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Technische Universität München

Technische Universität München

Sitemap > Schwarzes Brett > Studentische Hilfskräfte, Praktikantenstellen, Studienarbeiten > Student assistant (m/w/d) - Chair of Conservation-Restoration, Art Technology and Conservation Science
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Student assistant (m/w/d) - Chair of Conservation-Restoration, Art Technology and Conservation Science

30.01.2024, Studentische Hilfskräfte, Praktikantenstellen, Studienarbeiten

We are searching a student for our DFG Research project “Materiality and Color: A critical revision of research methods in conservation, restoration, and material science of "Berlin Modernism Housing Estates" – past, present and future” as a student assistant at the Chair of Conservation-Restoration, Art Technology and Conservation Science Technical University of Munich (Prof. Dr. phil. Thomas Danzl).

- Flexible/ in consultation 7 h/Week during the semester or more during semester break
- 13,40€ per hour

Tasks & skills:
- assisting in the literature research, supervised cautious handling and organizing historic literature from public libraries and private collection of materials, architectural surfaces, and colors from the 1920s (like Bauwelt catalogue, painting inscriptions etc.)
o Scan
o organize the digital documents
o create a bibliography using Zotero
- subsequent task- creating a catalogue of selected historic materials, architectural surfaces, and colors
o structure literature and photos
o Editing photos and text in a sample layout using InDesign

If you are interested, please contact Jana Hainbach, jana.hainbach@tum.de with an introduction of yours and a CV (in German or English).

Applicants with severe disabilities will be given preference if they are otherwise equally qualified. The Technical University of Munich endeavours to increase the proportion of women. Applications from women are therefore expressly welcomed.

Kontakt: jana.hainbach@tum.de

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