Bachelors Project in Coincident Positronium Imaging at FRM II
18.11.2024, Studentische Hilfskräfte, Praktikantenstellen, Studienarbeiten
Due to its simplicity, Ps is used in many investigations of fundamental physics including QED and matter/antimatter symmetry. These applications require a large number of Ps atoms with a controllable kinetic energy. Achieving this remains an active field of research.
Your tasks:
This project will investigate the energy distribution of Ps emitted from different sample surfaces. Pixelated scintillation detectors will be used to image the annihilation radiation from Ps as it travels away from the sample surface in vacuum. Since the lifetime of Ps in vacuum is know (142 ns) the Ps velocity distribution can be calculated. The work will include the design of a new, heated sample holder and surrounding vacuum components and measurements using a pair of pixelated scintillation detectors.
Your skills:
Practical laboratory skills including data aquisition and processing preferred. The project is carried out within the TUM research group Physics with Positrons. In our group you will have the chance to experience applied physics research first hand. You will collaborate with both scientist and engineers and gain insight into the way a large research facility is operated.