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Sitemap > Jobs und Stellenangebote > Wissenschaftliches Personal > PhD position on Optimal predictive maintenance planning of geotechnical systems based on explainable AI
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PhD position on Optimal predictive maintenance planning of geotechnical systems based on explainable AI

22.01.2025, Wissenschaftliches Personal

We offer a PhD position funded for 3 three years by an MSCA scholarship with competitive conditions. The PhD project will investigate predictive maintenance schemes (PM) for infrastructure systems subject to geotechnical failure mechanisms. While advances in AI methods for reinforcement learning have been exploited for PM planning and lead to significant improvements over traditional maintenance strategies, their acceptance in practice is hindered by their black-box nature. This project aims to develop AI-based explainable PM solutions with a particular focus to geotechnical systems, where PM is crucial for mitigating uncertainties related to subsoil conditions.

About the ERA group at TUM:

The Engineering Risk Analysis Group (www.cee.ed.tum.de/era/) develops and implements uncertainty quantification, engineering reliability, risk & decision analysis to enhance optimal & sustainable decision-making for civil systems and the environment.

About the FOURIER project:

The PhD position is part of the FOURIER project on Artificial Intelligence for monitoring and maintaining large scale complex infrastructures. The objective of FOURIER is to train the next generation of multidisciplinary researchers who will develop innovative techniques for AI-based management of civil systems. The FOURIER Doctoral Network funded by the European Commission’s Horizon 2023 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action (MSCA) consists of leading academic institutions and leading industry partners from 8 European countries (Austria, Croatia, Italy, Germany, Greece, Switzerland, Netherlands and Portugal). 

Your profile:

+  M.Sc. degree in civil engineering, geotechnical engineering or related fields

+  Excellent analytical skills, strong interest and capabilities in quantitative analysis

+  Experience with stochastic methods, data analysis and artificial intelligence. Additional relevant experiences, such as risk and reliability analysis, are a plus.

+  Experience in programming in Python, MATLAB, C/C++ or equivalent

+  Proficiency in English (both written and oral), German is a plus

+  Strong communication skills

+  You have not resided or carried out your main activity in Germany for more than 12 months within the last 3 years (this is required by the MSCA rules, to enhance mobility among researchers in Europe).

The position

+  We offer a PhD position funded for 3 three years by an MSCA scholarship with competitive conditions.

+  The PhD project will investigate predictive maintenance schemes (PM) for infrastructure systems subject to geotechnical failure mechanisms. While advances in AI methods for reinforcement learning have been exploited for PM planning and lead to significant improvements over traditional maintenance strategies, their acceptance in practice is hindered by their black-box nature. This project aims to develop AI-based explainable PM solutions with a particular focus to geotechnical systems, where PM is crucial for mitigating uncertainties related to subsoil conditions.

+  The PhD student will have secondments at Deltares (NL) and Politecnico di Torino (IT).

+  The earliest starting date is June 1, 2025, later starting dates are possible. 

+  The successful candidates will be enrolled in the doctoral program of the Technical University of Munich. 

+  You can expect a dynamic and flexible work environment in a multi-disciplinary, international team with an inclusive and supportive culture. We are located in the center of Munich.

The FOURIER Doctoral Network

We offer you the opportunity become part of the FOURIER Doctoral Network, which will not only facilitate fifteen doctoral candidates in reaching a high level of technical and project-specific excellence but will also provide you with many opportunities for developing skills that are transferable to a broader landscape of opportunities. You will have the opportunity to visit industry and other academic institutions within the consortium. After completing the program, you will have a thorough understanding of the process from research via innovation to industry implementation and a strong career-defining network.  


+  Applications should include your CV, electronic copies of your academic diplomas and a short cover letter (max. one page), explaining your interest in the position and your relevant skills and experience.

+  Applications should be sent as single PDF file to applications.era@ed.tum.de

+  Applications will be continuously reviewed. 


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Kontakt: applications.era@ed.tum.de

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