Diplomarbeiten, Bachelor- und Masterarbeiten
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From virtual to augmented reality: Enhancing ICU Alarm Interfaces for Improved Medical Monitoring
The Human-Centered Computing and Extended Reality Lab of the Professorship for Machine Intelligence in Orthopedics seeks applicants for Bachelor/Master Thesis for the Winter Semester 24/25 until 30th of September 2024.
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Kontakt: luisa.theelke@tum.de, hex-thesis.ortho@mh.tum.de
Masterarbeit: B2B Kommerzialisierungsstrategien von KI-Anwendungen in der Biotechnologie
Im Rahmen eines staatlich geförderten Projektes am Institute of AI for Health, Helmholtz Zentrum München suchen wir einen engagierte/n TUM BWL Studenten/In, um eine qualitative Masterarbeit zum Thema "B2B Kommerzialisierungsstrategien von KI-Anwendungen in der Biotechnologie" anzufertigen.
Ausführliche Informationen und Bewerbungsformular findest du hier: https://tally.so/r/wdPzPA
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Kontakt: rubendaniel.brabenec@helmholtz-munich.de; laurin.waldmann@tum.de
Face Anonymization and Human Pose Estimation in the Operating Room
The Human-Centered Computing and Extended Reality Lab of the Professorship for Machine Intelligence in Orthopedics seeks applicants for Bachelor/Master Thesis for the Winter Semester 24/25 until 30th of September 2024.
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Kontakt: hannah.schieber@tum.de, hex-thesis.ortho@mh.tum.de
Implementation and Evaluation of Virtual Reality Tangibles for Touch Interaction
The Human-Centered Computing and Extended Reality Lab of the Professorship for Machine Intelligence in Orthopedics seeks applicants for Bachelor/Master Thesis for the Winter Semester 24/25 until 30th of September 2024.
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Kontakt: julian.kreimeier@tum.de, hex-thesis.ortho@mh.tum.de
Evaluation of Augmented Reality Assembly Guidance in the Operation Room
The Human-Centered Computing and Extended Reality Lab of the Professorship for Machine Intelligence in Orthopedics seeks applicants for Bachelor/Master Thesis for the Winter Semester 24/25 until 30th of September 2024.
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Kontakt: julian.kreimeier@tum.de, hex-thesis.ortho@mh.tum.de
Augmented Reality Assembly Guidance: User Interface Optimization
The Human-Centered Computing and Extended Reality Lab of the Professorship for Machine Intelligence in Orthopedics seeks applicants for Bachelor/Master Thesis for the Winter Semester 24/25 until 30th of September 2024.
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Kontakt: julian.kreimeier@tum.de, hex-thesis.ortho@mh.tum.de
Master thesis project: Probing electrocatalysis at the atomic scale
In our laboratory at the CRC, we have implemented an add-on electronics module for scanning probe microscopes (FastSPM) to follow dynamic processes on surfaces at the atomic scale and under full electrochemical potential control.
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Kontakt: friedrich.esch@tum.de
Master Thesis Project on Dynamic Catalysts under the Scanning Tunneling Microscope
The group of Functional Nanomaterials at the Technical University of Munich investigates chemical and structural dynamics of functional surfaces such as small oxide-supported metal clusters with state-of-the-art spectroscopy and microscopy surface science techniques. We offer a stimulating research environment in a multi-disciplinary laboratory in one of the highest-ranked universities in Europe.
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Kontakt: bajlechner@tum.de
Design of Platform Processes for Sustainable Cultured Meat Food Production
- Develop a qualitative model overview over the processes of cultured meat production.
- Investigate various components of the platform process including cell culture, media, scaffolding, bioreactors, and final product formulation.
- Evaluate the sustainability of these processes through waste treatment, recycling, and by-product recovery strategies.
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Kontakt: katharina.brenner@tum.de
Deep fusion for Multiple-view 6D pose estimation in the Operating Room
The Human-Centered Computing and Extended Reality Lab of the Professorship for Machine Intelligence in Orthopedics seeks applicants for Bachelor/Master Thesis for the Winter Semester 24/25 until 30th of September 2024.
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Kontakt: hex-thesis.ortho@mh.tum.de, shiyu.li@tum.de