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King Abdullah University of Science and Technology Announces Research Partnership with Technische Universität München

Nadhmi Al Nasr, Interim President of KAUST, with Wolfgang A. Herrmann, President TUM

24.01.2008, Press releases

Agreement to Focus on Solar Energy, Mathematical Modeling and High-Speed Computational Science, Advanced Sensors for Industrial Applications, Carbon Sequestration

King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) and Technische Universität München (TUM) signed a Memorandum of Understanding today to collaborate on cutting-edge research. The signing, KAUST’s sixth research agreement with a major international university in the last seven months, is another example of growing efforts among institutions to gather the best minds from around the world to address specific needs in scientific and technological research.

KAUST, a new world-class, graduate-level research institution currently under development in Saudi Arabia, will partner with TUM on fundamental and applied science and engineering research in a variety of areas, including solar energy, mathematical modeling, high-speed computational science, carbon sequestration, and advanced sensors for industrial applications.

“Technische Universität München is one of the global leaders in science and engineering research,” said Nadhmi Al-Nasr, KAUST interim president. “More importantly, TUM is the home to some of the best experts in research areas that are of primary focus for KAUST. We look forward to a relationship that will nurture discoveries and innovations that will benefit Saudi Arabia and the world.”
KAUST and TUM will collaborate in several areas including:

• design, construction, and initial operation of research centers and lab facilities at KAUST;
• collaborative research programs conducted at TUM and/or KAUST;
• exchange of scientific, technical, and administrative staff as needed; and
• exchange of information on research and engineering topics of mutual interest.

“Technische Universität München is delighted to be a key cooperation member in this ambitious venture. Together with outstanding international partners, we will contribute our specific expertise to help making KAUST a world-class research and teaching institution,” said Professor Wolfgang A. Herrmann, president of the Technische Universität München.

In addition to the partnership with TUM, KAUST has also signed agreements to create similar partnerships with the following organizations: Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI); Institut Français du Pétrole (France); National University of Singapore; the Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay; and American University in Cairo. KAUST also recently consummated its first collaboration agreement with an industry partner, GE Global Research Center (GRC).

King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) is being built in Saudi Arabia as an international, graduate-level research university dedicated to inspiring a new age of scientific achievement in the Kingdom, the region and around the globe. As an independent, merit-based institution, KAUST will employ many of the best practices from leading research universities and enable top researchers from around the globe and across all cultures to work together to solve challenging scientific and technological issues. The KAUST global research and education network will support diverse talents, both on its campus and at other premier universities and research institutions, through collaborative research agreements, grants, and student scholarship programs. The core campus, located on more than 36 million square meters on the Red Sea at Thuwal, is set to open in September 2009.

Kontakt: presse@tum.de

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