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PhD position in Plant-Pollinator-Pathogen Interactions

15.01.2025, Wissenschaftliches Personal

As part of a recently funded collaborative research project between Germany and Belgium, we offer two PhD positions. One position will be based at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) Campus Weihenstephan in Freising (Germany), the second position will be based at the University of Ghent (UGhent) in Ghent (Belgium). There will be close collaboration and frequent exchange between the two positions.

Project description
Plant pollen and nectar are highly important food resources for bee pollinators. The chemical composition of these resources plays a major role in determining which plants are visited by bees for food collection and how they affect bee health and fitness. In particular pollen chemistry additionally affects the bees’ resistance to pathogens. However, the interplay between pollen chemistry, pathogens and bee health is still poorly understood and represents the focus of this collaborative project.

Position at TUM:
The TUM position will primarily focus on the role of chemistry in driving wild bee health and fitness. Particular interest is given to the identification of chemicals which are highly influential for bee health and hence their resilience to pathogen infections. The position is available at the Plant-Insect Interactions group (Prof. Sara D. Leonhardt) as part of the TUM Department of Life Science Systems. Starting date is summer/fall 2025. The position is fixed-term (36 months). Salary scale: TV-L 13, 65%. As part of the assigned duties, there will be ample opportunity to conduct the independent scientific research necessary for the completion of a doctorate. The limitation complies to § 2, 1 WissZeitVG.

Applications and further information
We invite applications from highly motivated candidates with passion for and experience in plant/insect research, and ideally with experience in fieldwork and chemical analyses. Please send any inquiries to Sara Leonhardt (sara.leonhardt@tum.de) and your application via eMail to Cornelia Wenske (cornelia.wenske@tum.de) as a single PDF document until 30th of April 2025. Applications should include a motivation letter, a short summary of research interests and experience, CV, list of publications, certificates, and contacts of two potential referees.

Job profile – We require
• Strong interest and motivation in conducting biodiversity research at different levels.
• MSc/Diplom (DE) in a field related to ecology (e.g. pollination, chemical or molecular ecology).
• Strong experience with statistical data analyses.
• Experience in or willingness to learn analytical chemical analyses and data processing.
• Excellent command of English language (written & oral) and experience with scientific writing.
• Driver’s license valid in Germany.

We offer
• Friendly and inspiring working atmosphere in a highly international young research work groups, as part of a vivid ecological department.
• Graduate Education at an excellent university ranked number 1 in Germany and 12th worldwide.
• Direct admission to Biodiversity Exploratories, a renowned large scale experiment maintained by a large group of internationally renowned scientists, associated PhD students and Postdocs.
• Free access to transferable skill and statistical courses as part of the TUM Graduate School and the Biodiversity Exploratories.

Salary & Conditions
TUM strives to raise the proportion of women in its workforce and explicitly encourages applications from qualified women. Applications from disabled persons with essentially the same qualifications will be given preference. As part of your application, you provide personal data to the Technical University of Munich (TUM). Please view our privacy policy on collecting and processing personal data in the course of the application process pursuant to Art. 13 of the General Data Protection Regulation of the European Union (GDPR) at https://portal.mytum.de/kompass/datenschutz/Bewerbung/. By submitting your application you confirm to have read and understood the data protection information provided by TUM. Find out more about us at www.tum.de.

Die Stelle ist für die Besetzung mit schwerbehinderten Menschen geeignet. Schwerbehinderte Bewerberinnen und Bewerber werden bei ansonsten im wesentlichen gleicher Eignung, Befähigung und fachlicher Leistung bevorzugt eingestellt.

Hinweis zum Datenschutz:
Im Rahmen Ihrer Bewerbung um eine Stelle an der Technischen Universität München (TUM) übermitteln Sie personenbezogene Daten. Beachten Sie bitte hierzu unsere Datenschutzhinweise gemäß Art. 13 Datenschutz-Grundverordnung (DSGVO) zur Erhebung und Verarbeitung von personenbezogenen Daten im Rahmen Ihrer Bewerbung. Durch die Übermittlung Ihrer Bewerbung bestätigen Sie, dass Sie die Datenschutzhinweise der TUM zur Kenntnis genommen haben.

Kontakt: sara.leonhardt@tum.de

Mehr Information

2025_PHD PhD Position Plant-Pollinator-Pathogen Interaction, (Type: application/pdf, Größe: 717.7 kB) Datei speichern