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Technische Universität München

Technische Universität München

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PhD Position

20.01.2025, Wissenschaftliches Personal

About the position
The position involves both teaching and engaging in innovative research projects on tractor autonomy, path-planning algorithms, soil compaction modeling, and sensor fusion in close collaboration with industrial and university partners. Additionally, it includes supporting project applications and contributing to the Chair's development initiatives.

About us
The Chair of Agrimechatronics (Prof. Oksanen) studies especially Intelligent Machines for Agriculture. The research themes include topics like tractors and other agricultural vehicles and robots, tractor-implement automation, communication technologies for vehicles, navigation, guidance and planning, positioning systems, model-based control of mechatronic systems, drives and power systems, and robotic implements.

We offer
As a part of our international team in northern Munich area, you will have an excellent opportunity to develop yourself as a team player as well as an independent researcher. Our work is interdisciplinary, international, and in-depth, but also practical. We offer a possibility to obtain broad and profound expertise, both theory and practice, in the field of agricultural applications, technology and research.

The position will be paid in accordance with the Collective Agreement for the Civil Service of the German States (TV-L).

Your qualifications
• A Master’s level university degree in engineering (e.g. Mechatronics & Robotics), completed with above-average results
• Good skills (both theory and practice) in one or several of the following topics:
o Terramechanics
o State Estimation, especially GNSS & IMU Sensor fusion
o CANbus communication technology
o MATLAB/Simulink
• Research interest in one or several of following topics:
o Tractor Engineering
o Vehicle Modelling
o Mobile Robotics
• Prior experience with open field agricultural machinery is advantageous
• Excellent language skills in written and spoken English and fluent in written and spoken German

Application process
Send your application in English by email to amx@wzw.tum.de with title “Research Associate application” at latest 28.02.2025 including
• A cover letter (for example elaborating your background, interests and motivation)
• Curriculum Vitae (CV) in English
• PDF copies of earned university degrees and transcripts of individual grades
• PDF copy of your Master’s thesis or a seminar paper

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Kontakt: Send your application in English by email to amx@wzw.tum.de with title “Research Associate application” at latest 28.02.2025