Diplomarbeiten, Bachelor- und Masterarbeiten
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Master Thesis: AI-Powered Simulations for Real-World Medical Applications
Master Thesis: AI-Powered Simulations for Real-World Medical Applications
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Kontakt: j.weidner@tum.de
Bachelor/Semester/Master thesis: Risk-aware scenario analysis based on LLMs in autonomous driving
The primary objective of this project is to develop a framework that uses LLMs for risk-aware analysis of generated driving scenarios.
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Kontakt: yuan_avs.gao@tum.de
Bachelor/Semester/Master thesis: Generation of safety-critical scenarios based on LLMs
The primary objective of this project is to explore how LLMs can be used to generate safety-critical scenarios within the CommonRoad framework.
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Kontakt: yuan_avs.gao@tum.de
[Leg Robotics] Call for the founding members for the Student Team building Quadrupped
Would you like to be a part of the community in TUM building a quadruped robot?! .
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Kontakt: vasilije.rakcevic@tum.de
Master thesis - Immune Cell Dynamics in Porcine Tonsil Organoids
The chair of Infection Pathogenesis (Prof. Friederike Ebner) aims to understand immunity and immune evasion strategies of parasites, with the aim of developing intervention strategies and vaccines. In this master’s thesis, the student will be participating in developing porcine tonsil organoids for immunogenicity testing.
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Kontakt: luise.hohensee@tum.de
Master's thesis: Latent Functional Maps for Medical Imaging
This project aims to use latent functional maps to align multimodal medical representations (e.g., text and vision). The first part of the thesis will involve a literature review on representation similarity. This will be followed by experimenting with the latent functional maps approach on a toy dataset of medical images and later applying it to real medical imaging tasks.
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Kontakt: maxime.di-folco@tum.de
Masterarbeiten: DNA-templated Click Chemistry in Acute Myeloid Leukemia
This Master's thesis investigates the translational potential of novel DNA-templated click-chemistry agents for Acute Myeloid Leukemia.
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Kontakt: nadia.el-khawanky@tum.de
Wie können Frauenmannschaften durch unternehmerische Ansätze aus der Nische in den Mainstream treten?
In fast allen Mannschaftssportarten führen Frauenteams in Deutschland ein Nischendasein. Es stellt sich die dringende Frage, ob sich diese Situation durch innovative, unternehmerische Ansätze für den Betrieb von Frauenmannschaften verbessern lässt.
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Kontakt: info.mgt@mh.tum.de
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Kontakt: nils.purschke@tum.de
Master’s thesis: AI based Cochlear Implant Insertion Depth Estimation
Cochlear implants (CIs) are effective neuroprostheses for patients with hearing loss. Knowing the position of CI electrodes can improve the hearing outcome for the patient. In this project, you will implement and test different deep learning techniques in an explorative dataset to estimate cochlear implant electrode insertion depth based on CT scans and impedance recordings from the cochlear implant.
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Kontakt: wilhelm.wimmer@tum.de