Tutor for exercise groups Mathe 4 [MA9804]
10.03.2025, Studentische Hilfskräfte, Praktikantenstellen, Studienarbeiten
Job Description: As tutor you will discuss an exercise sheet every two weeks in *two* exercise groups of up to 30 students each. You will receive sample solutions and the lecture material in advance so that you can prepare yourself. Regular consultation with the lecturers in a short team meeting.
Contract duration, hours, location: The regular contract is for 3,5 h / week from 23.04.2025 till 15.08.2025. The location is a seminar room in Garching or Garching-Hochbrück.
Requirements: All: Good knowledge of English, as the module is taught in English. For Bachelor Engineering Science students: Modules MA9801, MA9802, MA9803 and MA9804 passed with good grades. For mathematics students: Basic lectures (Analysis, Linear Algebra 1&2) and numerics of PDEs completed with good grades.
How to submit my application? Go to the webpage https://astra.cit.tum.de/, login with your TUM credentials, search for the course "Numerische Behandlung partieller Differentialgleichungen (MSE)" and follow the steps there. Required documents: Transcript of records, information on tutor experience (optional)
Timeline: Applications received until 24.03.2025 are given full consideration.
Kontakt: elisabeth.ullmann@tum.de