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Technische Universität München

Sitemap > Jobs und Stellenangebote > Wissenschaftliches Personal > Co-Founder and Business Developer for EXIST Project on Autonomous Construction Robotics
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Co-Founder and Business Developer for EXIST Project on Autonomous Construction Robotics

23.11.2023, Wissenschaftliches Personal

We are on the verge of launching an innovative robotics company and are in the process of applying for an EXIST scholarship. To strengthen our team, we are looking for a business developer to join us as a co-founder. Our vision is to provide intelligent construction robots that automate various tasks at construction sites, addressing the labor shortage. Our first initiative is to develop a robot that autonomously removes concrete with high-pressure water, transforming a laborious and hazardous task.

Position Details:

  • Expected full time Starting Date: By end of 2023 or latest by the end of 2024 with the start of EXIST scholarship.
  • Duration: The project is funded for at least 18 months, initially under the EXIST program.
  • Salary: E13 (research associate salary) plus company shares.

Role Description: As Co-Founder and business developer, you will be instrumental in shaping our robotics venture. Your responsibilities include:

  • Establishing and maintaining relationships with partners, investors, and other stakeholders.
  • Guiding the financial and operational aspects of the company and attracting investors.
  • Ensuring compliance with legal and regulatory requirements.
  • Promoting a culture of innovation and excellence within the team.
  • Finding customers and identifying their needs.


  • A Master's degree in business administration, management, engineering, or a related field by early to mid-2024.
  • Proficiency in the German language.
  • Significant experience in leadership roles, preferably in technology or robotics.
  • Strong business acumen and understanding of the startup ecosystem.
  • Excellent communication, negotiation, and decision-making skills.
  • Knowledge in project management and team leadership.

What We Offer:

  • Co-founding a cutting-edge robotics startup with the backing of TUM and our industry partner, Lutzenberger GmbH.
  • Direct involvement in shaping our prototype and company's future.
  • Collaborating with an interdisciplinary, innovative team.
  • A leadership role in building a novel solution from scratch.

Our Team:

  • You: Strategic Leadership, Business Development, Operations.
  • Prof. Althoff: Advisor.
  • Saeed Mafipour: AI and Software Development.
  • Claus Carste: Electromechanical and Software Development.
  • Julian Hoffmann: Computer Vision, Software Development.

How to Apply: If you are enthusiastic about this role, please send your application to Claus Carste (claus.carste@tum.de) with the subject "Aiina application." Include your CV, transcripts, and contact details.

Watch Our Initial Test: View our initial test video

Join us in revolutionizing construction robotics!

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Kontakt: Claus Carste (claus.carste@tum.de)