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Technische Universität München

Technische Universität München


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Wissenschaftliches Personal

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Doctoral Researcher in Aircraft Design Software Enhginee

The Chair for Aircraft Design is looking for a doctoral researcher in the field of Aircraft Design Software Engineering. As part of a national multi-university research group you will be working on an open source aircraft design framework to support research (and teaching) on future aircraft concepts. You will work at the interface of software engineering and aircraft conceptual design.
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Kontakt: sekretariat.lls@ed.tum.de

PhD position in Membrane Protein Structural Biology (65% TV-E13 pay scale)

We are seeking a new team member at the Lab of Structural Membrane Biochemistry. We are based at the Bavarian NMR Center of the Technical University of Munich and the Helmholtz Center Munich, which houses state-of-the-art NMR equipment (500-1.2 GHz), as well as wet-lab and other biophysical facilities (CD and fluorescence spectroscopy, light scattering, calorimetry, mass spec, small angle X-ray scattering). X-ray crystallography and electron microscopy labs are located next door and are accessible. Further information can be found at: www.membrane.ch.tum.de and www.bnmrz.org. The successful candidate is expected to be highly motivated and work in project teams, be familiar with recombinant production and purification of (membrane-) proteins in E. coli. Knowledge in biophysical techniques for the characterization of (membrane-) proteins as well as experience in NMR and/or other structural techniques is a plus. The research topic is focused on the mitochondrial membrane protein MPV17 whose inactivation leads to the so-called "mitochondrial DNA depletion" syndrome (MDDS), leading to severe liver damage and hepatocerebral dysfunction, and thus usually to death in early infancy. The function and mechanistic details of MPV17 are relatively poorly understood, limiting therapies to the treatment of symptoms. In this project, we aim to better understand the molecular causes of MPV17-related diseases. We will use various analytical and biochemical methods to decipher the functional role of MPV17 and investigate its structure using high-resolution methods, such as NMR and cryo-EM. With the obtained structural information, the influence of mutations on MPV17 function can be better understood, which will be the basis for a specific therapy of MPV17-induced MDDS. The position is intended to be filled until October 1st. The position is co-funded by the European Union HORIZON-MSCA-2022-COFUND program ArchiFun. To apply, please send a single pdf file (motivation letter, CV including the names of at least two references and certificates) via email to franz.hagn@tum.de
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Kontakt: Applications should be directed to Prof. Dr. Franz Hagn, e-mail franz.hagn@tum.de

Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in für den Lehrstuhl "IT Service Management, Development and Operations"

Der Lehrstuhl für IT Service Management, Development and Operations in Garching (München) hat eine Stelle für eine/n wissenschaftliche/n Mitarbeiter/in mit Promotionsmöglichkeit zu besetzen.
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Kontakt: Application to: applications@isdo.cit.tum.de; contact: sabine.franke@tum.de

PhD position in water-based in-space propulsion (m/f/d)

The Chair of Space Mobility and Propulsion is looking for a new and motivated scientist to join its team for its upcoming “Solar for Ice to Thrust” project (S4I2T).
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Kontakt: rfa-jobs.rfa@ed.tum.de

Maschinelles Lernen in der Verfahrenstechnik, Wiss. Mitarbeiter (m/w/d) Promotion oder Post-Doc

Die Professur für Chemische und Thermische Verfahrenstechnik in Straubing sucht ab sofort, in Vollzeit, einen Wissenschaftlichen Mitarbeiter (m/w/d) Promotion oder Post-Doc) Thema: Maschinelles Lernen in der Verfahrenstechnik
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Kontakt:  Dieses Feld mit Kontaktinfos ersetzen -- es muss auf jeden Fall eine Email Adresse enthalten sein noreply@tum.de

Leitung der Focus Area Biomanufacturing and Process Engineering (m/f/d)

An der TUM kommen Talente aus aller Welt zusammen, um sich gegenseitig zu inspirieren, voneinander zu lernen und gemeinsam Neues zu schaffen. Unsere Mission? Als eine der forschungsstärksten und innovativsten Universitäten Europas finden wir Lösungen für zentrale wissenschaftliche und gesellschaftliche Herausforderungen unserer Zeit.

Das Munich Institute of Integrated Materials, Energy and Process Engineering (MEP) mit Sitz in Garching verbindet als integratives Forschungszentrum die Bereiche 4D-Materials und Additive Technologies (M), Sustainable Energy Systems (E) sowie Biomanufacturing und Process Engineering (P).

Für die Leitung unserer Focus Area Biomanufacturing and Process Engineering suchen wir zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt eine teamorientierte Person (m/f/d).

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Kontakt: application@mep.tum.de

Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in der Fachrichtung Brauwesen und Getränketechnologie oder vergleichbare (m/w/d)

Wir suchen für unser Team zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt eine/n wissenschaftliche/n Mitarbeiter/in mit Abschluss M. Sc./Dipl.-Ing. der Fachrichtung Brauwesen und Getränketechnologie oder vergleichbare (m/w/d)
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Kontakt: verwaltung@bgt.wzw.tum.de

Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in der Fachrichtung Bioprozesstechnik oder vergleichbare (m/w/d)

Wir suchen für unser Team zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt eine/n wissenschaftliche/n Mitarbeiter/in mit Abschluss M. Sc./Dipl.-Ing. der Fachrichtung Bioprozesstechnik oder vergleichbare (m/w/d)
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Kontakt: verwaltung@bgt.wzw.tum.de

Ph.D. position in Machine Learning-Powered Molecular Simulations

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Kontakt: Prof. Dr. Julija Zavadlav; info.mmfm@mw.tum.de

Research Associate (PhD student or PostDoc) (m/f/d)

Professorship Circular Economy are looking for a Research Associate (PhD student or PostDoc) (m/f/d) to work especially on the life cycle sustainability analysis, the modelling of the transition of economic sectors towards a CE and / or the optimization of BE and CE systems
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Kontakt: magnus.froehling@tum.de