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Doctoral Candidates (m/f/x) (Entg.-Gr. TV-L)

07.10.2024, Wissenschaftliches Personal

The Research Training Group “Urban Green Infrastructure - Training Next Generation Professionals for Integrated Urban Planning Research” is offering twelve positions (proportion 0.75 or 1.0) to be filled as of April 1, 2025 as part of a DFG-funded Research Training Group. The positions are limited to three years. A further doctoral position is to be filled at the University of Augsburg (separate advertisement).

At the Technical University of Munich, twelve positions (proportion 0.75 or 1.0) are to be filled as of April 1, 2025 as part of a DFG-funded Research Training Group as:

Doctoral Candidates (m/f/x) (Entg.-Gr. TV-L)

The positions are limited to three years. A further doctoral position is to be filled at the University of Augsburg.

The Research Training Group “Urban Green Infrastructure - Training Next Generation Professionals for Integrated Urban Planning Research” aims to conduct inter- and transdisciplinary research into innovative approaches for liveable, sustainable and climate change resilient cities through green infrastructure. You can find more information on the research training group and the research topics on our website


Research topics:

1. Urban green spaces as hotspots for biodiversity (Prof. Dr. W. Weisser)

2. Hubs2Stay: the potential of UGI to turn transport nodes into liveable places (Prof. Dr. G. Wulfhorst)

3. Making Urban Transformation happen. Carrier projects as a synergetic approach to developing urban green-blue infrastructure (Prof. M. Michaeli)

4. The potential of public sector planning for integrated urban green infrastructure development: a network approach (Prof. Dr. S. Pauleit)

5. Designing UGI as a spatio-temporal system (Prof. Dr. F. Ludwig)

6. Data-Driven Exploration of Indoor - Outdoor Interactions (Prof. Dr. W. Lang)

7. Vertical complexity in vegetation structure and outdoor thermal comfort (Prof. Dr. S. Pauleit)

8. Towards discovering early-warning signals of drought stress in urban tree species [STRESSUR] (Prof. Dr. R. Peters)

9. University of Augsburg: Spatio-temporal Patterns of Pollen and Fungal Spores and its Impact on Health and Disease (Prof. Dr. C. Traidl-Hoffmann)

10. Treatment of precipitation water in optimized sustainable urban drainage systems (Prof. Dr. B. Helmreich)

11. Soil-related multifunctionality of sustainable urban drainage systems (Prof. Dr. M. Egerer)

12. Antibiotic resistance in the urban environment - the role of insects as vectors (Prof. Dr. M. Schloter)

13. Local and landscape effects on the ecosystem services provided by sustainable urban drainage systems (Prof. Dr. J. Kollmann)

Applications will only be considered if one research topic is clearly stated as the first priority. In addition, up to two further research topics can be named as second and third priorities.


Your profile:

- University education with an above-average degree in a course of study qualifying for the research topic or a comparable qualification;

- Specific professional interest in research on at least one of the topics;

- High motivation with the aim of independent conceptual and scientific work;

- Ability and eagerness to integrate into one of the research groups and the graduate school.


The gender- and diversity-balanced filling of doctoral positions is a particular concern of ours.



Send us your informative application documents (letter of motivation, CV, certificates) including a brief description of your previous activities as a single PDF file (file name: reference number Research Topic_Lastname.Surename.pdf) by 15.11.2024:

Dr. Astrid Reischl: rtg-lapl@ls.tum.de

For technical and organizational questions about the Research Training Group, please contact the spokesperson:

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stephan Pauleit, pauleit@tum.de

If you have any questions about the various research topics, the professors mentioned will be happy to answer them.

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Kontakt: rtg.lapl@ls.tum.de

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