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Technische Universität München

Technische Universität München


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Sitemap > Schwarzes Brett > Abschlussarbeiten, Bachelor- und Masterarbeiten

Abschlussarbeiten, Bachelor- und Masterarbeiten

Sie suchen gerade eine Diplomarbeit, ein Thema für eine Bachelor oder Master Thesis? Dann sind Sie hier richtig. In diesem Bereich sind Abschlussarbeiten aus allen Fakultäten zu finden.
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Master thesis in immunology

In this Master thesis the candidate will have the opportunity to explore the destiny of passenger immune cells after solid organ transplantation in humans. Where do T cell go after they have moved their host within the transplanted organ? Do they stay or die in the transplanted organ or can they exit and distribute their immunological memory to other body locations within the new host? How do this passenger immune cells contribute to organ rejection? If you are interested in exploring novel concepts of transplantation tolerance with human tissues, this master thesis will be exciting for you.
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Kontakt: Christina.zielinski@leibniz-hki.de

Master’s Thesis: Setup for Robotic Sound Field Audiometry

The Experimental Audiology Lab (exalab) is looking for a motivated individual for a master's thesis in the field of Mechatronics, Robotics or a related study program to work on the development of an innovative robotic system for clinical hearing tests.

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Kontakt: wilhelm.wimmer@tum.de

Bachelors's Thesis - Imaging Positronium by Coincident Gamma Detection

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Kontakt: daniel.russell@frm2.tum.de

Bachelor's Thesis - Imaging Positronium with a Collimated Height-Adjustable Detector

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Kontakt: daniel.russell@frm2.tum.de

Master's Thesis - Electrostatic Positron Beam Guiding

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Kontakt: daniel.russell@frm2.tum.de

Bachelor-/ Master-/ Semesterarbeit:Microbial Process Intensification/Enzyme Immobilization

In this research project, genetically optimized E. coli strains expressing different extracellular high-value proteins will be used to establish different concepts of process intensification. Process intensification in the biopharmaceutical industry aims for the improvement of productivity and flexibility while simultaneously decreasing cost and process footprint. This can be realized through establishing and applying innovative equipment, methods, and modes during the development of integrated upstream and downstream processes.
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Kontakt: j.galbusera@tum.de

IDP/Theses: Intelligent VR learning environments for teacher training

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Kontakt: hong.gao@tum.de

Bachelor-/ Masterarbeit Boden-Dünger-Interaktion im Öko-Landbau

Thema: Einfluss der Bewirtschaftungsvorgeschichte und verschiedener organischer Düngemittel auf die pflanzliche Stickstoffverfügbarkeit / Effect of farming system history and organic fertilizers on plant nitrogene availability
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Kontakt: Robert Kahle, Mail: r.kahle@tum.de, Tel.: 08161-71-2403

Master / Bachelor Thesis: Control Strategy for Energy Management Systems for Commercial electrical Energy Systems

In this thesis, it is investigated how an energy management system should be structured so that it can serve different use cases simultaneously or consecutively.
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Kontakt: a.hirnet@sonnen.de

Master thesis: Robust Mechanism Design

The traditional approach on mechanism design is to assume that all uncertanity can be modelled by a probabilistic belief, which is common knowledge to all participants. We relax this assumption and look for a mechanism which performs well under ambiguity. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ambiguity_effect Literature review on Robust mechanism design: Carroll, G. (2019). Robustness in mechanism design and contracting. Annual Review of Economics, 11, 139-166. Related work: Bayrak, H. I., Koçyiğit, Ç., Kuhn, D., & Pınar, M. C. (2022). Distributionally robust optimal allocation with costly verification. arXiv preprint arXiv:2211.15122. Requirements: - Linear programming (Operations Research) - Auction design (Game Theory) If you are interested, please send an email to halil.bayrak@tum.de stating your skills and interests and also attach a current CV and a recent grade report.
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Kontakt: halil.bayrak@tum.de