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Technische Universität München

Technische Universität München

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Abschlussarbeiten, Bachelor- und Masterarbeiten

07.03.2023, Abschlussarbeiten, Bachelor- und Masterarbeiten

Problem formulation:
Due to the demand of smart manufacturing and flexible automation, collaborative/tactile robots are applied in industry. However, these robots may suffer from inaccuracies in measurements and modelings. There are multiple ways to address these artifacts. In this thesis, we try to improve the robot model and in particular, the DH parameters. Therefore, the robot motion accuracy and repeatability can improve. For this we need an external and high precision device. Laser Tracker X from company Faro is therefore used as the reference.
Therefore, the objective of this master thesis is to investigate the methods for calibrating the robot DH parameters, where laser tracker is used as the reference. Moreover, the optimal calibration method is proposed, with detailed documentation. Therefore, everyone can insert to our testbed and calibrate a robot with minimum effort.

The general structure and main contents of this master thesis are:
1. Literature research on available methods for calibrating the robot DH parameters. (e.g., look at references [1-3])
2. Testing and comparing different calibration methods (first for Franka arm and later other robots).
3. Preparing a well-written manual for future DH parameter calibration of a given robot.

What you gain:
RSI offers a multidisciplinary lab at Garching, which is comparatively unique in several aspects. Therefore, by doing your thesis here,
1. You get to work in a friendly lab with people from different backgrounds, busy with different robotics projects.
2. You have the opportunity to work with and learn different robotics arms and the corresponding interfaces.
3. Also, you will learn to work with high-tech sensors and measurement devices.

Basic familiarity with Ubuntu and real-time kernels
Good C++ programming skills as well as CMAKE
Basic knowledge in robot kinematics

1. Chen, T., Lin, J., Wu, D. and Wu, H., 2021. Research of calibration method for industrial robot based on error model of position. Applied Sciences, 11(3), p.1287.
2. Švaco, M., Šekoranja, B., Šuligoj, F. and Jerbić, B., 2014. Calibration of an industrial robot using a stereo vision system. Procedia Engineering, 69, pp.459-463.
3. Lee, J.W., Park, G.T., Shin, J.S. and Woo, J.W., 2017, October. Industrial robot calibration method using denavit—Hatenberg parameters. In 2017 17th International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems (ICCAS) (pp. 1834-1837). IEEE.

Please send your CV and transcript of grades to Ali Baradaran (ali.baradaran at tum.de).

Kontakt: ali.baradaran@tum.de

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