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Technical University of Munich

Technical University of Munich


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Wissenschaftliches Personal

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Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in (Doktorand/in) (m/w/d)

Die Technische Universität München (TUM) zählt zu den besten Universitäten Europas. Die Professur für Aerospace Structure Design gehört zur TUM School of Engineering and Design (ED) und zum Department Aerospace and Geodesy.

Zur Verstärkung des Teams suchen wir zum 01.03.2025 oder zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt eine/n
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Kontakt: fernass.daoud@tum.de

PhD position in Plant-Pollinator-Pathogen Interactions

As part of a recently funded collaborative research project between Germany and Belgium, we offer two PhD positions. One position will be based at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) Campus Weihenstephan in Freising (Germany), the second position will be based at the University of Ghent (UGhent) in Ghent (Belgium). There will be close collaboration and frequent exchange between the two positions.
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Kontakt: sara.leonhardt@tum.de

PhD position in Plant-Pollinator-Pathogen Interactions

------ 4104
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Kontakt: sara.leonhardt@tum.de

Postdoc in Laser Assisted Biopolymer Processing

The newly established research group in Particle and Fiber Technology for bio-based Materials, led by Prof. Dr. Wenwen Fang, is seeking a highly motivated Postdoc in Laser Assisted Biopolymer Processing (f/m/d)to join the ERC StG project “Unleashing Cellulose Potential: Laser-Driven Structural Modulation”
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Kontakt: applications.pft@cs.tum.de

Research Associate (Postdoc) Position in Intestinal Microbiome Research (m/w/d)

The Chair of Intestinal Microbiome, Faculty of Life Sciences of the TU Munich offers a position Postdoc-toral research associate (m/f/d) to perform research on Intestinal Microbiome. We are an interdisciplinary team bridging between molecular microbiology, ecology and infection research with the focus to under-stand mechanisms of host-microbe and microbe-microbe interaction in the gut.
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Kontakt: stecher@tum.de

Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter (Postdoc) in der Darmmikrobiomforschung (m/w/d)

Der Lehrstuhl für Intestinales Mikrobiom der Fakultät für Biowissenschaften der TU München bietet eine Stelle als wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter (m/w/d) zur Erforschung des intestinalen Mikrobioms an. Wir sind ein interdisziplinäres Team, das eine Brücke zwischen molekularer Mikrobiologie, Ökologie und In-fektionsforschung schlägt und sich darauf konzentriert, die Mechanismen der Wirt-Mikroben- und Mikroben-Mikroben-Interaktion im Darm zu verstehen.
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Kontakt: stecher@tum.de

Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in (w/m/d) am Lehrstuhl für Aquatische Systembiologie

Der Lehrstuhl für Aquatische Systembiologie sucht zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt für den Forschungsbereich „Fischökologisches Monitoring an innovativen Wasserkraftanlagen“ eine/n Wissenschaftliche/n Mitarbeiter/in (w/m/d).
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Kontakt: Dr. Josef Knott, josef.knott@tum.de, 08161-71-5984 Dr. Joachim Pander, joachim.pander@tum.de, 08161-71-2169

Ph.D. Student / Junior Researcher Microeconomics / Applied Economics

The Chair Group of Production and Resource Economics at the TUM School of Management and the TUM School of Life Sciences offers three positions as Ph.D. Student / Junior Researcher in Microeconomics / Applied Economics
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Kontakt: fabian.frick@tum.de

PhD Student in Immunology

PhD student in T-Cell Immunology (salary according to TV-L) We are seeking highly motivated candidates that are interested to investigate the regulation of human tissue resident T-cells and their crosstalk with the microenvironment in settings of solid organ transplantation, infections or cancer within our ERC-funded project. The project will be conducted at the the Department of Infection Immunology at the Leibniz-HKI (Hans Knöll Institute) in Jena.
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Kontakt: Christina.zielinski@leibniz-hki.de

Doctoral Scholarship “Decentralized Energy Governance in the Global South”

This announcement invites master’s students from the Global South with excellent academic track records and strong motivation to apply for a doctoral scholarship in “Decentralized Energy Governance in the Global South”.
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Kontakt: miranda.schreurs@hfp.tum.de

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