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Technische Universität München

Technische Universität München


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Wissenschaftliches Personal

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1 | ... | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | ... | 41 Die nächsten 10 Artikel
Assistenzarzt (m/w/d) als Physician Scientist in der Klinik für RadioOnkologie und Strahlentherapie

Die Klinik für RadioOnkologie und Strahlentherapie sucht zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt einen Assistenzarzt (m/w/d) als Physician Scientist
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Kontakt: sabrina.renfro-kohl@mri.tum.de

Postdoktorandenstelle im Bereich prädiktiver Marker-Analyse von SARS-CoV2

Infektionen mir SARS-CoV2 sind derzeit eines der größten Herausforderungen für unsere Gesellschaft. Ein Problem hierbei ist, dass die Infektion bei einigen Menschen unbemerkt verläuft und bei anderen in einem fulminanten Organversagen endet. Die Diagnostik mit der Kombination einer frühzeitigen Identifikation der Patienten, bei denen es zu Komplikationen kommen wird ist dabei von entscheidender Bedeutung. In diesem Ansatz vollen wir mit einem neuartigen Testsystem die Infektion von SARS-CoV2 aber auch anderen Infektionen und deren Auswirkungen auf den Gesamtorganismus untersuchen.
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Kontakt: PD Dr. Bastian Höchst, Bastian.Hoechst@tum.de

Doktorand/in mit Schwerpunkt Informatik (f/m/d) für Flottenmanagement und Mobilitätssimulation gesucht

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Kontakt: Marie-Luise Neitz

PhD and PostDoc Positions in Visual Computing / Machine Learning (Prof. Niessner)

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Kontakt: niessner@tum.de

Wissenschaftliches PersonalPostdoctoral position in the SARS-CoV2 Diagnostic Research

SARS-CoV2 is currently the biggest health challenge. Detection of the infection is mainly based on PCR-based methods as the gold standard. Other test principles are based on the detection of viral antigens, but have a lower sensitivity and specificity. However, both test systems allow only a very limited statement regarding the infection. In this funded project, a diagnostic method is to be established in which exosomes are isolated from blood, enriched and characterized in detail on a single event level. To strengthen our team we are looking for a candidate with practical experience in immunology, molecular biology and biochemistry. Strong interest in the life science field and the ability to work creatively, independently and in a team are very important to us. Very good knowledge of flow cytometry is essential for this project. We offer a highly interesting research topic with direct relevance in a stimulating and interactive research environment. The position is limited to 8 months with the possibility of an expiration date. The payment corresponds to TVL 13 according to DFG personnel funding rate 2018. Your qualification: - Completed university studies (PhD) in life science - Knowledge of immunology and oncology or virology - Special knowledge of flow cytometry and GLP - Ability to work in an international team - Innovative and creative thinking - Very good written and spoken English Please send your complete application documents with publication list, letter of motivation and certificates. Note on data protection: When applying for a position at the Technische Universität München (TUM) you are transmitting personal data. Please note our data protection information in accordance with Art. 13 of the Basic Data Protection Regulation (DSGVO) for the collection and processing of personal data in the context of your application. By submitting your application you confirm that you have taken note of the TUM's privacy policy.
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Kontakt: PD Dr. Bastian Höchst, Bastian.Hoechst@tum.de

Quantum Engineer / Researcher (m/w/d) (100%)

Join the Bavarian Quantum Technology Initiative! To support the quantum technology initiative of the federal and the Bavarian government we are looking for an experienced Quantum Engineer / Researcher to join our team at the Walther-Meissner-Institute (WMI) located at the Campus Garching near Munich in Germany.
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Kontakt: sekretariat@wmi.badw.de

Senior Research Team Leader/PostDoc in Computational Materials Science (m/f/d)

Founded in 2019, the new Chair of Materials Engineering of Additive Manufacturing at Technical University of Munich teaches and researches in the promising field of additive manufacturing of metallic structures. The main focus is on developing and characterizing metallic high-performance materials for/through additive technologies by means of experiments and computer aided methods.
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Kontakt: info@mat.mw.tum.de


WSI Quantum Sensing Group (Reinhard lab)

PhD students / Postdocs Diamond Quantum Sensing, Microscopy, AI

The quantum sensing group at the Walter Schottky Institute of TUM is offering PhD and Postdoc positions to join our work on novel sensors and their applications.
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Kontakt: friedemann@quantum-minigolf.org

PhD and PostDoc Positions in 3D Machine Learning / 3D Vision (Dr. Dai)

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Kontakt: angela.dai@tum.de

Postdoc or PhD student in Computational Biology

Single-cell technologies have recently gained popularity tremendous popularity with a big impact on understanding the pathogenesis of diseases and the design of targeted therapies. Analyzing high-dimensional single-cell data has its own statistical and computational challenges, and standard tools often cannot be applied. The purpose of the position and goal of the project is to develop and apply bioinformatic tools for the analysis of high-dimensional immunological data sets. Our laboratory (Zielinski lab) focusses on human T cell regulation in health and disease. We are currently deciphering the heterogeneity and regulation of tissue resident T cells at single cell resolution in human peripheral tissues.
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Kontakt: Christina.zielinski@tum.de

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