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Student Project: Analysis and Development of a suitable Graphical User Interface for hemodynamic control in intensive care units

HiWi- und Praktikantenstellen, Studienarbeiten

14.08.2010, Studentische Hilfskräfte, Praktikantenstellen, Studienarbeiten

Student Project: Analysis and Development of a suitable Graphical User Interface for hemodynamic control in intensive care units

Patients in the intensive care, especially after cardiac surgery, need to be monitored all the time. To keep the patients in a stable state, a physician is taking the current physiological signals into account to prescribe certain medication combinations. Programmable syringe pumps are available for this purpose, which can run at different speeds and intervals to infuse different drugs to the patient. In a joint project of TU München and Deutsches Herzzentrum München, a Neuro-Fuzzy controller is developed to analyse the patient's signals (e.g. ECG, arterial pressure, heart rate) and status (e.g. age, preconditions, medical condition) automatically and trigger the syringe pumps accordingly. To be accepted in the daily routine by the clinical personal, the controller needs to offer an intuitive interface for the user, i.e. the nurse or the doctor.


The student will be part of the interdisciplinary research team at the German Heart Centre in Munich. The goal of this project will be, to develop a graphical user interface for the automatic blood-pressure regulation. Such an interface needs to provide easy access to different tasks:
- Setup of the Controller:
Fast and easy setup with a new patient, similar to the state as it is done now
- Normal Run of the Controller:
Offer information about controller (e.g. signals used, active rules of Neuro-Fuzzy
controller) and its state (e.g. current/past patient status, diagnosises, medication infused,. . . )
- Bypass of the Controller:
To perform other actions/tests on the patient, which might interfere with the automatic regulation, the interface should offer an easy way to pause and restart
- Alarms of the Controller:
If a situation occurs, that the controller alone can't handle, an alarm is displayed The student has to talk with clinical personal to understand their daily routine and model a graphical user interface. Different basic models should be presented to the clinical personal again to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the different approaches. The graphical user interface, which offers the best workow for the clinical personal should be implemented in C++ and tested in a simulation or experiment. The implementation as well as the usage of the interface itself are to be fully documented.

Kontakt: n.sprunk@tum.de

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