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Technische Universität München

Technische Universität München


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Wissenschaftliches Personal

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Young startup company for "Production of an Innovative Ice Cream" is looking for co-founder

The quality of customer and market relationships will always be a decisive factor of success for companies. A young startup company for "Production of an innovative Ice Cream" is looking for a co-founder with experience in the field of marketing, sales and business development. We have produced a novel natural healthy ice cream and will soon launch this product to the market.
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Kontakt: laila.abu-farah@tum.de

Flow instabilities in processing flows

The research group “Fluid Dynamics of Complex Biosystems (FDCB)” headed by Prof. Dr. Natalie Germann has an open PhD position in the field of computational fluid dynamics.
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Kontakt: Prof. Dr. Natalie Germann (natalie.germann@tum.de)

Strömungsinstabilitäten in verfahrenstechnischen Prozessen

An der Professur für Fluiddynamik komplexer Biosysteme (FDKB) ist ab sofort die Stelle eines/einer wiss. Mitarbeiters/-in (TV-L E13) zu besetzen. Ziel ist die Promotion auf dem Projektthema.
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Kontakt: Prof. Dr. Natalie Germann (natalie.germann@tum.de)

PhD and PostDoc Positions in 3D Machine Learning / 3D Vision (Dr. Dai)

The 3D Understanding Group at the Technical University of Munich is looking for highly motivated PhD students and PostDocs at the intersection of computer vision, machine learning, and computer graphics. The positions are fully-funded with payments and benefits according to German public service positions (TV-L E13, 100% for PhDs and TV-L E14, 100% for PostDocs; 45k – 57k Euro / year + benefits). 3D Semantic Scene Understanding: The world around us exists spatially in 3D, and it is crucial to understand real-world scenes in 3D to enable virtual or robotic interactions with such environments. We investigate machine learning approaches to infer semantic understanding of real-world scenes and the objects inside them from visual data, including images and depth/3D observations. Generating 3D Models From Visual Data: Imagine creating 3D photos, holograms, or your own custom video game content from a quick video observation. We develop generative 3D models from 2D or 3D observations, focusing on indoor environments. Qualifications: • Applicants for a PhD must hold a Master’s degree in computer science or equivalent • Fluent written and spoken English skills • Proficient C++ coding skills • Experience with deep learning frameworks (e.g., TensorFlow, PyTorch) • Enthusiasm and self-drive towards driving research forward :) How to Apply: • Required Documents: CV, research statement, BA/MA transcripts, (optionally, MA thesis) • Ask two recommenders who know your work to directly email recommendation letters • Send all documents (including rec. letters) directly to Dr. Dai (angela.dai@tum.de) • Please understand that we cannot review incomplete applications Website: https://angeladai.github.io/openings.html
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Kontakt: angela.dai@tum.de

Wissenschaftliches Personal aus den Bereichen Bauingenieurwesen, Gebäudetechnik, Bauphysik, Versorgungstechnik, Physikalische Technik, Elektrotechnik oder Maschinenbau mit Schwerpunkt Messtechnik

Das Forschungslabor für Haustechnik des Lehrstuhls für Gebäudetechnologie und klimagerechtes Bauen der Technischen Universität München sucht zum 1. Oktober 2019 eine/n wissenschaftliche/n Mitarbeiter/in für den Aufbau und Leitung des Brandschutzzentrums (m/w/d)aus den Bereichen Bauingenieurwesen, Gebäudetechnik, Bauphysik, Versorgungstechnik, Physikalische Technik, Elektrotechnik oder Maschinenbau mit Schwerpunkt Messtechnik
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Kontakt: thomas.auer@tum.de

Scherbänder in industriellen Flüssigkeiten

An der Professur für Fluiddynamik komplexer Biosysteme (FDKB) ist ab sofort die Stelle eines/einer wiss. Mitarbeiters/-in (TV-L E13) zu besetzen. Ziel ist die Promotion auf dem Projektthema.
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Kontakt: Prof. Dr. Natalie Germann (natalie.germann@tum.de)

Shear banding instabilities in soft materials (PhD topic)

The research group “Fluid Dynamics of Complex Biosystems (FDCB)” headed by Prof. Dr. Natalie Germann has an open position in the field of computational fluid dynamics.
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Kontakt: Prof. Dr. Natalie Germann (natalie.germann@tum.de)

Wissenschaftliche(r) Mitarbeiter/in im Bereich Energiesystembetrachtung bezüglich innovativer Nutzung fester Rohstoffe (Vollzeit)

In der Systemanalyse forschen Sie an Fragestellungen zum Energiesystem von morgen. Hierbei werden Sie teil eines jungen und dynamischen Teams.
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Kontakt: Dipl.-Ing. Stefan DeYoung (stefan.deyoung@tum.de)

Wissenschaftliches Personal

Statistical Modeling and Learning Open PhD Positions - Mathematics (Statistics) Two PhD positions are available in the research group of Prof. Claudia Czado (https://www.statistics.ma.tum.de/forschung/vine-copula-models/) at the Technical University of Munich, Germany. The focus of these positions are on statistical dependence models using copulas and are supported by the DFG project "Statistical learning with vine copulas". For this model class novel models for quantile regression, clustering and classification are to be developed, implemented and utilized in high dimensional data coming from diverse application fields such as finance, insurance, engineering and/or health sciences. Special emphasis will be given to include discrete data structures. We are looking for candidates with a strong interest in statistical modelling and and computational statistics. Programming skills in R or Python are required and C++ would be a plus. Fluency in written and spoken English is a prerequisite. Applicants for the PhD positions should hold a Master's degree in statistics, mathematics or data science and may obtain a PhD degree in Mathematics. The positions have sufficient travel money available to support conference and workshop attendance. The positions are for 3 years. The starting date is October 1, 2019. The position is paid according to salary grade 75% TV-L E 13 (the standard rate for junior scientific staff at German universities) and can be upgraded to 100% TV-L E13 by adding a teaching load of two contact hours per week. For this upgrade teaching experience and German language skills are required. As an equal opportunity employer, TUM explicitly encourages applications from women and all others, who would bring additional diversity dimensions to the university. Applications should be submitted by email to cczado(at)ma.tum.de using the subject line "Application". Please enclose transcripts, a CV and the Master's thesis (draft is sufficient). The deadline for applications is 15 June, 2019
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Kontakt: Prof. Claudia Czado, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Applied Mathematical Statistics Technische Universitaet Muenchen Department of Mathematics Boltzmannstr. 3 85748 Garching phone: +49 89 289 17428 fax: +49 89 289 17435 email: cczado@ma.tum.de vine resources: vine-copula.org

Wissenschaftlicher Projektmitarbeiter (w/m/d) Arbeitsbereich Medizindidaktik/Bildungsforschung

Gesucht wird ein wissenschaftlicher Projektmitarbeiter (w/m/d) im Arbeitsbereich Medizindidaktik/Bildungsforschung in einem BMBF-Projekt zum Thema Digitialisierung an der Hochschule / Entwicklung von e-Learning zum Kommunikationstraining im Medizinstudium
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Kontakt: kristina.schick@tum.de

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