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Further expansion for TUM Graduate School funded through Excellence Initiative

Ten new IGSSE research projects

15.01.2008, Press releases

The International Graduate School of Science and Engineering (IGSSE) set up by the TU München (TUM) has launched ten new research projects in the fields of Environmental Sciences, Nanotechnology, Biomedical Engineering and Computational Engineering. A total of 14 doctoral scholarships are to be awarded and applications are open to outstanding German and international graduates. There will soon be about 150 postdocs and postgraduates altogether working on the 30 interdisciplinary research projects conducted by the Graduate School. Five of these groups will be funded in roughly equal portions by TUM and its international partners – Stanford University, DTU Copenhagen, NUS Singapore.

In Environmental Sciences the research group "SafeEarth – Multi-sensorial Remote Sensing Techniques for Supporting Natural Disaster Management and Hazard Preparedness” has been set up under the guidance of TUM researchers Dr. Stefan Hinz and Prof. Richard Bamler. These scientists are aiming to integrate Sensor Technology, Mathematical Modelling and Image Processing in such a way that emergency forces can respond more quickly to natural catastrophes like earthquakes and erupting volcanoes in the future and initiate appropriate rescue measures more effectively. Hinz and Bamler are cooperating with Professors Allan A. Nielsen and Henning Skriver of the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) in Copenhagen and Dr. Peter Reinartz of the German Aerospace Center (DLR) in Oberpfaffenhofen.

Three projects are being launched in the areas of Nanotechnology and Material Sciences, to be run jointly by chemists, physicists, computer scientists and electrical engineers: "Tangible, Chemical Reactions: Small Molecules with a Large Impact“ (Professors Fritz Kühn, Gudrun Klinker, Wolfgang A. Herrmann, Johannes Buchner), "Highly Complex Nanostructured Systems for Cryptography and Security“ (Professors Jonathan J. Finley, Paolo Lugli, Ulf Schlichtmann, Jürgen Schmidhuber, Martin Stutzmann) and "Preparation and Characterization of Functional Nanocomposites by Directed Assembly of Modified Carbon Nanotubes in Block Copolymer Matrices“ (Prof. Christine Papadakis, PD Dr. Rainer Jordan; Prof. Martin E. Vigild, Dr. Sokol Ndoni (both of DTU)).

Two project applications have been approved for (Bio-)Medical Engineering, with TUM scientists and engineers cooperating with doctors from the TUM Medical Center (Klinikum rechts der Isar): "Rupture Risk Evaluation and Individualized Intervention Planning for Abdominal Aortic Aneurism“ (Professors Nassir Navab, Wolfgang A. Wall, Markus Schwaiger, Hans-Henning Eckstein) and "Experimental Optimization of Folding Conditions of Insoluble Expressed, Recombinant Proteins with the Help of Genetic Algorithms and Model Design for ab initio Prediction of Refolding Conditions“ (Professors Johannes Buchner, Dirk Weuster-Botz, Dr. Martin Haslbeck).

Kontakt: presse@tum.de

More Information


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