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Technische Universität München

Technische Universität München


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News from ZA2 Personal

Bonus allocation, personnel costs, illness of children, careers portal

2024 bonus allocation round for TV-L employees UNDERWAY  

Again in 2024, the TUM has the option to make an additional performance-linked payment to non-research and research TV-L employees in the form of a bonus, an allowance or a special disbursement of external funding.

The bonus allocation round began with the circular dated May 17, 2024. The process will take place in the familiar form on the basis of our service agreement. The deadline for submitting bonus requests to the HR department this year is

July 31, 2024.

All information on the performance bonus and the circular from the TUM Board of Management is available in the Service Directory under “Leistungsentgelt” (“TV-L performance bonus”).

Full personnel costs / average personnel costs

Average and full personnel costs in the public service, updated to January 1, 2024, are now available in the Services Directory under “Personalkosten” (“Personnel Costs”). They serve as the basis for cost calculations for third-party funding, for example. 

Leave in case of illness of children

The legal regulations regarding time off in case of illness or hospitalization of a child were amended in 2024. The current regulations can be found in the Services Directory and the updated summary available there, see “Arbeitsbefreiung" ("Time off”)

New State of Bavaria careers portal

The State of Bavaria has launched a new careers portal: www.sei-dabay.de. The portal will serve as the central point of contact for all state job openings posted internally or externally.

It is being supported by an extensive advertising campaign. It is already accessible to some extent via an interface to “Interamt”. It is not yet possible to enter job postings directly into the new portal because the agency is still assigning roles in the system.

We expect remote access to become available soon and will keep you updated in the Services Directory “Stellenausschreibung” (“Job postings”) and in this newsletter. However, it will still be mandatory in the future to post open positions in TUM’s internal job exchange.

Please note: This translation is intended as an aid to understanding the contents of the original German text. Please note that only the German information is legally binding. For comprehensive information, please refer to the DLK. We will also be happy to provide contact details for the responsible staff member of ZA2 Personal.

contact: verena.meinecke@tum.de

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