Diplomarbeiten, Bachelor- und Masterarbeiten
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MSc project: Bayesian Physics-Informed Neural Networks
The goal of this project is to combine physics-informed neural networks (PINNs) with Bayesian deep learning (BDL) to develop a novel neural network that is both informed about the underlying data and is capable of uncertainty estimation.
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Kontakt: fedor.sergeev@inf.ethz.ch
MSc project: Hybrid physics-ML modeling with zero-th order optimization
In the context of numerical climate and weather modeling, we aim to replace the expensive function “run a high-resolution simulation and then coarse-grain” with a hybrid physics-ML model with an in-the-loop data-driven corrector, learned via a zero-th order optimization method.
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Kontakt: gideond@gmail.com
Stress as a moderator of perceived difficulty of healthy cooking on healthy at-home cooking and eating-related subjective wellbeing
Are you interested in health and food research? The Chair of Sport and Health Management offers students the possibility for interdisciplinary research (i.e., write a bachelor or master thesis). The topic is: "Stress as a moderator of perceived difficulty of healthy cooking on healthy at-home cooking and eating-related subjective wellbeing".
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Kontakt: jennifer.yang@tum.de
The role of intergenerational transmission and childhood memories for grocery shopping and cooking practices
Are you interested in health and food research? The Chair of Sport and Health Management offers students the possibility for interdisciplinary research (i.e., write a bachelor or master thesis). The topic is: "The role of intergenerational transmission and childhood memories for grocery shopping and cooking practices".
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Kontakt: jennifer.yang@tum.de
Using social practice theory to uncover healthy and unhealthy cooking practices
Are you interested in health and food research? The Chair of Sport and Health Management offers students the possibility for interdisciplinary research (i.e., write a bachelor or master thesis). The topic is: "Using social practice theory to uncover healthy and unhealthy cooking practices".
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Kontakt: jennifer.yang@tum.de
Masterarbeit: B2B Kommerzialisierungsstrategien von KI-Anwendungen in der Biotechnologie
Im Rahmen eines staatlich geförderten Projektes am Institute of AI for Health, Helmholtz Zentrum München suchen wir einen engagierte/n TUM BWL Studenten/In, um eine qualitative Masterarbeit zum Thema "B2B Kommerzialisierungsstrategien von KI-Anwendungen in der Biotechnologie" anzufertigen.
Ausführliche Informationen und Bewerbungsformular findest du hier: https://tally.so/r/wdPzPA
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Kontakt: rubendaniel.brabenec@helmholtz-munich.de; laurin.waldmann@tum.de
Master Thesis Project on Dynamic Catalysts under the Scanning Tunneling Microscope
The group of Functional Nanomaterials at the Technical University of Munich investigates chemical and structural dynamics of functional surfaces such as small oxide-supported metal clusters with state-of-the-art spectroscopy and microscopy surface science techniques. We offer a stimulating research environment in a multi-disciplinary laboratory in one of the highest-ranked universities in Europe.
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Kontakt: bajlechner@tum.de
Design of Platform Processes for Sustainable Cultured Meat Food Production
- Develop a qualitative model overview over the processes of cultured meat production.
- Investigate various components of the platform process including cell culture, media, scaffolding, bioreactors, and final product formulation.
- Evaluate the sustainability of these processes through waste treatment, recycling, and by-product recovery strategies.
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Kontakt: katharina.brenner@tum.de
Master thesis in Molecular Oncology from fall 2024
The research group of „Translational DNA damage modification” is actively looking for a Master student with a life science background to conduct thesis work on the topic of molecular oncology, translational chemotherapy and DNA damage modification starting in fall 2024.
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Kontakt: yizhu.li@tum.de
Project studies/work & IDPs: Research-based theater & AI ethics
The Chair of Business Ethics and the Institute for Ethics in AI are currently looking for motivated students to work on the topic of "Research-based Theater & AI Ethics". This opportunity is directed at TUM students (B.Sc. and M.Sc.) who can elect project studies/work or IDPs as part of their study curriculum. More details can be found here: https://www.ieai.sot.tum.de/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/20240621_Call-for-applicants_project-study_IDP.pdf
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Kontakt: Franziska.poszler@tum.de