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Technische Universität München

Sitemap > Jobs und Stellenangebote > Wissenschaftliches Personal > Postdoc Green Hydrogen Financing (m / f / d)
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Postdoc Green Hydrogen Financing (m / f / d)

03.04.2024, Wissenschaftliches Personal

The Professorship of Public Policy for the Green Transition (PPGT) focuses on designing and evaluating policies for the green transition worldwide. The group uses a variety of methods from automated data analyses (e.g. via machine learning) to qualitative analyses (e.g. via interviews) to support ambitious policies for climate and energy transitions.

This position

Green hydrogen is key to decarbonizing many hard-to-abate sectors, but it is not yet economically viable in most cases. This postdoc position investigates the impact of different financing schemes (e.g., public, private, blended) on the feasibility of green hydrogen by use case. Beyond the economic feasibility, a particular focus of this position will lie on the evaluation of different development pathways when deploying green hydrogen infrastructure, depending on the geographical and economic context. It will include a deep dive on the potential of Ukraine to become a green hydrogen hub, leveraging geo-spatial energy models run by project partners. As such, this position contributes directly to the strategy of rebuilding the Ukrainian energy infrastructure and it develops financing options to scale green hydrogen around the world. Project partners include the University of Oxford, Imperial College London and Ukrainian and British policymakers.

What we look for

  • PhD in a policy-related field (e.g., public policy, political economy, economics, political science)

  • Project management experience and good self-management

  • Interest to work on a collaborative project with international partners and direct links to policymakers

  • Excitement to work in an interdisciplinary team with energy modelers and public policy scholars

  • Knowledge on Ukraine, its energy system or Ukrainian is a plus

  • Experience in the financial sector or consulting is a plus

  • Interest in nature or biodiversity, basic knowledge is a plus

  • Motivation to contribute to teaching

What we offer

  • Cutting edge research in an interdisciplinary team with extensive expertise in climate and energy policy and state-of-the-art research methods

  • Collaboration with top research and policy institutions around the world

  • An exciting research community spanning different policy fields at the School of Social Sciences and Technology

  • Close collaboration with the TUM Think Tank

  • A lovely office space right in the heart of Munich

  • Compensation based on pay grade E14 TV-L, exact remuneration depends on individual experience

  • The position is initially limited to 18 months with the option of extension

How to join the group

Please download the application form, complete it in font 10pt (takes 15mins) and send it to: applications.ppgt@sot.tum.de. Please ensure that your file is a PDF of no more than 1 page.

We will start evaluating applications on 8 April 2024 and continue on a rolling basis until the position is filled. The start date is as soon as possible.

The Technical University of Munich is committed to increasing the proportion of women. Therefore, qualified women are explicitly welcomed.

The position is suitable for people with disabilities. Applicants with disabilities will be given preference if they have essentially the same qualifications, abilities, and professional performance.

Die Stelle ist für die Besetzung mit schwerbehinderten Menschen geeignet. Schwerbehinderte Bewerberinnen und Bewerber werden bei ansonsten im wesentlichen gleicher Eignung, Befähigung und fachlicher Leistung bevorzugt eingestellt.

Hinweis zum Datenschutz:
Im Rahmen Ihrer Bewerbung um eine Stelle an der Technischen Universität München (TUM) übermitteln Sie personenbezogene Daten. Beachten Sie bitte hierzu unsere Datenschutzhinweise gemäß Art. 13 Datenschutz-Grundverordnung (DSGVO) zur Erhebung und Verarbeitung von personenbezogenen Daten im Rahmen Ihrer Bewerbung. Durch die Übermittlung Ihrer Bewerbung bestätigen Sie, dass Sie die Datenschutzhinweise der TUM zur Kenntnis genommen haben.

Kontakt: applications.ppgt@sot.tum.de

Mehr Information

SOT_2024-03_PPGT Postdoc Green Hydrogen Financing PPGT, (Type: application/pdf, Größe: 25.7 kB) Datei speichern