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Technische Universität München

Technische Universität München


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Sitemap > Schwarzes Brett > Abschlussarbeiten, Bachelor- und Masterarbeiten

Abschlussarbeiten, Bachelor- und Masterarbeiten

Sie suchen gerade eine Diplomarbeit, ein Thema für eine Bachelor oder Master Thesis? Dann sind Sie hier richtig. In diesem Bereich sind Abschlussarbeiten aus allen Fakultäten zu finden.
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1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | ... | 8 Die nächsten 10 Artikel
Master’s thesis: AI based Cochlear Implant Insertion Depth Estimation

Cochlear implants (CIs) are effective neuroprostheses for patients with hearing loss. Knowing the position of CI electrodes can improve the hearing outcome for the patient. In this project, you will implement and test different deep learning techniques in an explorative dataset to estimate cochlear implant electrode insertion depth based on CT scans and impedance recordings from the cochlear implant.

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Kontakt: wilhelm.wimmer@tum.de

β-citrylglutamate, RIMKLB, NAALAD2 and ABCC5: Information on a pathway that is linked to exercise (BSc)

In our research, we noted that β-citrylglutamate, RIMKLB, NAALAD2 and ABCC5 is linked to exercise. The aim of this project is to describe the knowledge today and β-citrylglutamate and the genes mentioned.
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Kontakt: henning.wackerhage@tum.de

Adaptation of white and brown adipose tissue to exercise (BSc)

Exercise causes adaptations not only in skeletal muscle but also in many other organs. The aim of the study is to investigate the effects of exercise on white and brown adipose tissue. In addition, you should review the mechanisms by which exercise affects white and brown adipose tissue.
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Kontakt: henning.wackerhage@tum.de

BCAAs: good or bad? (BSc)

Branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) are a supplement for bodybuilders. However, BCAAs are also risk factors for metabolic and cardiovascular disease and even cancer. The aim of this project is to summarise the positive and negative associations and effects of BCAAs.
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Kontakt: henning.wackerhage@tum.de

Taurine & Exercise (BSc or MSc)

In a recent publication, we reported that the levels of taurine and related metabolites increase after exercise in blood (Singh et al., 2023). Moreover, some athletes ingest taurine for exercise-related effects. The aim of the study is to conduct a systematic review to investigate the effect of taurine ingestion on exercise-related variables.
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Kontakt: henning.wackerhage@tum.de

Extreme exercise hypothesis: is too much exercise harmful (BSc)?

Exercise is good for health but what is the effect of extreme levels of endurance training e.g., in triathletes? Is too much endurance training over many years harmful? Is there some anecdotal or other evidence? The aim of the project is to investigate this.
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Kontakt: henning.wackerhage@tum.de

Aerosol production in lung patients at rest and during exercise (MSc Thesis)

This study aims to quantify the aerosol concentration and lung ventilation of lung patients during mild cycling exercise. It is a collaboration project with Benedikt Schumm of the Universität der Bundeswehr and the LMU. The practical work will be conducted at the LMU.
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Kontakt: martin.schoenfelder@tum.de

Does a single gene knockout of Myostatin in mice change muscle fibre composition, fibre count, and fibre cross-sectional area? (MSc or BSc)

This study aims to dissect specific muscles from mouse hindlimbs. Muscles will be analysed for weight, fibre type, and fibre area by histology. Histological data will be added by bioinformatic analysis.
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Kontakt: henning.wackerhage@tum.de

Master's Thesis: Circular Economy

Circular Economy: Insights from Interdisciplinary Research
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Kontakt: circula@tum.de

How to motivate individuals who rank mid in smartphone app-based physical activity leaderboards best?

Are you interested in gamification and research into physical activity for health? The Chair of Sport and Health Management offers students the possibility for interdisciplinary research (i.e., write a bachelor or master thesis). The topic is: "How to motivate individuals who rank mid in leaderboards best? A study on gamified physical activity".
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Kontakt: joerg.koenigstorfer@tum.de

1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | ... | 8 Die nächsten 10 Artikel