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Technical University of Munich

Technical University of Munich

Sitemap > Corporate Communications Center > Newsletter > TUM newsletter for students > TUMstudinews 2012 - 1 > International students’ advisory service: the SSZ Service Desk hotline

International students’ advisory service: the SSZ Service Desk hotline

We speak German, English, French, Spanish, Italian, Turkish, Arabic and Chinese!” Any students, prospective students and members of staff who need assistance of any kind can turn to the telephone or email hotline of the SSZ Service Desk for fast, straightforward advice in a range of languages, without the tedious search for the person responsible or long waiting times.

At the time of going to press, there are currently 12 student assistants from international backgrounds supporting the SSZ, to ensure the help desk is more easily accessible to students. In conjunction with the faculties and the different departments of the SSZ – the Matriculation Office, Student Counseling, Examination Office and Fees Management - they endeavor to answer all queries connected with university studies:
Monday to Thursday from 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. and Friday from 9 a.m. – 12 noon
Phone (089) 289-22245 or email studium@tum.de or study@tum.de .

Any questions that cannot be answered straight away will be forwarded to the department or faculty concerned.

As more enquiries are expected at the start of the application period in the spring, the SSZ will be recruiting a few extra student assistants. They receive special training for the advisory service in preparation for the most frequently asked questions and the communication skills required. Anyone who is interested in joining should contact Inga Berger, Head of the Service Desk, email: inga.berger@tum.de

Further news:
More student common rooms! – An interview with Vice President Prof. Regine Keller
Deutschlandstipendium National Scholarship Program at TUM: 260 scholarships to be awarded in 2012
New edition of the TUM online student guide
Not to be missed! Moodle app, scholarships, competitions
Experimenting, Researching, Understanding: TUMlab in the Deutsches Museum


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Corporate Communications Center
Arcisstr. 19
Tel.: 089/289-22778

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