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Data Scientist / Bioinformatician at Munich Data Science Institute and Chair of Computational Molecular Medicine

27.09.2023, Wissenschaftliches Personal

We are looking for a full-time Data Scientist / Bioinformatician at Munich Data Science Institute and Chair of Computational Molecular Medicine

Are you passionate about the intersection of data science and bioinformatics? The Munich Data Science Institute (MDSI) and the Chair of Computational Molecular Medicine at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) are seeking a talented and driven individual to join our dynamic team. As a Data Scientist/Bioinformatician, you will develop innovative bioinformatics methods, conduct analyses of large omics datasets, and provide support in data analysis to colleagues of the Collaborative Research Center TRR267: Non-coding RNAs in the cardiovascular system.

About us

The TRR 267 is a consortium of over 30 world class research groups in non-coding RNAs and cardiovascular research. The consortium contributes to deciphering the function of ncRNAs in the cardiovascular system, thereby gaining important insights into the regulatory mechanisms of cardiovascular disease. More at: https://cardiovascular-ncrna.de/. This full-time position for the TRR 267 is located at the Munich Data Science Institute under the scientific direction of Prof. Julien Gagneur.

The MDSI, located at TUM, is an interdisciplinary institute with a cross-faculty focus on data science and machine learning. Our mission is to facilitate and disseminate state-of-the-art technologies and IT infrastructures throughout the university and beyond. More at: https://www.mdsi.tum.de/en/mdsi/home/.

Prof. Julien Gagneur, chair of Computational Molecular Medicine, studies genomes using statistical modelling and AI. Applications of our work range from understanding basic mechanisms governing gene expression to unravelling genetic aberrations triggering rare diseases and cancer. More at https://www.cs.cit.tum.de/cmm/home/.

Role Description
As a Bioinformatician, you will play a crucial role in the development of new methods spanning deep learning sequence-based models, multi-omics and single-cell omics integration, and non-coding RNA functional prediction. Your tools will be developed in collaboration with other groups (wet lab and computational) of the TRR 267 consortium. Overall you will engage in more than 50% of your time in research. Moreover, you will conduct training workshops for TRR 267 researchers in data science and bioinformatics and coordinate implementation of FAIR data principles. Doing so, you will establish general material and frameworks broadly applicable to other consortia TUM is and will be involved.

● A PhD on a Bioinformatics topic, or for exceptionally independent candidates, a university master degree in Bioinformatics, Physics, Computer Science, or related subjects.
● Strong background in data analysis and programming in R and/or python.
● Experience with omics data analysis
● Excellent organizational skills to coordinate workshops, hackathons, and seminars
● Effective communication (in English) and interpersonal skills to engage with the local research community and contribute to strategic planning

Why Join Us
● Opportunity to be at the forefront of advancing biomedical research through       innovative data science and bioinformatics approaches
● Through your involvement in multiple projects and training, you will acquire a deep expertise in applied data science
● International, attractive, and interdisciplinary working environment
● Salary according to TV-L including social benefits
● Flexible working hours and home-officing policy
● Possibilities for further scientific qualification and for personal development
● Disabled applicants with equal suitability and qualification will be given particular consideration
● The TUM is striving to increase the proportion of women and hence applications from women are therefore expressly welcomed

The full-time position is funded until June 30, 2027 with a salary according to the TV-L (German academic salary scale). The position can start as early as December 1, 2023. Applications should include a cover letter, CV, and references and must be sent to application@mdsi.tum.de by October 15, 2023 referring to “TRR 267” in the email title.

The position is suitable for severely disabled persons. Severely disabled applicants will be given preference in the event of otherwise essentially equal suitability, qualifications and professional performance.

As an equal opportunity and affirmative action employer, TUM explicitly encourages nominations of and applications from women as well as from all others who would bring additional diversity dimensions to the university’s research and teaching strategies. 

As part of your application for a job at the Technical University of Munich (TUM), you submit personal data. Please note our data protection information in accordance with Art. 13 General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) for the collection and processing of personal data in the context of your application https://portal.mytum.de/kompass/datenschutz/Bewerbung/ (scroll down for English version). By submitting your application, you confirm that you have read TUM's data protection information.

Prof. Dr. Julien Gagneur

Technische Universität München 

Computational Molecular Medicine - I29

Boltzmannstr. 3

85748 Garching bei München

Prof. Dr. Stephan Günnemann

Technische Universität München

Munich Data Science Institute

Walther-von-Dyck-Straße 10

85748 Garching bei München

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Im Rahmen Ihrer Bewerbung um eine Stelle an der Technischen Universität München (TUM) übermitteln Sie personenbezogene Daten. Beachten Sie bitte hierzu unsere Datenschutzhinweise gemäß Art. 13 Datenschutz-Grundverordnung (DSGVO) zur Erhebung und Verarbeitung von personenbezogenen Daten im Rahmen Ihrer Bewerbung. Durch die Übermittlung Ihrer Bewerbung bestätigen Sie, dass Sie die Datenschutzhinweise der TUM zur Kenntnis genommen haben.

Kontakt: application@mdsi.tum.de