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Technische Universität München

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Postdoc in remote sensing of forest disturbances

25.07.2024, Wissenschaftliches Personal

The Professorship of Earth Observation for Ecosystem Management is seeking a Postdoc (m/f/d) work-ing in the project “Global land carbon budget and its attribution to regional drivers” funded by the Euro-pean Space Agency (ESA).

The Professorship of Earth Observation for Ecosystem Management is one of Europe’s leading research groups in the field of Earth observation and remote sensing. Within the project “Global land carbon budget and its attribution to regional drivers” we aim at breaking new ground in understanding boreal forest dis-turbances from remote sensing data. Main tasks will involve the large-area processing of optical satellite data, the development of novel analysis approaches for mapping forest disturbances, and the analysis of maps produced. The position moreover includes an active collaboration within an international research network, as well as the presentation and publication of results at international conferences and in peer-reviewed journals.

You hold a PhD in remote sensing, geoinformation, geography, forestry, or similar and you have prior experi-ences in working with remote sensing data and good programming skills (Python, R, Julia or similar). Prior ex-perience in the field of forest and disturbance ecology are a plus. You enjoy working in an international team and you are keen on further developing your research skills, in particular writing and presenting research results.

We offer a position for two years, with the possibility to extent to three years, ideally starting in November 2024. The Salary is based on the Collective Agreement for the Civil Service of the Länder (TV-L E13; 100%) and includes social security, health insurance and several employee benefits. The position is based at TUM’s School of Life Sciences in Freising, approx. 30 minutes north of Munich. Our international team is composed of researchers in different career stages, offering a diverse and multidisciplinary research environment at the frontier of the field. We explicitly encourage international applicants. Further, TUM is committed to equal oppor-tunity and diversity. TUM aims for an increase of the proportion of women and people with ethnic minority background, and women and minority groups are therefore especially encouraged to apply for the position. Applications from people with disabilities / special needs will be considered preferentially.

If you are interested in working in our team, please send your application consisting of a cover letter and a CV as one PDF with following naming scheme firstname_lastname.pdf to cornelius.senf@tum.de no later than 11th of August 2024. Please include one or two reference contacts. You can also find out more about us at: https://www.lss.ls.tum.de/eoem

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Kontakt: Cornelius.senf@tum.de