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Technische Universität München

Technische Universität München


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Sitemap > Schwarzes Brett > Abschlussarbeiten, Bachelor- und Masterarbeiten

Abschlussarbeiten, Bachelor- und Masterarbeiten

Sie suchen gerade eine Diplomarbeit, ein Thema für eine Bachelor oder Master Thesis? Dann sind Sie hier richtig. In diesem Bereich sind Abschlussarbeiten aus allen Fakultäten zu finden.
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Wenn Sie selbst eine Diplomarbeit ausschreiben wollen, lesen Sie bitte vorher unbedingt das 'Best Practice Manual Stellenanzeigen'.

Master Thesis: Lossy Compression Algorithms for Space-based Particle Detector Data

We are looking for a master student at the interface between space-based particle physics and data processing. Our detector will measure the spectra of particles that are trapped in the Earth's magnetic field. Due to the limitations of our satellite platform, we want to investigate and evaluate lossy and lossless compression algorithms for our detector data. These can be based on simple, classic approaches or employ more complex, neural-network-based techniques.
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Kontakt: peter.hinderberger@tum.de

BLDC actuator back-drivability hacking: Improving electronics, mechanics or control

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Kontakt: vasilije.rakcevic@tum.de

Robotic manipulator control to take advantage of novel actuator concept

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Kontakt: vasilije.rakcevic@tum.de

MSc project and or thesis: Advancing Machine Learning-Based State of Health Estimation

Die Schätzung des Zustands von Lithium-Ionen-Batterien mittels maschinellen Lernens ermöglicht durch effizientes Feature Engineering und systematische Datenanalyse präzise Ergebnisse. Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, durch Datenaufbereitung, Merkmalserforschung und Modellentwicklung fundierte Erkenntnisse zu gewinnen. So soll ein wesentlicher Beitrag zur Beantwortung kritischer Forschungsfragen und zur Verbesserung der Effizienz von Energiespeicherung und -nutzung geleistet werden.
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Kontakt: marco.fischer@tum.de

MSc - Semester project or thesis: Development of an IMU Animated Shoulder Model

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Kontakt: marion.forano@tum.de

MSc project: Bayesian Physics-Informed Neural Networks

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Kontakt: fedor.sergeev@inf.ethz.ch

MSc thesis / guided research project: Känguru -- LLM mathematical reasoning challenge

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Kontakt: niki.kilbertus@tum.de

MSc project: Hybrid physics-ML modeling with zero-th order optimization

In the context of numerical climate and weather modeling, we aim to replace the expensive function “run a high-resolution simulation and then coarse-grain” with a hybrid physics-ML model with an in-the-loop data-driven corrector, learned via a zero-th order optimization method.
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Kontakt:  gideond@gmail.com

Stress as a moderator of perceived difficulty of healthy cooking on healthy at-home cooking and eating-related subjective wellbeing

Are you interested in health and food research? The Chair of Sport and Health Management offers students the possibility for interdisciplinary research (i.e., write a bachelor or master thesis). The topic is: "Stress as a moderator of perceived difficulty of healthy cooking on healthy at-home cooking and eating-related subjective wellbeing".
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Kontakt: jennifer.yang@tum.de

The role of intergenerational transmission and childhood memories for grocery shopping and cooking practices

Are you interested in health and food research? The Chair of Sport and Health Management offers students the possibility for interdisciplinary research (i.e., write a bachelor or master thesis). The topic is: "The role of intergenerational transmission and childhood memories for grocery shopping and cooking practices".
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Kontakt: jennifer.yang@tum.de