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Technische Universität München

Technische Universität München


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Sitemap > Schwarzes Brett > Abschlussarbeiten, Bachelor- und Masterarbeiten

Abschlussarbeiten, Bachelor- und Masterarbeiten

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Bachelor / Master thesis: Building a mechanistic model for a new chromatographic multi-column device

Interested in modeling in the biotech world? We seek a motivated student at the Chair of Bioseparation Engineering in Garching.
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Kontakt: f.eilts@tum.de

HiWi/ Research student / Thesis: Developing protocols on a liquid handling system (pipetting robot) for lab-based assays

We seek a highly motivated student interested in lab automation and biotechnological assays at the Chair of Bioseparation Engineering in Garching.
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Kontakt: f.eilts@tum.de


This is how your model could look like

Master Thesis: Modelling of next-generation MEMS microphones for hearing aids

We are looking for students who like to work in an interdisciplinary team and intend to realize their master's thesis within our group at Professorship of Microsensors and Actuators embedded in the EU project Listen2Future. Topic Advances in material science have enabled the use of piezoelectric materials in MEMS microphones. In contrast to commonly used capacitive MEMS microphones, piezoelectric microphones require less energy and are, therefore, useful for mobile applications such as hearing aids. Another advantage of the piezoelectric microphone is the linear relationship between electrical voltage and force. This simplifies force-feedback control of the sensor and thus opens the possibility of increasing the sensor performance even more. Crucial for this is the design of the microphone membrane. Therefore, highly accurate models must be set up to simulate the microphone behavior. Within this Master Thesis, you will set up a shell model of the microphone membrane to obtain a complete 3D model. Currently, a 2D axisymmetric FEM model is available, which cannot cover the full 3D behavior. A shell model could simulate additional resonance modes and promising membrane designs for force-feedback control. Simulation is done in COMSOL Multiphysics, the gold standard software to simulate the coupling of different en-ergy domains. Work packages • Topic familiarization and literature survey • Familiarization with COMSOL Multiphysics • Setting up a shell model of the piezoelectric microphone membrane • Comparison with the existing 2D axisymmetric model • Investigation of new membrane designs for force-feedback control • Documentation and presentation of the results Requirements Background in one of the following fields: • Electrical Engineering • Mechanical Engineering • Physics • Materials Science • Related fields of study Timetable The thesis can be started immediately. Contact Til Friebe, M.Sc. Doctoral Candidate Phone: +49 89 28923129 Email: til.friebe@tum.de
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Kontakt: til.friebe@tum.de

Scientific machine learning through physics-informed neural networks

We are seeking a highly motivated student to develop a novel framework for Physics-Informed Neural Networks (PINNs) that overcomes current limitations. Basics of Physics-Informed Neural Networks (PINNs): PINNs are a powerful machine learning technique that combines the strengths of neural networks and physics. Here's a breakdown: Neural Networks: These are algorithms inspired by the human brain, capable of learning complex patterns from data. Physics: Scientific principles governing the behavior of matter and energy. PINNs leverage the data-driven learning power of neural networks while incorporating physical laws through governing equations (often described by Partial Differential Equations - PDEs). This allows PINNs to: Learn from data: Analyze existing observations or measurements of a physical system. Enforce physical laws: Ensure the learned model adheres to established physical principles. Handle complex systems: Model intricate physical phenomena that might be difficult to solve with traditional methods. Project Focus: This project builds upon the foundation of PINNs and aims to develop PINNs model that can model 2 Dynamic Systems: Spring Mass Damper System Inverted pendulum Furthermore, the models should be: Independent of initial conditions: Produces accurate results regardless of the system's starting state. Partially independent of external forces: While the type of force needs to be known, the model should be able to infer the force equation from data. Independent of natural frequency: Applicable to various systems with different inherent oscillation frequencies. Generalizable: Analyze the effectiveness of incorporating advanced neural network architectures like Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) to increase generalizability. This thesis will, therefore, focus on the combination of data-driven ML model and Physics behind the dynamic systems to gain the benefits of both worlds. It would be part of the project to evaluate if PINNs trained on simulated data can be extended to real systems. Furthermore, it would be part of the project to evaluate the impact of known physical model, unknown physical model, known inputs to the real physical system, unknown inputs to the real physical system etc. and their pros and cons. Project Benefits: Opportunity to work on cutting-edge research at the intersection of physics and machine learning. Hands-on experience in developing and implementing advanced neural network models. Develop strong technical skills in machine learning and scientific computing.
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Kontakt: tanmay.goyal@tum.de

Master's Thesis: Green hydrogen economy: business models for electrolyzers

With green hydrogen, Germany will provide a sustainable and economic profitable energy source in the near future. Scaling-up electrolyzers, the technique behind green hydrogen production, encompasses a comprehensive research including end-of-life treatments and business models. The objective of this master's thesis is to develop green hydrogen business models and to conduct a system analysis.
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Kontakt: sarah.hasslacher@tum.de

Master´s Thesis about fungal biomaterials

Optimizing the fabrication and material properties of mycelium composites at the Professorship of Fungal Biotechnology in Wood Science (Prof. Dr. J. Philipp Benz)
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Kontakt: marcello.nussbaumer@tum.de

Master's Thesis: Decarbonizing steelmaking - Assessing the social impacts of green steel production

The conventional steel industry is a CO2-intensive industrial sector and is responsible for a significant amount of greenhouse gas emissions. An alternative decarbonisation pathway is the production of primary steel via direct reduction with hydrogen. The objective of this Master's thesis is to assess the social impacts of the green steel production.

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Kontakt: inka.hahn@tum.de


Licca liber

Masterarbeit: Der bayerische Lech – Erarbeitung von Grundlagen für die Flussrenaturierung

Der Bayerische Lech zwischen Füssen und Augsburg wurde ab 1910 reguliert und seit 1950 energiewirt-schaftlich ausgebaut. Damit wurde die als Biotop-verbundachse bedeutendste nordalpine Wildfluss-landschaft, ursprünglich vergleichbar mit dem Tagliamento, in eine Kette von 23 Stauseen umgebaut. Nach 70 Jahren sind die Stauräume mit Sedimenten aufgefüllt und die energiewirtschaftlichen Konzessionen laufen in einigen Jahren aus, sodass ein Flussrückbau möglich wäre. Hierfür werden entsprechende Leitbilder gesucht.

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Kontakt: Thomas Wagner, wagner@tum.de

Masterthesis: Explainable Artificial Intelligence for Real-time Assistance in Minimally Invasive Surgery

Masterthesis at the Center of Clinical Robotics at the Klinikum rechts der Isar in cooperation with the Technical University of Darmstadt.
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Kontakt: lars.wagner@tum.de

Lernen mit Simulationen

Einfluss simulationsbasierter Lernumgebungen auf mathematisches Modellieren


In den Naturwissenschaften sind mathematische Modelle zentral, um komplexe Phänomene wie beispielsweise im Bereich des Klimawandels zu verstehen und Vorhersagen treffen zu können. Modelle ermöglichen es uns, die Realität in mathematische Begriffe zu übersetzen und daraus mithilfe mathematischer Methoden Schlüsse zu ziehen. Die Fertigkeit, solche Modelle zu entwickeln, interpretieren und analysieren ist ein fundamentaler Baustein naturwissenschaftlicher Erkenntnisgewinnung. Angesichts dieser Bedeutung ist es klar, dass der Vermittlung von mathematischem Modellieren eine zentrale Rolle zukommt. Hier bieten simulationsbasierte Lernumgebungen eine Möglichkeit, komplexe Konzepte auf eine zugängliche Weise zu erklären und gleichzeitig den Umgang mit digitalen Medien zu fördern.


Ziel dieser Masterarbeit ist es, den Einfluss simulationsbasierter Lernumgebungen auf die Fähigkeit des mathematischen Modellierens zu untersuchen. Es wurden bereits spezifische Simulationen zu mathematischen Modellen im naturwissenschaftlichen Kontext entwickelt. Nun soll deren Wirksamkeit auf das Mathematische Modellieren evaluiert werden. Hierfür sollen die Elaborationsprozesse von Studienteilnehmer qualitativ untersucht werden.


  • Entwicklung eines Kategoriensystems zur qualitativen Bewertung des Lernprozesses
  • Planung und Durchführung einer qualitativen empirischen Studie mit Einsatz simulationsbasierter Lernumgebungen
  • Auswertung der Studiendaten auf Grundlage des entwickelten Kategoriensystems
  • Analyse der Effektivität simulationsbasierter Lernumgebungen für die Vermittlung mathematischer Modellierungskompetenzen (qualitativ)


  • Eingeschriebener Masterstudent/in, idealerweise im Bereich der naturwissenschaftlichen Bildung
  • Interesse an qualitativer Forschung
  • Fähigkeit zur selbständigen Arbeit und kritischen Analyse
  • Gute kommunikative Fähigkeiten und Teamfähigkeit

Wir bieten

  • Einbindung in ein aktuelles Forschungsprojekt
  • Zugang zu Ressourcen und Unterstützung bei der Entwicklung eines Kategoriensystems
  • Fachliche Betreuung durch erfahrene Wissenschaftler:innen

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Kontakt: benjamin.stoeger@tum.de

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