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Technische Universität München

Technische Universität München


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Sitemap > Schwarzes Brett > Abschlussarbeiten, Bachelor- und Masterarbeiten

Abschlussarbeiten, Bachelor- und Masterarbeiten

Sie suchen gerade eine Diplomarbeit, ein Thema für eine Bachelor oder Master Thesis? Dann sind Sie hier richtig. In diesem Bereich sind Abschlussarbeiten aus allen Fakultäten zu finden.
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1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 Die nächsten 10 Artikel
MSc project: Hybrid physics-ML modeling with zero-th order optimization

In the context of numerical climate and weather modeling, we aim to replace the expensive function “run a high-resolution simulation and then coarse-grain” with a hybrid physics-ML model with an in-the-loop data-driven corrector, learned via a zero-th order optimization method.
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Kontakt:  gideond@gmail.com

CAD based HMI development in the context of autonomous driving

The CeCaS project seeks bachelor and master thesis students writing their thesis with us, focusing on tasks such as researching HMI methods, designing and implementing novel solutions, and integrating these into our system. Requirements include high motivation, and knowledge in CAD, Python, and Linux, with an interest in autonomous driving and human-machine interaction.
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Kontakt: nils.purschke@tum.de

Design and imlementation of a vehicle based enviromental recording system

The CeCaS project seeks bachelor and master thesis students to design and implement a vehicle-based environmental recording system. Students will write their thesis with us, focusing on tasks such as setting up sensor technology, researching state-of-the-art recording methods, developing and integrating novel solutions, and creating a digital twin from real vehicle data. Requirements include knowledge in sensors, Python and an interest in environmental data recording and digital twin technology.
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Kontakt: nils.purschke@tum.de

Stress as a moderator of perceived difficulty of healthy cooking on healthy at-home cooking and eating-related subjective wellbeing

Are you interested in health and food research? The Chair of Sport and Health Management offers students the possibility for interdisciplinary research (i.e., write a bachelor or master thesis). The topic is: "Stress as a moderator of perceived difficulty of healthy cooking on healthy at-home cooking and eating-related subjective wellbeing".
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Kontakt: jennifer.yang@tum.de

The role of intergenerational transmission and childhood memories for grocery shopping and cooking practices

Are you interested in health and food research? The Chair of Sport and Health Management offers students the possibility for interdisciplinary research (i.e., write a bachelor or master thesis). The topic is: "The role of intergenerational transmission and childhood memories for grocery shopping and cooking practices".
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Kontakt: jennifer.yang@tum.de

Using social practice theory to uncover healthy and unhealthy cooking practices

Are you interested in health and food research? The Chair of Sport and Health Management offers students the possibility for interdisciplinary research (i.e., write a bachelor or master thesis). The topic is: "Using social practice theory to uncover healthy and unhealthy cooking practices".
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Kontakt: jennifer.yang@tum.de

Urban biogenic flux observations in Munich

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Kontakt: junwei.li@tum.de

From virtual to augmented reality: Enhancing ICU Alarm Interfaces for Improved Medical Monitoring

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Kontakt: luisa.theelke@tum.de, hex-thesis.ortho@mh.tum.de

Masterarbeit: B2B Kommerzialisierungsstrategien von KI-Anwendungen in der Biotechnologie

Im Rahmen eines staatlich geförderten Projektes am Institute of AI for Health, Helmholtz Zentrum München suchen wir einen engagierte/n TUM BWL Studenten/In, um eine qualitative Masterarbeit zum Thema "B2B Kommerzialisierungsstrategien von KI-Anwendungen in der Biotechnologie" anzufertigen. Ausführliche Informationen und Bewerbungsformular findest du hier: https://tally.so/r/wdPzPA
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Kontakt: rubendaniel.brabenec@helmholtz-munich.de; laurin.waldmann@tum.de

Face Anonymization and Human Pose Estimation in the Operating Room

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Kontakt: hannah.schieber@tum.de, hex-thesis.ortho@mh.tum.de

1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 Die nächsten 10 Artikel