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Technische Universität München

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Post-doc (f/m/d) on biopolymers for optoelectronics

25.07.2024, Wissenschaftliches Personal

The Chair of Biogenic Functional Materials (BFM) is searching for a new member! The candidate will learn and live the translational perspective of designing biomaterials for sustainable energy-related applications every day. The successful candidate will be offered a 2-year contract (evtl. further extensions). We offer a competitive salary and benefits commensurate with experience and seniority in accordance with the Tarifvertrag für den öff. Dienst - TV-L E13 (100%).


We are looking for an individual with initiative and motivation to continue his/her career in a new and dynamic chair at TUM. The candidate will develop new biopolymer systems based on polysaccharides, such as mixed linkage glucans, maltodextrins etc., with the aim to improve the thermal and mechanical properties to preserve the photoluminescence of the proteins under different stress scenarios.


  • High motivation and commitment to scientific excellence.
  • Master's Degree/(10 semester diploma) and PhD in Biochemistry/ Biotechnology/ Chemistry/Materials Science or related disciplines. 
  • Team skills and enthusiasm for working in a multidisciplinary, collaborative environment are required.
  • Experience in polysaccharide chemistry is required
  • Experience in handling and spectroscopic/mechanical/thermal characterization of polymer composites is required.
  • Previous experience with biopolymers, polymers and additives for protein or enzyme stabilization will be positively judged.
  • Experience in engineering protein (cloning, expression, bacterial production, protein purification, etc.) will be welcome.
  • Experience in protein or enzyme chemistry will be welcome.
  • Excellent English language skills (fully fluent in writing and speaking). No knowledge of German is perfectly acceptable (free lessons will be provided).

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Kontakt: Prof. Dr. Rubén D. costa - Email: biofunmat@cs.tum.de. Please indicate only “Post-doc-Bio-P” in the subject line.

Mehr Information

Post-doc-Bio-P Post-doc (f/m/d) on biopolymers for optoelectronics, (Type: application/pdf, Größe: 564.0 kB) Datei speichern