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Technical University of Munich

Technical University of Munich

Sitemap > Media > Press releases > TUM researchers discover a new switch in resistance to plant diseases > Cytoskeleton of a barley cell that a fungus is trying to invade (Copyright: Caroline Hoefle / TUM)

Cytoskeleton of a barley cell that a fungus is trying to invade (Copyright: Caroline Hoefle / TUM)

The protein MAGAP1, molecular counterpart to the susceptibility factor RACB, occupies the cytoskeleton of barley (blue-green). In red you can see the nucleus of the cell close to the spot where a mildew fungus is trying to penetrate.
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© Bildquelle: Caroline Hoefle / TUM; Verwendung: frei fuer Berichterstattung ueber TUM unter Nennung des Copyrights
Aufnahme durch Caroline Hoefle

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