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Technische Universität München

Sitemap > Jobs und Stellenangebote > Wissenschaftliches Personal > Wissenschaftliches Personal (Doktoranden, PhD) im Bereich NMR-basierte Strukturbiologie von Membranproteinen
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Wissenschaftliches Personal (Doktoranden, PhD) im Bereich NMR-basierte Strukturbiologie von Membranproteinen

30.08.2018, Wissenschaftliches Personal

PhD Positions in Membrane Protein Structural Biology (65% TV-L E13 pay scale) available at the Bavarian NMR Center at TUM in Garching The positions are focused on NMR spectroscopy and biochemistry of membrane proteins and will be located at the Bavarian NMR Center of the Technical University of Munich and the Helmholtz Center Munich for Environmental Health, which houses state-of-the-art NMR equipment (currently 500-950MHz), as well as wet-lab and other biophysical facilities (e.g. CD spectroscopy, fluorescence, light scattering, calorimetry). X-ray crystallography and electron microscopy labs are located next door and a high performance-computing center is on campus. The successful candidates are expected to be highly motivated and willing to work in project/collaborative teams. The candidates should be familiar with recombinant production of (membrane-) proteins in E. coli or insect cells, as well as protein handling and purification. Furthermore, knowledge in biophysical methods for the initial characterization of (membrane-) proteins is essential. Experience in NMR is a plus, as well as other structural methods like electron microscopy or crystallography. The research project will be focused on the production of functional membrane proteins, their biophysical characterization and structure determination using NMR spectroscopy and other structural methods, as well as functional assays and appropriate experiments for probing interactions with partner (membrane) proteins. Areas of interest are G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs), G-proteins and mitochondrial membrane proteins involved in apoptosis. Further information can be found at: www.membrane.ch.tum.de The positions are open immediately until filled. To apply, please send an electronic application (motivation letter, CV including the names of at least two references, and certificates) as a single PDF via email to franz.hagn@tum.de

The positions are focused on NMR spectroscopy and biochemistry of membrane proteins and will be located at the Bavarian NMR Center of the Technical University of Munich and the Helmholtz Center Munich for Environmental Health, which houses state-of-the-art NMR equipment (currently 500-950MHz), as well as wet-lab and other biophysical facilities (e.g. CD spectroscopy, fluorescence, light scattering, calorimetry). X-ray crystallography and electron microscopy labs are located next door and a high performance-computing center is on campus.
The successful candidates are expected to be highly motivated and willing to work in project/collaborative teams. The candidates should be familiar with recombinant production of (membrane-) proteins in E. coli or insect cells, as well as protein handling and purification. Furthermore, knowledge in biophysical methods for the initial characterization of (membrane-) proteins is essential. Experience in NMR is a plus, as well as other structural methods like electron microscopy or crystallography.
The research project will be focused on the production of functional membrane proteins, their biophysical characterization and structure determination using NMR spectroscopy and other structural methods, as well as functional assays and appropriate experiments for probing interactions with partner (membrane) proteins.

Areas of interest are G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs), G-proteins and mitochondrial membrane proteins involved in apoptosis. Further information can be found at: www.membrane.ch.tum.de

The positions are open immediately until filled. To apply, please send an electronic application (motivation letter, CV including the names of at least two references, and certificates) as a single PDF via email to franz.hagn@tum.de

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Kontakt: Prof. Dr. Franz Hagn