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Technische Universität München

Technische Universität München

Not to be missed! Moodle app, scholarships, competitions

Available now: TUM Moodle app for iPhone

With immediate effect, the central learning platform Moodle (https://www.moodle.tum.de/) Anyone with a TUM account can now use his/her hand-held mobile device to read news, access coursework material and communicate via the course forums. The app is obtainable free of charge from the official app store. More about the app store...

LandschafftRessourcen” Exhibition at the Deutsches Museum

Landscapes are one of our most important sources of raw materials. The travelling exhibition LandschafftRessourcen, which will be staged at the Deutsches Museum from February 3 to April 1, 2012 shows how we employ landscapes as resources and what conflicts may arise, as well as explaining ways of realizing sustainable management. TUM is represented at the exhibition with research projects conducted at the Weihenstephan Science Center (WZW). Read more...

Talk on education and international competitiveness

Raw materials in the classic sense of the word are very scarce in Germany. Our “raw materials”, with which we compete against tough rivalry from up-and-coming countries like China, India or Brazil, are talented, highly qualified junior scientists and innovations resulting from top-level research. In our capacity as a university and association of German engineers, we see our role as that of service provider for the innovation society. TUM’s President Professor Wolfgang A. Herrmann will be holding a talk on education and international competition in TUM’s Audimax on February 7, 2012. Doors open at 7 p.m. Read more...

Nobel laureate Mössbauer Commemorative Symposium

A commemorative symposium is to be held on the Garching campus on February 10, 2012 , starting at 10 a.m., to pay tribute to the late Prof. Rudolf Mössbauer, holder of the Nobel Prize for Physics. An academic memorial service for the TUM emeritus professor is being organized for the morning hours. The afternoon will be devoted to his scientific work. Those wishing to attend are kindly requested to register their names. Please go to: http://www.ph.tum.de/moessbauer for the order of service and registration form.

FameLab Germany hosts contest for experts in business communications

Regional heats will be held on February 14, 2012 at the Deutsches Museum, Munich, starting at 7 p.m. The FameLab contest will invite junior scientists on to the platform to hold a fascinating, entertaining 3-minute talk on a subject of their choice in front of a professional jury. The winner and runner-up of the regional heat will then take part in the national finals. They will also be given a 2-day Masterclass crash course in presentation and media training in preparation for the contest. The overall German winner will automatically go on to the international finals in Cheltenham. Read more...

Sponsored by the German National Merit Foundation (Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes)

At the start of the new year, Germany’s largest scholarship association is once again offering promising, conscientious first and second-term students the opportunity to be considered for a grant. Candidates are invited to submit their applications for the Merit Foundation’s selection test by February 14, 2012. Undergraduates who obtain a good test result are automatically qualified to take part in the selection process. Applications should be submitted online via the homepage of the Merit Foundation. For further information and a brochure containing details of the test plus a demo version with specimen questions: http://www.studienstiftung.de/selbstbewerbung.html

Write plain language! Prize for clearly-interpreted science

Every year, the Klaus Tschira Foundation awards prizes to young scientists who are not only able to conduct excellent research but also to write comprehensibly. Junior scientists who obtained their doctorate in biology, chemistry, computer science, mathematics, neurosciences or physics in 2011 are eligible to apply. The research results have to be described in a popular science article written for a broad audience. There are prizes of EUR 5,000 each for the best articles, which will be published in a special edition of the Bild der Wissenschaft magazine. The deadline for entries is February 29, 2012. Read more...

The City of Munich Academic Prize (Hochschulpreis der Landeshauptstadt München) 2012

The City of Munich Academic Prize is awarded for outstanding finals theses dealing with the commercial, structural or cultural development of the City of Munich whose results are of significance for the capital of Bavaria. One prize of EUR 4,000 each will be awarded to the TUM, the LMU and the University of Applied Sciences Munich for their winning entry. Anyone who has submitted a finals thesis to TUM since January 1, 2009 is eligible to take part. Deadline for entries is March 10, 2012. Read more...

Bertha Benz Prize 2012 for young female engineers

The Daimler Benz Foundation is committed to paying tribute to the achievements of junior female engineers and bringing them to the attention of the general public. It is for this purpose that the Foundation awards the annual Bertha Benz Prize, endowed with 10,000 Euros. The award acknowledges an outstanding doctoral thesis submitted by a female engineer, and the Foundation will accept nominations tendered by March 15, 2012.

Interact 2012

<interact>, the Munich-based Life Science Symposium is staging a 2-day platform on March 29-30, 2012, where junior scientists, doctoral candidates, Masters students and young Postdocs can hold discussions and share ideas and will also have the opportunity to meet representatives from the doctoral programs and companies. The event is being organized by doctoral candidates and will take place in the main building of the Ludwig Maximilian University (LMU). Those taking part include Ada Yonath (Nobel Prize for Chemistry 2009) and Gero Miesenböck (Method of the Year 2010). Read more...

Matlab (campus) licences

All TUM students and staff members are to be given access to the MATLAB and Simulink software tools. This will give students the benefit of using the software tools on their own PC and working with them during lectures or at home. Exchanging data and models drawn up in MATLAB with other members of a research group or even other faculties is consistent with day-to-day work routine in industry and supports a practice-relevant education. Please go to: https://matlab.rbg.tum.de to download and activate the software tools

Further news:
More student common rooms! – An interview with Vice President Prof. Regine Keller
Deutschlandstipendium National Scholarship Program at TUM: 260 scholarships to be awarded in 2012
International students’ advisory service: the SSZ Service Desk hotline
New edition of the TUM online student guide
Experimenting, Researching, Understanding: TUMlab in the Deutsches Museum


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