Diplomarbeiten, Bachelor- und Masterarbeiten
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Master thesis at the Chair of Sport and Health Management
Social Normative Appeals in Sustainable Food Consumption
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Kontakt: daniela.moirano@tum.de
Project studies/work & IDPs: Research-based theater & AI ethics
The Chair of Business Ethics and the Institute for Ethics in AI are currently looking for motivated students to work on the topic of "Research-based Theater & AI Ethics". This opportunity is directed at TUM students (B.Sc. and M.Sc.) who can elect project studies/work or IDPs as part of their study curriculum. More details can be found here: https://www.ieai.sot.tum.de/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/20240621_Call-for-applicants_project-study_IDP.pdf
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Kontakt: franziska.poszler@tum.de
Bachelor/Master's thesis in Plant Insect Interactions chair
Are you interesting in understanding how land use intensity changes pollen nutrition for pollinators? Then this is a thesis for you.
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Kontakt: vidisha.bansal@tum.de
Master Thesis: Lossy Compression Algorithms for Space-based Particle Detector Data
We are looking for a master student at the interface between space-based particle physics and data processing. Our detector will measure the spectra of particles that are trapped in the Earth's magnetic field. Due to the limitations of our satellite platform, we want to investigate and evaluate lossy and lossless compression algorithms. These can be based on simple, classic approaches or employ more complex, neural-network-based techniques.
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Kontakt: peter.hinderberger@tum.de
BA/MA/SA: Entwicklung einer Methode zur Gelenkwinkelübertragung zwischen Motion Capture System und biomechanischem Modell
Beim Arbeiten mit handgehaltenen elektrischen Werkzeugen sind Anwender durch nicht ergonomische Haltungen, Vibrationen und externen Kräften teils hohen Belastungen ausgesetzt. Zur Entwicklung einer Beanspruchungsvorhersage soll ein Haltungsvorhersagemodell entstehen, welches auf messtechnisch erhobene Datensätze zurückgreift. Zur Erleichterung der Haltungsmodellerstellung soll eine Übertragungsschnittstelle zwischen einem Motion Capture System und einem biomechanischen Modell entwickelt und validiert werden.
• Entwicklung der Schnittstelle
• Systematisches Erfassen von Haltungsdaten zur Validierung
• Validierung der Übertragungsschnittstellen
• Hohe Motivation zur selbstständigen und strukturierten Arbeit
• Kenntnisse im Bereich Biomechanik und Menschmodellierung von Vorteil
• Erfahrungen mit Matlab und RAMSIS
• Gute Deutsch oder Englisch Kenntnisse
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Kontakt: rebecca.rack@tum.de
Master Thesis: Vision-Language Pretraining for Bone Tumor Classification
This Master Thesis focuses on enhancing bone tumor classification from X-ray images using vision-language pretraining. By leveraging large public datasets and incorporating anatomical context through captions, it aims to address the challenges of data scarcity and anatomical heterogeneity. The work involves building a supervised baseline, pretraining a self-supervised vision-language model, and testing fine-tuning and zero-shot strategies.
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Kontakt: anna.curto-vilalta@tum.de
Bachelor and Master Thesis in Forestry
We are looking for students motivated to study insects and effects of canopy and land use management in forests.
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Kontakt: Alejandra.parreno@tum.de
Bachelor and Master thesis in Restoration ecology in grasslands
Best practices in restoration of grasslands are difficult to distinguish in the literature. We are building a tool to better translate research to outreach and we are looking for motivated students who want to be part of this project.
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Kontakt: Alejandra.parreno@tum.de
MSc thesis: Laplace Approximation for Computer Vision
Using the Laplace approximation in Bayesian deep learning for uncertainty estimation in the Airbus vision-based landing system. For details, see the attached file.
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Kontakt: alexej.klushyn@airbus.com
Bachelor and Master theses or short internships in insect ecology
We are looking for motivated students that love insects to be part of our team recreating food webs in grasslands and exploring overwintering in bees.
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Kontakt: Alejandra.parreno@tum.de