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Technische Universität München

Technische Universität München

New edition of the TUM online student guide

The TUM online student guide has been revised and updated for the winter term 2011/12. It includes information on the following topics:

  • Login
  • TUM email addresses
  • Guide to courses
  • Registration for lectures and examinations
  • Search functions
  • Guidance and who to contact for help
  • and lots more besides …

The PDF version of the guide can be downloaded from the website: http://portal.mytum.de/iuk/cm/studierende/index_html.

Printed copies are available from the relevant departmental student body or can be ordered directly from the IT Service Center/Dr. Frauke Donner by email: donner@tum.de

Further news:
More student common rooms! – An interview with Vice President Prof. Regine Keller
Deutschlandstipendium National Scholarship Program at TUM: 260 scholarships to be awarded in 2012
International students’ advisory service: the SSZ Service Desk hotline
Not to be missed! Moodle app, scholarships, competitions
Experimenting, Researching, Understanding: TUMlab in the Deutsches Museum


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