Postdoc in the field of “Political Theory and Philosophy” (E13 TV-L, 100%, starting 1 April 2025)
28.01.2025, Wissenschaftliches Personal
The Professorship “Political Theory and Philosophy” (Dr. Manon Westphal), which is currently being established, invites applications for a Postdoc in the field of “Political Theory and Philosophy” (E13 TV-L, 100%, starting 1 April 2025)
About us
The Munich School of Politics and Public Policy (HfP), with its affiliation to the Technical University of Munich (TUM), deals with the multifaceted interactions between politics, society, business and technology in research, teaching and practice. It was established by the Bavarian State Parliament based on a separate law.
The Professorship “Political Theory and Philosophy” focuses on contemporary political theory and philosophy and develops methodological and substantive approaches to a realist, practice-oriented political theory that is closely linked to empirical research. It deals with current social and political challenges for democracies, such as the phenomena of power concentration, polarization and deep disagreement, as well as responses that can strengthen the ability of democracies to address these challenges. It conducts research on democratic innovations, including ways to reform democratic politics with new institutions, procedures and technologies.
Your future responsibilities
Collaboration in research and teaching in the research areas of the professorship, in particular democratic theory approaches to democratic innovation.
Independent research that combines at least two of the following research areas: democratic theory, realist political theory, democratic innovations, digital technologies.
Teaching (Bachelor and Master) in the areas of political theory and philosophy, including introductory and specialized courses.
Taking on university self-administration tasks and supporting the establishment and further development of the professorship.
Your profile
University degree in political science or philosophy
Doctoral degree in political science or philosophy
Very good knowledge of approaches and debates in contemporary political theory and philosophy
Very good English language skills, both written and spoken (German language skills are desirable)
An ongoing programme of research and publications, focused on international peer reviewed journals and/or books published by internationally recognized academic presses
Experience in teaching political theory and/or philosophy at university level
Experience in working in teams
Our offer
We offer you excellent working conditions in a highly motivated team with plenty of creative freedom, embedded in a vibrant scientific environment.
The salary is based on your qualifications and personal suitability in accordance with TV-L (salary scale E13). The position is initially limited to a period of 3 years, with the possibility of extension.
The position is suitable for the employment of people with severe disabilities. Severely disabled applicants will be given preference in the case of otherwise substantially equal suitability, qualifications and professional performance. The Munich School of Politics and Public Policy strives to increase the proportion of women. Applications from women are therefore expressly welcome.
Your contact persons
Dr. Manon Westphal
E-Mail: manon.westphal(at)
Dorothea Wörner
Munich School of Politics and Public Policy (HfP)
Richard-Wagner-Str. 1
80333 Munich
E-Mail: dorothea.woerner(at)
Your application
If this exciting position appeals to you and you would like to work for the Munich School of Politics and Public Policy, we look forward to receiving your informative application documents:
cover letter with information on your future research and teaching plans
curriculum vitae
academic certificates
a writing sample
Please send these documents by email in a single PDF document to by February 16, 2025 at the latest.
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