Master student with a life science background to conduct thesis work on the topic of molecular oncology, translational chemotherapy and DNA damage modification starting in fall 2024.

We are a young research group located at the 2nd Medical Clinic at the TUM Klinikum rechts der Isar, focusing on solid tumor malignancies of the gastrointestinal tract. In our lab we apply a wide range of different techniques from cellular biology to in vivo mouse cancer models, innovative novel chemotherapies and targeted cancer selectivity. Specifically, we aim for incorporation of nucleoside analogues to induce DNA damage through DNA templated Click Chemistry reactions.

The candidate is ideally highly motivated to participate in every day lab work and life, has a strong sense of responsibility for the thesis work and strong ambitions to contribute actively in the data generating and publishing processes for scientific manuscripts. Furthermore the candidate exhibits a strong interest in the molecular mechanisms of cancer physiology and clinical oncology.

Extensive wet lab experience is of advantage. Experience in mouse handling is beneficial but not required. If available, positive references are ideally mentioned. Please include a letter of motivation, a CV, previous graduation certificates, current transcripts, and address your application to: yizhu.li@tum.de

Kontakt: yizhu.li@tum.de

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