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Technische Universität München

Technische Universität München

Sitemap > Veranstaltungen und Termine > Global University, Society, Labor Market – How to Shape Tomorrow's Talents


Global University, Society, Labor Market – How to Shape Tomorrow's Talents

Donnerstag 07.06.2018, 12:00 - Freitag 08.06.2018, 12:30


Theodor Fischer Auditorium, Munich City Campus 

This symposium constitutes a key event of TUM's 150th Anniversary celebrations, thus providing a platform for exchange and networking between the leadership of the world’s top universities and stakeholders from academia and industry. We will discuss how each and every of those entities can foster the talents of tomorrow and how these different players interact with each other to address the ‘Grand Societal Challenges’. Furthermore, we will tackle the question of how academia and industry interact, and which key factors create success in the diversity of scientific and business cultures.

Three keynote lectures and panel discussions will provide an opportunity to obtain different perspectives from those high-ranking international experts. We aim to tackle various questions during our symposium, such as: How can universities and science form responsible, open-minded, critically thinking and acting individuals? How can universities and science help to ensure international collaboration and exchange instead of protectionism, isolation and populism? And how can universities, research institutions and industry work together to reach these goals?

Further information at www.ias.tum.de/internationalsymposium2018/

TUM International Center, TUM IAS

Christin Seidel, seidel@zv.tum.de

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