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Technische Universität München

Technische Universität München


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Sitemap > Schwarzes Brett > Abschlussarbeiten, Bachelor- und Masterarbeiten

Abschlussarbeiten, Bachelor- und Masterarbeiten

Sie suchen gerade eine Diplomarbeit, ein Thema für eine Bachelor oder Master Thesis? Dann sind Sie hier richtig. In diesem Bereich sind Abschlussarbeiten aus allen Fakultäten zu finden.
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An LLM-based Ubuntu User

Large language models (LLMs) have transformed how we interact with technology, allowing users to communicate with systems using natural language. Ubuntu, a popular open-source operating system, provides a powerful environment for exploring the use of LLMs as intelligent agents. This master topic focuses on using LLMs as agents that can directly control and manage Ubuntu. The goal is to develop an LLM-based agent that can perform tasks such as configuring system settings, installing software, troubleshooting issues, and managing resources—entirely through natural language commands. This research will explore how LLMs can streamline system management, making Ubuntu more intuitive and user-friendly, while also enabling greater automation and efficiency for users at all levels. For application please send me an email with title "Master Thesis Application: An LLM-based Ubuntu User". Please also attach your resume and transcript of records in the email. An motivation letter is NOT required.
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Kontakt: f.pan@tum.de

Data Anonymization for LLM-based Automotive Requirements Processing

This thesis will focus on developing methods to protect privacy while using Large Language Models (LLMs) in automotive requirements processing. As LLMs process sensitive data, such as customer information and design specifications, ensuring that this data remains private is crucial. The research will explore anonymization techniques like data masking and pseudonymization, which hide sensitive details while keeping the data useful for LLM tasks. It will also focus on ensuring that anonymized data retains its meaning and effectiveness in the context of automotive requirements processing. For application please send me an email with title "Master Thesis Application: Data Anonymization LLM ". Please also attach your resume and transcript of records in the email. A motivation letter is NOT required.
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Kontakt: f.pan@tum.de

Master Thesis: GovTech Startup Accelerators

This thesis explores the role of GovTech accelerators in driving digital transformation in the public sector by analyzing success factors in the co-creation process between startups and government partners. Through qualitative interviews with experts, it aims to contextualize the dynamics of GovTech ecosystems and the challenges they face in aligning innovation with public value.
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Kontakt: lukas.dassler@tum.de

Master's Thesis: Diffusion-Based Correspondences between Multimodal Medical Images

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Kontakt: anna.reithmeir@tum.de

Master thesis in Molecular Oncology from May 2025

The research group of „Translational DNA damage modification” is actively looking for a Master student with a life science background to conduct thesis work on the topic of molecular oncology, translational chemotherapy and DNA damage modification starting in May 2025.
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Kontakt: yizhu.li@tum.de

Masterarbeit / Doktorarbeit: A Retrospective Assessment of the Clearance Function of the Brain in Healthy Adults During Sedation with Ketamine and Dexmedetomidine Using EEG and fMRI

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Kontakt: juliana.zimmermann@tum.de


Alterung von kommerziellen LIBs (Symbolbild)

Masterarbeit / Semesterarbeit zu Pfadabhängigkeit der Alterung von Lithium-Ionen Zellen mit SiOx/Graphit-Elektroden

In dieser Arbeit wird eine bestehende Alterungsstudie mit zwei kom-merziellen Zelltypen um jeweils drei Testpunkte bei drei verschiede-nen Temperaturen erweitert, um das Vorhandensein einer Pfadab-hängigkeit für die Alterung von Silizium zu überprüfen und darauf ba-sierend die dominierenden Alterungsmechanismen zu bestimmen.
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Kontakt: mathias.rehm@tum.de

Thesis / Interdisciplinary Project (IDP) / Research Practice / Study Project

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Kontakt: info@omicsdiscoveries.com


JUWELS (Copyright Forschungszentum Jülich)

Thesis / Interdisciplinary Project (IDP) / Research Practice / Study Project

to assist with the Containerization of (Computational Fluid Dynamics) Workflows on High-performance Computing Systems (HPC)
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Kontakt: benjamin.farnbacher@tum.de

Master thesis or research project on metabolism of bees under climate change

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Kontakt: Alejandra.parreno@tum.de

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