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Technische Universität München

Technische Universität München

Sitemap > Schwarzes Brett > Abschlussarbeiten, Bachelor- und Masterarbeiten > Master's Thesis: End-to-end Safe Reinforcement Learning Using Differentiable Simulation
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Master's Thesis: End-to-end Safe Reinforcement Learning Using Differentiable Simulation

07.03.2024, Abschlussarbeiten, Bachelor- und Masterarbeiten

Reinforcement learning (RL) has demonstrated remarkable success in solving complex control tasks, such as robotic manipulation and autonomous driving.
However, many real-world control scenarios impose safety constraints that vanilla RL algorithms struggle to satisfy.
Guaranteeing constraint satisfaction in RL is an active field of research.
Most safeguarding approaches, such as predictive safety filters, rely on a (potentially simplified) analytical model of the system under control. However, this model is treated as a black box from the perspective of the RL agent. The central idea of this thesis is to incorporate the model knowledge used in safeguarding into the training process. By using a differentiable simulation as well as a fully differentiable safeguarding approach, we can obtain the gradient of the reward w.r.t. the agent's actions. This promises to improve sample efficiency and speed up training, which is advantageous since the safeguarding is computationally expensive. We aim to combine previous work on policy learning with fully differentiable simulation with a differentiable action projection safety shield that can be integrated into the RL agent's policy.
Your goal is to evaluate whether this approach can improve sample efficiency and wall clock time during training compared to model-free RL algorithms with non-differentiable safety layers.

Kontakt: hannah.markgraf@tum.de

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