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Technische Universität München

Technische Universität München

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PhD position in molecular evolution

11.06.2024, Wissenschaftliches Personal

The project:
RNA and positively charged peptides cluster together to form coacervate droplets, which support internal reactions involving RNA and ribozymes. Coacervate compartments can locally enrich and protect catalytically active molecules and are open to molecular exchange with the environment. Exchange with the environment could have supplied precursors for compartment growth and the evolution of more complex molecules by coacervate-mediated reactions. We will use microfluidic devices to supply substrates for RNA polymerization in coacervates and track the development of their phenotypes over time by microscopy. Characterizing the feedback between ribozyme activity and coacervate properties will help us implement compartment growth and replication of genetic material bringing us closer to a system that is capable of Darwinian evolution.
The Niederholtmeyer lab is located at the TUM Campus Straubing for Biotechnology and Sustainability. We are a supportive and friendly team of synthetic biologists, interested in cell-free systems and engineering life-like compartments. The doctoral researcher will also become a member of the DFG-funded Collaborative Research Center (CRC) 392 on Molecular Evolution in Prebiotic Environments with its own graduate program. More information about CRC 392 and our sub-project B8 can be found here: https://www.molecular-evolution.de/projects1/b8/index.html

We are looking for candidates with the following profile:
- Master’s degree in biochemistry, biophysics or biotechnology with good grades
- Experience with ribozymes, RNA work, microfluidics and microscopy is a plus
- Interest in the origins of life and in engineering life-like systems
- Organizational skills and meticulous experimentation practices
- Ability to perform collaborative as well as independent work
- Very good communication and writing skills in English

Our offer:
We offer a 65% position as academic staff with the opportunity to pursue a doctoral degree. The position will be limited to three years. Payment will be based on the Collective Agreement for the Civil Service of the Länder (TV-L). TUM strives to raise the proportion of women in its workforce and explicitly encourages applications from qualified women. The position is suitable for disabled persons. Disabled applicants will be given preference in case of generally equivalent suitability, aptitude and professional performance.

Your application:
If you are interested in working in our team, please send your application file consisting of a motivation letter, your CV and contact information of two former mentors and your Master’s degree transcript by email to Prof. Dr. Henrike Niederholtmeyer (Henrike.Niederholtmeyer@tum.de). Applications will be reviewed as they come in.

Find out more about our lab at www.hn-lab.org.

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Kontakt: Henrike.Niederholtmeyer@tum.de