Field of innovative beam shaping strategies in laser-based Additive Manufacturing
Research Associate (PhD-candidate, m/f/d) for EU-Horizon-Project in laser-based Additive Manufacturing of metals
12.01.2023, Wissenschaftliches Personal
Located in the capital of Bavaria and home to over 39,000 students, the TUM can be found amongst the world’s top universities (e.g. TUM top 4 European technical universities in THE World University Ranking) and home to one of the most vibrant environments in Additive Manu-facturing (AM), committed to excellence in research and teaching, interdisciplinary education, and the active promotion of promising young scientists. Munich benefits from the healthy mix of AM companies and startups of all sizes headquartered in the region. The Professorship of Laser-based Additive Manufacturing is part of the TUM School of Engineering and Design and com-bines basic research with the application in order to shape the still young Additive Manufacturing environment. We are seeking for a highly motivated doctoral researcher with the ability to work independently and to participate creatively in collaborative teams.
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Eine Anleitung finden Sie in der Kurzanleitung für Stellenanzeigen und (ausführlicher) im Best Practice Manual Stellenanzeigen (pdf)
· Above-average degree in the fields of mechanical engineering, production technology, material science, physics or comparable fields of study
· Proven background in laser-based Additive Manufacturing, powder bed fusion of metals is recommended but not mandatory
· First experiences in the field of laser technology and data analytics are advantageous
· Active interest in a commitment to the strategy of the Professorship
· Determination and independent working style as well as teamwork and communication skills
· Excellent German and English skills
· Independent handling and technical responsibility of an EU-Horizon-project in the field of laser beam shaping in laser-based Additive Manufacturing
· Intense collaboration with international industrial project partners and research institutes
· Joint handling of research projects with other research assistants of the Professorship
· Supervision of lectures and courses in the field of Additive Manufacturing
· Collaboration in the preparation of research proposals
· Guidance and supervision of students in the preparation of student research projects
We offer
· A stimulating, high-paced environment for cutting-edge research in the field of laser-based Additive Manufacturing
· Exciting research and work environment within a young and dedicated team
· An exceptional opportunity to experience research in a highly inspiring international environment and to learn from some of the world's leading researchers
· Development of own international industrial and academic network
· Independent working atmosphere with possibility to strengthen own interests
· Possibility of doctoral studies for professional and personal development
· Grouping according to the collective agreement of the federal states (TV-L)
Severely disabled persons are given preference in the case of essentially equal suitability and qualifications. TUM aims to increase the proportion of women, and applications from women are therefore expressly welcome.
If we have attracted your interest,
please send the necessary documents via e-mail to quoting “PhD Position in Additive
Manufacturing” in the e-mail subject line. The position will be filled as soon
as possible and only shortlisted candidates will be notified.
The Technical University of Munich does not assume any costs associated with the performance of interviews.
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Technical University of Munich
Professorship of Laser-based Additive Manufacturing
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Katrin Wudy
Boltzmannstraße 15, 85748 Garching
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