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Technical University of Munich

Technical University of Munich

Sitemap > Veranstaltungen und Termine

Veranstaltungen und Termine vom 01.01.2024 bis 31.12.2024

Übersicht über aktuelle Termine, Veranstaltungen und Vorträge an der Technischen Universität München oder für Angehörige der Hochschule.

Termine und Fristen von Prüfungen tragen Sie bitte nicht hier, sondern in den Prüfungskalender ein.

Mit der URL http://portal.mytum.de/termine/export_as_ical können Sie alle Termine auch als iCal abonnieren.

Download der Semestertermine SS 2014 als ical

Saturday, 06.01.2024

06.01.2024, 10:00 - 13:00

Experimentierclub Robotik & Technik

Du hast Spaß am Programmieren und möchtest Deine Kenntnisse vertiefen? Willst Du gern mehr mit Robotern oder Mikrocontrollern experimentieren und Neues dazu lernen? Dann ist dies der richtige Kurs für Dich!

TUMlab im Deutschen Museum


Sunday, 07.01.2024

07.01.2024, 10:00 - 13:00

Schnupperkurs Robotik

Hast du dir schon mal die Frage gestellt, woher ein Roboter eigentlich weiß, was er tun soll? In diesem Kurs kannst du einem Lego-Roboter selbst Befehle geben.

TUMlab im Deutschen Museum


Monday, 08.01.2024

08.01.2024, 16:55

From Science to Start-up - Stop or Go? Future Pathways for Your Research

TUM Start-up Incubator Garching (Lichtenbergstrasse 6, 85748 Garching)

TUM Talent Factory for Postdocs (postdoc@tum.de)

Wednesday, 17.01.2024

17.01.2024, 18:30 - 20:00

From New Work to New Education – How Physical Spaces Will Further Shape the Way We Learn and Work

The awareness for new work approaches in organizations has also an impact on our educational institutions and their spatial structures. To foster agile, interdisciplinary, and problem-seeking skills among future professionals, there is a need for spaces that are open and adaptable, yet convey the identity and values of the institution and environment. These spaces empower students to explore and engage; they support them in applying knowledge collaboratively and creating responsible solutions. The physical space becomes a guide and motivator, a medium for innovation. With the technological advancements for hybrid realities, for prototyping and testing, we may have now the chance, to turn visions on the future of work from the 1960s into reality. And shape our urban futures. Christos Chantzaras is architect and researcher. He has been working at the interface of organizational development, innovation processes, and physical spaces for over 15 years. After international projects in Europe and Asia, he is researching and teaching at the Technical University of Munich since 2017. He investigates future competencies, new methods of innovation management and the requirements for future of work, for future of education and for sustainable urban spaces. Since 2023, he has been member of the “Community of Practice” for Learning Architectures at the Stifterverbandes für die Deutsche Wissenschaft. In parallel, he has installed together with Tobias Förtsch the TUM Venture Lab for the Built Environment, where he acts as managing director to leverage the innovation potential residing in the research and studies of architecture and civil engineering.

Hybrid: Lecture Hall 1180 and via Zoom


Thursday, 18.01.2024

18.01.2024, 17:00 - 20:00

SRMies Talk Career

SRM Talks is welcoming this year with their 44th SRMTalk on Jan 18th, with a brand new event, "SRMies Talk Career".

Venture Lab Food / Agro / Biotech, Maximus-von-Imhof-Forum 2 85354 Freising

18.01.2024, 17:30 - 19:00

Opportunities and Challenges of Al in Space

This presentation explores the impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on the space industry, a trending topic in various industries for years. AI, often accompanied by buzzwords like Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Big data, or Natural Language Processing, is transforming spacecraft operations by analysing spacecraft telemetry data, predicting anomalies, and enabling autonomous operations. While AI offers new horizons, it also faces challenges, including data availability, AI-system verification, reliability, interplay with human decision-making, and in general issues of trust. In this talk, Mrs. Maren Hülsmann, a research associate at the Institute of Space Technology and Space Applications (UniBw M), provides insights into AI’s current status, its ongoing challenges, and future opportunities in the space industry.

Campus Ottobrunn, Foyer , Lise-Meitner-Str. 9, 85521 Ottobrunn

Simone Markt

Tuesday, 23.01.2024

23.01.2024, 19:00 - 20:30

TUM@Freising: Auswirkungen des Klimawandels auf den Geschmack von Nutzpflanzen

Relevante Inhalte, verständliche Sprache und unterhaltsame Präsentation – so bringt TUM@Freising die Wissenschaft in die Stadt. Eine anschließende Diskussion nach jedem Vortrag ist ausdrücklich erwünscht, denn Wissenschaft lebt vom Meinungsaustausch. Weitere Informationen und die Aufzeichnungen früherer Vorträge unter: www.ls.tum.de/ls/presse/tumfreising/ Der Einlass beginnt um 18:30 Uhr und der Eintritt ist frei.

Lindenkeller Freising

Sonja Böhm

Thursday, 25.01.2024

25.01.2024, 10:00 - 11:00

Affinity sensing: trends and challenges

Building CH-6 Seminar Room 36220, Department of Chemistry, Lichtenbergstrasse 4, 85748 Garching

Frau Cornelia Popp

Wednesday, 31.01.2024

31.01.2024, 18:30 - 20:00

Senseable Cities

Zoom Webinar Webinar-ID: 642 0493 1687 Passcode: resilience



Wednesday, 07.02.2024

07.02.2024, 18:30 - 20:00

Laboratories of the Transition

Zoom Webinar Webinar-ID: 642 0493 1687 Passcode: resilience



Thursday, 22.02.2024

22.02.2024, 02:00 - 21.04.2024, 23:55

Photography competition: Biodiversity through a lens

Your creativity is needed! Grab your cameras and set off! What do you see? Use your photos to show what nature and biodiversity mean to you and why they should be valued. The Green Office Weihenstephan invites you to participate in the "Biodiversity through the lens" photo competition! You can submit one photo in each of the following categories: Biodiversity in the city, People and Nature and Macro World Wonders. The photo competition is open to all age groups and both amateur and professional photographers are welcome to submit their entries. Participants under the age of 18 must enclose a declaration of consent from their parents. All photos must be submitted by e-mail to greenoffice.weihenstephan@tum.de. Please read the requirements for participation before sending out the photos! Good luck!


Friday, 23.02.2024

22.02.2024, 02:00 - 21.04.2024, 23:55

Photography competition: Biodiversity through a lens

Your creativity is needed! Grab your cameras and set off! What do you see? Use your photos to show what nature and biodiversity mean to you and why they should be valued. The Green Office Weihenstephan invites you to participate in the "Biodiversity through the lens" photo competition! You can submit one photo in each of the following categories: Biodiversity in the city, People and Nature and Macro World Wonders. The photo competition is open to all age groups and both amateur and professional photographers are welcome to submit their entries. Participants under the age of 18 must enclose a declaration of consent from their parents. All photos must be submitted by e-mail to greenoffice.weihenstephan@tum.de. Please read the requirements for participation before sending out the photos! Good luck!


Saturday, 24.02.2024

22.02.2024, 02:00 - 21.04.2024, 23:55

Photography competition: Biodiversity through a lens

Your creativity is needed! Grab your cameras and set off! What do you see? Use your photos to show what nature and biodiversity mean to you and why they should be valued. The Green Office Weihenstephan invites you to participate in the "Biodiversity through the lens" photo competition! You can submit one photo in each of the following categories: Biodiversity in the city, People and Nature and Macro World Wonders. The photo competition is open to all age groups and both amateur and professional photographers are welcome to submit their entries. Participants under the age of 18 must enclose a declaration of consent from their parents. All photos must be submitted by e-mail to greenoffice.weihenstephan@tum.de. Please read the requirements for participation before sending out the photos! Good luck!


Sunday, 25.02.2024

22.02.2024, 02:00 - 21.04.2024, 23:55

Photography competition: Biodiversity through a lens

Your creativity is needed! Grab your cameras and set off! What do you see? Use your photos to show what nature and biodiversity mean to you and why they should be valued. The Green Office Weihenstephan invites you to participate in the "Biodiversity through the lens" photo competition! You can submit one photo in each of the following categories: Biodiversity in the city, People and Nature and Macro World Wonders. The photo competition is open to all age groups and both amateur and professional photographers are welcome to submit their entries. Participants under the age of 18 must enclose a declaration of consent from their parents. All photos must be submitted by e-mail to greenoffice.weihenstephan@tum.de. Please read the requirements for participation before sending out the photos! Good luck!


Monday, 26.02.2024

22.02.2024, 02:00 - 21.04.2024, 23:55

Photography competition: Biodiversity through a lens

Your creativity is needed! Grab your cameras and set off! What do you see? Use your photos to show what nature and biodiversity mean to you and why they should be valued. The Green Office Weihenstephan invites you to participate in the "Biodiversity through the lens" photo competition! You can submit one photo in each of the following categories: Biodiversity in the city, People and Nature and Macro World Wonders. The photo competition is open to all age groups and both amateur and professional photographers are welcome to submit their entries. Participants under the age of 18 must enclose a declaration of consent from their parents. All photos must be submitted by e-mail to greenoffice.weihenstephan@tum.de. Please read the requirements for participation before sending out the photos! Good luck!


Tuesday, 27.02.2024

22.02.2024, 02:00 - 21.04.2024, 23:55

Photography competition: Biodiversity through a lens

Your creativity is needed! Grab your cameras and set off! What do you see? Use your photos to show what nature and biodiversity mean to you and why they should be valued. The Green Office Weihenstephan invites you to participate in the "Biodiversity through the lens" photo competition! You can submit one photo in each of the following categories: Biodiversity in the city, People and Nature and Macro World Wonders. The photo competition is open to all age groups and both amateur and professional photographers are welcome to submit their entries. Participants under the age of 18 must enclose a declaration of consent from their parents. All photos must be submitted by e-mail to greenoffice.weihenstephan@tum.de. Please read the requirements for participation before sending out the photos! Good luck!


Wednesday, 28.02.2024

22.02.2024, 02:00 - 21.04.2024, 23:55

Photography competition: Biodiversity through a lens

Your creativity is needed! Grab your cameras and set off! What do you see? Use your photos to show what nature and biodiversity mean to you and why they should be valued. The Green Office Weihenstephan invites you to participate in the "Biodiversity through the lens" photo competition! You can submit one photo in each of the following categories: Biodiversity in the city, People and Nature and Macro World Wonders. The photo competition is open to all age groups and both amateur and professional photographers are welcome to submit their entries. Participants under the age of 18 must enclose a declaration of consent from their parents. All photos must be submitted by e-mail to greenoffice.weihenstephan@tum.de. Please read the requirements for participation before sending out the photos! Good luck!


Thursday, 29.02.2024

29.02.2024, 17:00 - 20:00

SRM Talks: Sustainability reporting

Dear Sustainability people, We are pleased to invite you to our 45th SRM Talk about Sustainability Reporting. When: 29th February 2024, Thursday at 17:00(CET) Where: Lecture Hall 22, Forestry Building, TUM Freising. Two guest speakers (Saskia Gauld and Julian Piroué) from the consulting industry will share their insights on Sustainability Reporting. If you want to participate, please make sure you register for the event by 23:59 (CET) on February 26th, 2024.

Lecture hall 22, Forestry building Hans-Carl-von-Carlowitz-Platz 2, 85354 Freising

22.02.2024, 02:00 - 21.04.2024, 23:55

Photography competition: Biodiversity through a lens

Your creativity is needed! Grab your cameras and set off! What do you see? Use your photos to show what nature and biodiversity mean to you and why they should be valued. The Green Office Weihenstephan invites you to participate in the "Biodiversity through the lens" photo competition! You can submit one photo in each of the following categories: Biodiversity in the city, People and Nature and Macro World Wonders. The photo competition is open to all age groups and both amateur and professional photographers are welcome to submit their entries. Participants under the age of 18 must enclose a declaration of consent from their parents. All photos must be submitted by e-mail to greenoffice.weihenstephan@tum.de. Please read the requirements for participation before sending out the photos! Good luck!


Friday, 01.03.2024

01.03.2024, 13:00 - 18:00

TUM Open Campus - Uniluft schnuppern für Studieninteressierte


Campus Weihenstephan

22.02.2024, 02:00 - 21.04.2024, 23:55

Photography competition: Biodiversity through a lens

Your creativity is needed! Grab your cameras and set off! What do you see? Use your photos to show what nature and biodiversity mean to you and why they should be valued. The Green Office Weihenstephan invites you to participate in the "Biodiversity through the lens" photo competition! You can submit one photo in each of the following categories: Biodiversity in the city, People and Nature and Macro World Wonders. The photo competition is open to all age groups and both amateur and professional photographers are welcome to submit their entries. Participants under the age of 18 must enclose a declaration of consent from their parents. All photos must be submitted by e-mail to greenoffice.weihenstephan@tum.de. Please read the requirements for participation before sending out the photos! Good luck!


Saturday, 02.03.2024

22.02.2024, 02:00 - 21.04.2024, 23:55

Photography competition: Biodiversity through a lens

Your creativity is needed! Grab your cameras and set off! What do you see? Use your photos to show what nature and biodiversity mean to you and why they should be valued. The Green Office Weihenstephan invites you to participate in the "Biodiversity through the lens" photo competition! You can submit one photo in each of the following categories: Biodiversity in the city, People and Nature and Macro World Wonders. The photo competition is open to all age groups and both amateur and professional photographers are welcome to submit their entries. Participants under the age of 18 must enclose a declaration of consent from their parents. All photos must be submitted by e-mail to greenoffice.weihenstephan@tum.de. Please read the requirements for participation before sending out the photos! Good luck!


Sunday, 03.03.2024

22.02.2024, 02:00 - 21.04.2024, 23:55

Photography competition: Biodiversity through a lens

Your creativity is needed! Grab your cameras and set off! What do you see? Use your photos to show what nature and biodiversity mean to you and why they should be valued. The Green Office Weihenstephan invites you to participate in the "Biodiversity through the lens" photo competition! You can submit one photo in each of the following categories: Biodiversity in the city, People and Nature and Macro World Wonders. The photo competition is open to all age groups and both amateur and professional photographers are welcome to submit their entries. Participants under the age of 18 must enclose a declaration of consent from their parents. All photos must be submitted by e-mail to greenoffice.weihenstephan@tum.de. Please read the requirements for participation before sending out the photos! Good luck!


Monday, 04.03.2024

22.02.2024, 02:00 - 21.04.2024, 23:55

Photography competition: Biodiversity through a lens

Your creativity is needed! Grab your cameras and set off! What do you see? Use your photos to show what nature and biodiversity mean to you and why they should be valued. The Green Office Weihenstephan invites you to participate in the "Biodiversity through the lens" photo competition! You can submit one photo in each of the following categories: Biodiversity in the city, People and Nature and Macro World Wonders. The photo competition is open to all age groups and both amateur and professional photographers are welcome to submit their entries. Participants under the age of 18 must enclose a declaration of consent from their parents. All photos must be submitted by e-mail to greenoffice.weihenstephan@tum.de. Please read the requirements for participation before sending out the photos! Good luck!


Tuesday, 05.03.2024

22.02.2024, 02:00 - 21.04.2024, 23:55

Photography competition: Biodiversity through a lens

Your creativity is needed! Grab your cameras and set off! What do you see? Use your photos to show what nature and biodiversity mean to you and why they should be valued. The Green Office Weihenstephan invites you to participate in the "Biodiversity through the lens" photo competition! You can submit one photo in each of the following categories: Biodiversity in the city, People and Nature and Macro World Wonders. The photo competition is open to all age groups and both amateur and professional photographers are welcome to submit their entries. Participants under the age of 18 must enclose a declaration of consent from their parents. All photos must be submitted by e-mail to greenoffice.weihenstephan@tum.de. Please read the requirements for participation before sending out the photos! Good luck!


Wednesday, 06.03.2024

22.02.2024, 02:00 - 21.04.2024, 23:55

Photography competition: Biodiversity through a lens

Your creativity is needed! Grab your cameras and set off! What do you see? Use your photos to show what nature and biodiversity mean to you and why they should be valued. The Green Office Weihenstephan invites you to participate in the "Biodiversity through the lens" photo competition! You can submit one photo in each of the following categories: Biodiversity in the city, People and Nature and Macro World Wonders. The photo competition is open to all age groups and both amateur and professional photographers are welcome to submit their entries. Participants under the age of 18 must enclose a declaration of consent from their parents. All photos must be submitted by e-mail to greenoffice.weihenstephan@tum.de. Please read the requirements for participation before sending out the photos! Good luck!


Thursday, 07.03.2024

22.02.2024, 02:00 - 21.04.2024, 23:55

Photography competition: Biodiversity through a lens

Your creativity is needed! Grab your cameras and set off! What do you see? Use your photos to show what nature and biodiversity mean to you and why they should be valued. The Green Office Weihenstephan invites you to participate in the "Biodiversity through the lens" photo competition! You can submit one photo in each of the following categories: Biodiversity in the city, People and Nature and Macro World Wonders. The photo competition is open to all age groups and both amateur and professional photographers are welcome to submit their entries. Participants under the age of 18 must enclose a declaration of consent from their parents. All photos must be submitted by e-mail to greenoffice.weihenstephan@tum.de. Please read the requirements for participation before sending out the photos! Good luck!


Friday, 08.03.2024

08.03.2024, 13:00 - 18:00

TUM Open Campus - Uniluft schnuppern für Studieninteressierte


Campus München


22.02.2024, 02:00 - 21.04.2024, 23:55

Photography competition: Biodiversity through a lens

Your creativity is needed! Grab your cameras and set off! What do you see? Use your photos to show what nature and biodiversity mean to you and why they should be valued. The Green Office Weihenstephan invites you to participate in the "Biodiversity through the lens" photo competition! You can submit one photo in each of the following categories: Biodiversity in the city, People and Nature and Macro World Wonders. The photo competition is open to all age groups and both amateur and professional photographers are welcome to submit their entries. Participants under the age of 18 must enclose a declaration of consent from their parents. All photos must be submitted by e-mail to greenoffice.weihenstephan@tum.de. Please read the requirements for participation before sending out the photos! Good luck!


Saturday, 09.03.2024

22.02.2024, 02:00 - 21.04.2024, 23:55

Photography competition: Biodiversity through a lens

Your creativity is needed! Grab your cameras and set off! What do you see? Use your photos to show what nature and biodiversity mean to you and why they should be valued. The Green Office Weihenstephan invites you to participate in the "Biodiversity through the lens" photo competition! You can submit one photo in each of the following categories: Biodiversity in the city, People and Nature and Macro World Wonders. The photo competition is open to all age groups and both amateur and professional photographers are welcome to submit their entries. Participants under the age of 18 must enclose a declaration of consent from their parents. All photos must be submitted by e-mail to greenoffice.weihenstephan@tum.de. Please read the requirements for participation before sending out the photos! Good luck!


Sunday, 10.03.2024

22.02.2024, 02:00 - 21.04.2024, 23:55

Photography competition: Biodiversity through a lens

Your creativity is needed! Grab your cameras and set off! What do you see? Use your photos to show what nature and biodiversity mean to you and why they should be valued. The Green Office Weihenstephan invites you to participate in the "Biodiversity through the lens" photo competition! You can submit one photo in each of the following categories: Biodiversity in the city, People and Nature and Macro World Wonders. The photo competition is open to all age groups and both amateur and professional photographers are welcome to submit their entries. Participants under the age of 18 must enclose a declaration of consent from their parents. All photos must be submitted by e-mail to greenoffice.weihenstephan@tum.de. Please read the requirements for participation before sending out the photos! Good luck!


Monday, 11.03.2024

22.02.2024, 02:00 - 21.04.2024, 23:55

Photography competition: Biodiversity through a lens

Your creativity is needed! Grab your cameras and set off! What do you see? Use your photos to show what nature and biodiversity mean to you and why they should be valued. The Green Office Weihenstephan invites you to participate in the "Biodiversity through the lens" photo competition! You can submit one photo in each of the following categories: Biodiversity in the city, People and Nature and Macro World Wonders. The photo competition is open to all age groups and both amateur and professional photographers are welcome to submit their entries. Participants under the age of 18 must enclose a declaration of consent from their parents. All photos must be submitted by e-mail to greenoffice.weihenstephan@tum.de. Please read the requirements for participation before sending out the photos! Good luck!


Tuesday, 12.03.2024

22.02.2024, 02:00 - 21.04.2024, 23:55

Photography competition: Biodiversity through a lens

Your creativity is needed! Grab your cameras and set off! What do you see? Use your photos to show what nature and biodiversity mean to you and why they should be valued. The Green Office Weihenstephan invites you to participate in the "Biodiversity through the lens" photo competition! You can submit one photo in each of the following categories: Biodiversity in the city, People and Nature and Macro World Wonders. The photo competition is open to all age groups and both amateur and professional photographers are welcome to submit their entries. Participants under the age of 18 must enclose a declaration of consent from their parents. All photos must be submitted by e-mail to greenoffice.weihenstephan@tum.de. Please read the requirements for participation before sending out the photos! Good luck!


Wednesday, 13.03.2024

13.03.2024, 16:00 - 17:30

Information Event - Alexander von Humboldt Foundation Sponsorship Programs

Information event about Alexander von Humboldt Foundation Sponsorship Programs in the IAS-Auditorium in Garching and online via Zoom.

TUM IAS Auditorium, Garching / Zoom

Dr. Daniela Hägele

22.02.2024, 02:00 - 21.04.2024, 23:55

Photography competition: Biodiversity through a lens

Your creativity is needed! Grab your cameras and set off! What do you see? Use your photos to show what nature and biodiversity mean to you and why they should be valued. The Green Office Weihenstephan invites you to participate in the "Biodiversity through the lens" photo competition! You can submit one photo in each of the following categories: Biodiversity in the city, People and Nature and Macro World Wonders. The photo competition is open to all age groups and both amateur and professional photographers are welcome to submit their entries. Participants under the age of 18 must enclose a declaration of consent from their parents. All photos must be submitted by e-mail to greenoffice.weihenstephan@tum.de. Please read the requirements for participation before sending out the photos! Good luck!


Thursday, 14.03.2024

22.02.2024, 02:00 - 21.04.2024, 23:55

Photography competition: Biodiversity through a lens

Your creativity is needed! Grab your cameras and set off! What do you see? Use your photos to show what nature and biodiversity mean to you and why they should be valued. The Green Office Weihenstephan invites you to participate in the "Biodiversity through the lens" photo competition! You can submit one photo in each of the following categories: Biodiversity in the city, People and Nature and Macro World Wonders. The photo competition is open to all age groups and both amateur and professional photographers are welcome to submit their entries. Participants under the age of 18 must enclose a declaration of consent from their parents. All photos must be submitted by e-mail to greenoffice.weihenstephan@tum.de. Please read the requirements for participation before sending out the photos! Good luck!


Friday, 15.03.2024

15.03.2024, 13:00 - 18:00

TUM Open Campus - Uniluft schnuppern für Studieninteressierte


Campus Garching


22.02.2024, 02:00 - 21.04.2024, 23:55

Photography competition: Biodiversity through a lens

Your creativity is needed! Grab your cameras and set off! What do you see? Use your photos to show what nature and biodiversity mean to you and why they should be valued. The Green Office Weihenstephan invites you to participate in the "Biodiversity through the lens" photo competition! You can submit one photo in each of the following categories: Biodiversity in the city, People and Nature and Macro World Wonders. The photo competition is open to all age groups and both amateur and professional photographers are welcome to submit their entries. Participants under the age of 18 must enclose a declaration of consent from their parents. All photos must be submitted by e-mail to greenoffice.weihenstephan@tum.de. Please read the requirements for participation before sending out the photos! Good luck!


Saturday, 16.03.2024

22.02.2024, 02:00 - 21.04.2024, 23:55

Photography competition: Biodiversity through a lens

Your creativity is needed! Grab your cameras and set off! What do you see? Use your photos to show what nature and biodiversity mean to you and why they should be valued. The Green Office Weihenstephan invites you to participate in the "Biodiversity through the lens" photo competition! You can submit one photo in each of the following categories: Biodiversity in the city, People and Nature and Macro World Wonders. The photo competition is open to all age groups and both amateur and professional photographers are welcome to submit their entries. Participants under the age of 18 must enclose a declaration of consent from their parents. All photos must be submitted by e-mail to greenoffice.weihenstephan@tum.de. Please read the requirements for participation before sending out the photos! Good luck!


Sunday, 17.03.2024

22.02.2024, 02:00 - 21.04.2024, 23:55

Photography competition: Biodiversity through a lens

Your creativity is needed! Grab your cameras and set off! What do you see? Use your photos to show what nature and biodiversity mean to you and why they should be valued. The Green Office Weihenstephan invites you to participate in the "Biodiversity through the lens" photo competition! You can submit one photo in each of the following categories: Biodiversity in the city, People and Nature and Macro World Wonders. The photo competition is open to all age groups and both amateur and professional photographers are welcome to submit their entries. Participants under the age of 18 must enclose a declaration of consent from their parents. All photos must be submitted by e-mail to greenoffice.weihenstephan@tum.de. Please read the requirements for participation before sending out the photos! Good luck!


Monday, 18.03.2024

18.03.2024, 09:00 - 22.03.2024, 17:00

TUM Master’s Days

At the virtual TUM Master’s Days, prospective Master’s students have the opportunity to get to know TUM, its Master's programs and its advisory services.


TUM CST Student Advising and Information

22.02.2024, 02:00 - 21.04.2024, 23:55

Photography competition: Biodiversity through a lens

Your creativity is needed! Grab your cameras and set off! What do you see? Use your photos to show what nature and biodiversity mean to you and why they should be valued. The Green Office Weihenstephan invites you to participate in the "Biodiversity through the lens" photo competition! You can submit one photo in each of the following categories: Biodiversity in the city, People and Nature and Macro World Wonders. The photo competition is open to all age groups and both amateur and professional photographers are welcome to submit their entries. Participants under the age of 18 must enclose a declaration of consent from their parents. All photos must be submitted by e-mail to greenoffice.weihenstephan@tum.de. Please read the requirements for participation before sending out the photos! Good luck!


Tuesday, 19.03.2024

19.03.2024, 19:00 - 20:30

TUM@Freising: Haben wir die Bienen gerettet? Biodiversitätskrise in Bayern und weltweit

Relevante Inhalte, verständliche Sprache und unterhaltsame Präsentation – so bringt TUM@Freising die Wissenschaft in die Stadt. Eine anschließende Diskussion nach jedem Vortrag ist ausdrücklich erwünscht, denn Wissenschaft lebt vom Meinungsaustausch. Weitere Informationen und die Aufzeichnungen früherer Vorträge unter: www.ls.tum.de/ls/presse/tumfreising/ Der Einlass beginnt um 18:30 Uhr und der Eintritt ist frei.

Lindenkeller Freising, Oberhaus, Veitsmüllerweg 2, 85354 Freising

Sonja Böhm

18.03.2024, 09:00 - 22.03.2024, 17:00

TUM Master’s Days

At the virtual TUM Master’s Days, prospective Master’s students have the opportunity to get to know TUM, its Master's programs and its advisory services.


TUM CST Student Advising and Information

22.02.2024, 02:00 - 21.04.2024, 23:55

Photography competition: Biodiversity through a lens

Your creativity is needed! Grab your cameras and set off! What do you see? Use your photos to show what nature and biodiversity mean to you and why they should be valued. The Green Office Weihenstephan invites you to participate in the "Biodiversity through the lens" photo competition! You can submit one photo in each of the following categories: Biodiversity in the city, People and Nature and Macro World Wonders. The photo competition is open to all age groups and both amateur and professional photographers are welcome to submit their entries. Participants under the age of 18 must enclose a declaration of consent from their parents. All photos must be submitted by e-mail to greenoffice.weihenstephan@tum.de. Please read the requirements for participation before sending out the photos! Good luck!


Wednesday, 20.03.2024

18.03.2024, 09:00 - 22.03.2024, 17:00

TUM Master’s Days

At the virtual TUM Master’s Days, prospective Master’s students have the opportunity to get to know TUM, its Master's programs and its advisory services.


TUM CST Student Advising and Information

22.02.2024, 02:00 - 21.04.2024, 23:55

Photography competition: Biodiversity through a lens

Your creativity is needed! Grab your cameras and set off! What do you see? Use your photos to show what nature and biodiversity mean to you and why they should be valued. The Green Office Weihenstephan invites you to participate in the "Biodiversity through the lens" photo competition! You can submit one photo in each of the following categories: Biodiversity in the city, People and Nature and Macro World Wonders. The photo competition is open to all age groups and both amateur and professional photographers are welcome to submit their entries. Participants under the age of 18 must enclose a declaration of consent from their parents. All photos must be submitted by e-mail to greenoffice.weihenstephan@tum.de. Please read the requirements for participation before sending out the photos! Good luck!


Thursday, 21.03.2024

18.03.2024, 09:00 - 22.03.2024, 17:00

TUM Master’s Days

At the virtual TUM Master’s Days, prospective Master’s students have the opportunity to get to know TUM, its Master's programs and its advisory services.


TUM CST Student Advising and Information

22.02.2024, 02:00 - 21.04.2024, 23:55

Photography competition: Biodiversity through a lens

Your creativity is needed! Grab your cameras and set off! What do you see? Use your photos to show what nature and biodiversity mean to you and why they should be valued. The Green Office Weihenstephan invites you to participate in the "Biodiversity through the lens" photo competition! You can submit one photo in each of the following categories: Biodiversity in the city, People and Nature and Macro World Wonders. The photo competition is open to all age groups and both amateur and professional photographers are welcome to submit their entries. Participants under the age of 18 must enclose a declaration of consent from their parents. All photos must be submitted by e-mail to greenoffice.weihenstephan@tum.de. Please read the requirements for participation before sending out the photos! Good luck!


Friday, 22.03.2024

18.03.2024, 09:00 - 22.03.2024, 17:00

TUM Master’s Days

At the virtual TUM Master’s Days, prospective Master’s students have the opportunity to get to know TUM, its Master's programs and its advisory services.


TUM CST Student Advising and Information

22.03.2024, 13:00 - 18:00

TUM Open Campus - Uniluft schnuppern für Studieninteressierte

Campus Straubing


22.03.2024, 14:00 - 17:00

Think.Make.Start.Demo day batch 18

Think.Make.Start. Demo day batch#18 Please join us for the grand finale of TMS on 22.03.2024 from 2pm till 5 pm at the Entrepreneurship Research Institute Get your free tickets here: https://www.eventbrite.de/e/thinkmakestart-demoday-batch18-tickets-728303905587

Entrepreneurship Research Institut, Lichtenbergstr. 6, 85748 Garching

Julia Hinderink

22.02.2024, 02:00 - 21.04.2024, 23:55

Photography competition: Biodiversity through a lens

Your creativity is needed! Grab your cameras and set off! What do you see? Use your photos to show what nature and biodiversity mean to you and why they should be valued. The Green Office Weihenstephan invites you to participate in the "Biodiversity through the lens" photo competition! You can submit one photo in each of the following categories: Biodiversity in the city, People and Nature and Macro World Wonders. The photo competition is open to all age groups and both amateur and professional photographers are welcome to submit their entries. Participants under the age of 18 must enclose a declaration of consent from their parents. All photos must be submitted by e-mail to greenoffice.weihenstephan@tum.de. Please read the requirements for participation before sending out the photos! Good luck!


Saturday, 23.03.2024

22.02.2024, 02:00 - 21.04.2024, 23:55

Photography competition: Biodiversity through a lens

Your creativity is needed! Grab your cameras and set off! What do you see? Use your photos to show what nature and biodiversity mean to you and why they should be valued. The Green Office Weihenstephan invites you to participate in the "Biodiversity through the lens" photo competition! You can submit one photo in each of the following categories: Biodiversity in the city, People and Nature and Macro World Wonders. The photo competition is open to all age groups and both amateur and professional photographers are welcome to submit their entries. Participants under the age of 18 must enclose a declaration of consent from their parents. All photos must be submitted by e-mail to greenoffice.weihenstephan@tum.de. Please read the requirements for participation before sending out the photos! Good luck!


Sunday, 24.03.2024

22.02.2024, 02:00 - 21.04.2024, 23:55

Photography competition: Biodiversity through a lens

Your creativity is needed! Grab your cameras and set off! What do you see? Use your photos to show what nature and biodiversity mean to you and why they should be valued. The Green Office Weihenstephan invites you to participate in the "Biodiversity through the lens" photo competition! You can submit one photo in each of the following categories: Biodiversity in the city, People and Nature and Macro World Wonders. The photo competition is open to all age groups and both amateur and professional photographers are welcome to submit their entries. Participants under the age of 18 must enclose a declaration of consent from their parents. All photos must be submitted by e-mail to greenoffice.weihenstephan@tum.de. Please read the requirements for participation before sending out the photos! Good luck!


Monday, 25.03.2024

22.02.2024, 02:00 - 21.04.2024, 23:55

Photography competition: Biodiversity through a lens

Your creativity is needed! Grab your cameras and set off! What do you see? Use your photos to show what nature and biodiversity mean to you and why they should be valued. The Green Office Weihenstephan invites you to participate in the "Biodiversity through the lens" photo competition! You can submit one photo in each of the following categories: Biodiversity in the city, People and Nature and Macro World Wonders. The photo competition is open to all age groups and both amateur and professional photographers are welcome to submit their entries. Participants under the age of 18 must enclose a declaration of consent from their parents. All photos must be submitted by e-mail to greenoffice.weihenstephan@tum.de. Please read the requirements for participation before sending out the photos! Good luck!


Tuesday, 26.03.2024

22.02.2024, 02:00 - 21.04.2024, 23:55

Photography competition: Biodiversity through a lens

Your creativity is needed! Grab your cameras and set off! What do you see? Use your photos to show what nature and biodiversity mean to you and why they should be valued. The Green Office Weihenstephan invites you to participate in the "Biodiversity through the lens" photo competition! You can submit one photo in each of the following categories: Biodiversity in the city, People and Nature and Macro World Wonders. The photo competition is open to all age groups and both amateur and professional photographers are welcome to submit their entries. Participants under the age of 18 must enclose a declaration of consent from their parents. All photos must be submitted by e-mail to greenoffice.weihenstephan@tum.de. Please read the requirements for participation before sending out the photos! Good luck!


Wednesday, 27.03.2024

22.02.2024, 02:00 - 21.04.2024, 23:55

Photography competition: Biodiversity through a lens

Your creativity is needed! Grab your cameras and set off! What do you see? Use your photos to show what nature and biodiversity mean to you and why they should be valued. The Green Office Weihenstephan invites you to participate in the "Biodiversity through the lens" photo competition! You can submit one photo in each of the following categories: Biodiversity in the city, People and Nature and Macro World Wonders. The photo competition is open to all age groups and both amateur and professional photographers are welcome to submit their entries. Participants under the age of 18 must enclose a declaration of consent from their parents. All photos must be submitted by e-mail to greenoffice.weihenstephan@tum.de. Please read the requirements for participation before sending out the photos! Good luck!


Thursday, 28.03.2024

22.02.2024, 02:00 - 21.04.2024, 23:55

Photography competition: Biodiversity through a lens

Your creativity is needed! Grab your cameras and set off! What do you see? Use your photos to show what nature and biodiversity mean to you and why they should be valued. The Green Office Weihenstephan invites you to participate in the "Biodiversity through the lens" photo competition! You can submit one photo in each of the following categories: Biodiversity in the city, People and Nature and Macro World Wonders. The photo competition is open to all age groups and both amateur and professional photographers are welcome to submit their entries. Participants under the age of 18 must enclose a declaration of consent from their parents. All photos must be submitted by e-mail to greenoffice.weihenstephan@tum.de. Please read the requirements for participation before sending out the photos! Good luck!


Friday, 29.03.2024

22.02.2024, 02:00 - 21.04.2024, 23:55

Photography competition: Biodiversity through a lens

Your creativity is needed! Grab your cameras and set off! What do you see? Use your photos to show what nature and biodiversity mean to you and why they should be valued. The Green Office Weihenstephan invites you to participate in the "Biodiversity through the lens" photo competition! You can submit one photo in each of the following categories: Biodiversity in the city, People and Nature and Macro World Wonders. The photo competition is open to all age groups and both amateur and professional photographers are welcome to submit their entries. Participants under the age of 18 must enclose a declaration of consent from their parents. All photos must be submitted by e-mail to greenoffice.weihenstephan@tum.de. Please read the requirements for participation before sending out the photos! Good luck!


Saturday, 30.03.2024

22.02.2024, 02:00 - 21.04.2024, 23:55

Photography competition: Biodiversity through a lens

Your creativity is needed! Grab your cameras and set off! What do you see? Use your photos to show what nature and biodiversity mean to you and why they should be valued. The Green Office Weihenstephan invites you to participate in the "Biodiversity through the lens" photo competition! You can submit one photo in each of the following categories: Biodiversity in the city, People and Nature and Macro World Wonders. The photo competition is open to all age groups and both amateur and professional photographers are welcome to submit their entries. Participants under the age of 18 must enclose a declaration of consent from their parents. All photos must be submitted by e-mail to greenoffice.weihenstephan@tum.de. Please read the requirements for participation before sending out the photos! Good luck!


Sunday, 31.03.2024

22.02.2024, 02:00 - 21.04.2024, 23:55

Photography competition: Biodiversity through a lens

Your creativity is needed! Grab your cameras and set off! What do you see? Use your photos to show what nature and biodiversity mean to you and why they should be valued. The Green Office Weihenstephan invites you to participate in the "Biodiversity through the lens" photo competition! You can submit one photo in each of the following categories: Biodiversity in the city, People and Nature and Macro World Wonders. The photo competition is open to all age groups and both amateur and professional photographers are welcome to submit their entries. Participants under the age of 18 must enclose a declaration of consent from their parents. All photos must be submitted by e-mail to greenoffice.weihenstephan@tum.de. Please read the requirements for participation before sending out the photos! Good luck!


Monday, 01.04.2024

22.02.2024, 02:00 - 21.04.2024, 23:55

Photography competition: Biodiversity through a lens

Your creativity is needed! Grab your cameras and set off! What do you see? Use your photos to show what nature and biodiversity mean to you and why they should be valued. The Green Office Weihenstephan invites you to participate in the "Biodiversity through the lens" photo competition! You can submit one photo in each of the following categories: Biodiversity in the city, People and Nature and Macro World Wonders. The photo competition is open to all age groups and both amateur and professional photographers are welcome to submit their entries. Participants under the age of 18 must enclose a declaration of consent from their parents. All photos must be submitted by e-mail to greenoffice.weihenstephan@tum.de. Please read the requirements for participation before sending out the photos! Good luck!


Tuesday, 02.04.2024

22.02.2024, 02:00 - 21.04.2024, 23:55

Photography competition: Biodiversity through a lens

Your creativity is needed! Grab your cameras and set off! What do you see? Use your photos to show what nature and biodiversity mean to you and why they should be valued. The Green Office Weihenstephan invites you to participate in the "Biodiversity through the lens" photo competition! You can submit one photo in each of the following categories: Biodiversity in the city, People and Nature and Macro World Wonders. The photo competition is open to all age groups and both amateur and professional photographers are welcome to submit their entries. Participants under the age of 18 must enclose a declaration of consent from their parents. All photos must be submitted by e-mail to greenoffice.weihenstephan@tum.de. Please read the requirements for participation before sending out the photos! Good luck!


Wednesday, 03.04.2024

22.02.2024, 02:00 - 21.04.2024, 23:55

Photography competition: Biodiversity through a lens

Your creativity is needed! Grab your cameras and set off! What do you see? Use your photos to show what nature and biodiversity mean to you and why they should be valued. The Green Office Weihenstephan invites you to participate in the "Biodiversity through the lens" photo competition! You can submit one photo in each of the following categories: Biodiversity in the city, People and Nature and Macro World Wonders. The photo competition is open to all age groups and both amateur and professional photographers are welcome to submit their entries. Participants under the age of 18 must enclose a declaration of consent from their parents. All photos must be submitted by e-mail to greenoffice.weihenstephan@tum.de. Please read the requirements for participation before sending out the photos! Good luck!


Thursday, 04.04.2024

22.02.2024, 02:00 - 21.04.2024, 23:55

Photography competition: Biodiversity through a lens

Your creativity is needed! Grab your cameras and set off! What do you see? Use your photos to show what nature and biodiversity mean to you and why they should be valued. The Green Office Weihenstephan invites you to participate in the "Biodiversity through the lens" photo competition! You can submit one photo in each of the following categories: Biodiversity in the city, People and Nature and Macro World Wonders. The photo competition is open to all age groups and both amateur and professional photographers are welcome to submit their entries. Participants under the age of 18 must enclose a declaration of consent from their parents. All photos must be submitted by e-mail to greenoffice.weihenstephan@tum.de. Please read the requirements for participation before sending out the photos! Good luck!


Friday, 05.04.2024

22.02.2024, 02:00 - 21.04.2024, 23:55

Photography competition: Biodiversity through a lens

Your creativity is needed! Grab your cameras and set off! What do you see? Use your photos to show what nature and biodiversity mean to you and why they should be valued. The Green Office Weihenstephan invites you to participate in the "Biodiversity through the lens" photo competition! You can submit one photo in each of the following categories: Biodiversity in the city, People and Nature and Macro World Wonders. The photo competition is open to all age groups and both amateur and professional photographers are welcome to submit their entries. Participants under the age of 18 must enclose a declaration of consent from their parents. All photos must be submitted by e-mail to greenoffice.weihenstephan@tum.de. Please read the requirements for participation before sending out the photos! Good luck!


Saturday, 06.04.2024

22.02.2024, 02:00 - 21.04.2024, 23:55

Photography competition: Biodiversity through a lens

Your creativity is needed! Grab your cameras and set off! What do you see? Use your photos to show what nature and biodiversity mean to you and why they should be valued. The Green Office Weihenstephan invites you to participate in the "Biodiversity through the lens" photo competition! You can submit one photo in each of the following categories: Biodiversity in the city, People and Nature and Macro World Wonders. The photo competition is open to all age groups and both amateur and professional photographers are welcome to submit their entries. Participants under the age of 18 must enclose a declaration of consent from their parents. All photos must be submitted by e-mail to greenoffice.weihenstephan@tum.de. Please read the requirements for participation before sending out the photos! Good luck!


Sunday, 07.04.2024

22.02.2024, 02:00 - 21.04.2024, 23:55

Photography competition: Biodiversity through a lens

Your creativity is needed! Grab your cameras and set off! What do you see? Use your photos to show what nature and biodiversity mean to you and why they should be valued. The Green Office Weihenstephan invites you to participate in the "Biodiversity through the lens" photo competition! You can submit one photo in each of the following categories: Biodiversity in the city, People and Nature and Macro World Wonders. The photo competition is open to all age groups and both amateur and professional photographers are welcome to submit their entries. Participants under the age of 18 must enclose a declaration of consent from their parents. All photos must be submitted by e-mail to greenoffice.weihenstephan@tum.de. Please read the requirements for participation before sending out the photos! Good luck!


Monday, 08.04.2024

22.02.2024, 02:00 - 21.04.2024, 23:55

Photography competition: Biodiversity through a lens

Your creativity is needed! Grab your cameras and set off! What do you see? Use your photos to show what nature and biodiversity mean to you and why they should be valued. The Green Office Weihenstephan invites you to participate in the "Biodiversity through the lens" photo competition! You can submit one photo in each of the following categories: Biodiversity in the city, People and Nature and Macro World Wonders. The photo competition is open to all age groups and both amateur and professional photographers are welcome to submit their entries. Participants under the age of 18 must enclose a declaration of consent from their parents. All photos must be submitted by e-mail to greenoffice.weihenstephan@tum.de. Please read the requirements for participation before sending out the photos! Good luck!


Tuesday, 09.04.2024

09.04.2024, 09:30 - 12:00

Personalversammlung Hauptdienststelle

Friedrich von Thiersch Hörsaal (Raum 2300)


22.02.2024, 02:00 - 21.04.2024, 23:55

Photography competition: Biodiversity through a lens

Your creativity is needed! Grab your cameras and set off! What do you see? Use your photos to show what nature and biodiversity mean to you and why they should be valued. The Green Office Weihenstephan invites you to participate in the "Biodiversity through the lens" photo competition! You can submit one photo in each of the following categories: Biodiversity in the city, People and Nature and Macro World Wonders. The photo competition is open to all age groups and both amateur and professional photographers are welcome to submit their entries. Participants under the age of 18 must enclose a declaration of consent from their parents. All photos must be submitted by e-mail to greenoffice.weihenstephan@tum.de. Please read the requirements for participation before sending out the photos! Good luck!


Wednesday, 10.04.2024

22.02.2024, 02:00 - 21.04.2024, 23:55

Photography competition: Biodiversity through a lens

Your creativity is needed! Grab your cameras and set off! What do you see? Use your photos to show what nature and biodiversity mean to you and why they should be valued. The Green Office Weihenstephan invites you to participate in the "Biodiversity through the lens" photo competition! You can submit one photo in each of the following categories: Biodiversity in the city, People and Nature and Macro World Wonders. The photo competition is open to all age groups and both amateur and professional photographers are welcome to submit their entries. Participants under the age of 18 must enclose a declaration of consent from their parents. All photos must be submitted by e-mail to greenoffice.weihenstephan@tum.de. Please read the requirements for participation before sending out the photos! Good luck!


Thursday, 11.04.2024

22.02.2024, 02:00 - 21.04.2024, 23:55

Photography competition: Biodiversity through a lens

Your creativity is needed! Grab your cameras and set off! What do you see? Use your photos to show what nature and biodiversity mean to you and why they should be valued. The Green Office Weihenstephan invites you to participate in the "Biodiversity through the lens" photo competition! You can submit one photo in each of the following categories: Biodiversity in the city, People and Nature and Macro World Wonders. The photo competition is open to all age groups and both amateur and professional photographers are welcome to submit their entries. Participants under the age of 18 must enclose a declaration of consent from their parents. All photos must be submitted by e-mail to greenoffice.weihenstephan@tum.de. Please read the requirements for participation before sending out the photos! Good luck!


Friday, 12.04.2024

22.02.2024, 02:00 - 21.04.2024, 23:55

Photography competition: Biodiversity through a lens

Your creativity is needed! Grab your cameras and set off! What do you see? Use your photos to show what nature and biodiversity mean to you and why they should be valued. The Green Office Weihenstephan invites you to participate in the "Biodiversity through the lens" photo competition! You can submit one photo in each of the following categories: Biodiversity in the city, People and Nature and Macro World Wonders. The photo competition is open to all age groups and both amateur and professional photographers are welcome to submit their entries. Participants under the age of 18 must enclose a declaration of consent from their parents. All photos must be submitted by e-mail to greenoffice.weihenstephan@tum.de. Please read the requirements for participation before sending out the photos! Good luck!


Saturday, 13.04.2024

22.02.2024, 02:00 - 21.04.2024, 23:55

Photography competition: Biodiversity through a lens

Your creativity is needed! Grab your cameras and set off! What do you see? Use your photos to show what nature and biodiversity mean to you and why they should be valued. The Green Office Weihenstephan invites you to participate in the "Biodiversity through the lens" photo competition! You can submit one photo in each of the following categories: Biodiversity in the city, People and Nature and Macro World Wonders. The photo competition is open to all age groups and both amateur and professional photographers are welcome to submit their entries. Participants under the age of 18 must enclose a declaration of consent from their parents. All photos must be submitted by e-mail to greenoffice.weihenstephan@tum.de. Please read the requirements for participation before sending out the photos! Good luck!


Sunday, 14.04.2024

22.02.2024, 02:00 - 21.04.2024, 23:55

Photography competition: Biodiversity through a lens

Your creativity is needed! Grab your cameras and set off! What do you see? Use your photos to show what nature and biodiversity mean to you and why they should be valued. The Green Office Weihenstephan invites you to participate in the "Biodiversity through the lens" photo competition! You can submit one photo in each of the following categories: Biodiversity in the city, People and Nature and Macro World Wonders. The photo competition is open to all age groups and both amateur and professional photographers are welcome to submit their entries. Participants under the age of 18 must enclose a declaration of consent from their parents. All photos must be submitted by e-mail to greenoffice.weihenstephan@tum.de. Please read the requirements for participation before sending out the photos! Good luck!


Monday, 15.04.2024

22.02.2024, 02:00 - 21.04.2024, 23:55

Photography competition: Biodiversity through a lens

Your creativity is needed! Grab your cameras and set off! What do you see? Use your photos to show what nature and biodiversity mean to you and why they should be valued. The Green Office Weihenstephan invites you to participate in the "Biodiversity through the lens" photo competition! You can submit one photo in each of the following categories: Biodiversity in the city, People and Nature and Macro World Wonders. The photo competition is open to all age groups and both amateur and professional photographers are welcome to submit their entries. Participants under the age of 18 must enclose a declaration of consent from their parents. All photos must be submitted by e-mail to greenoffice.weihenstephan@tum.de. Please read the requirements for participation before sending out the photos! Good luck!


Tuesday, 16.04.2024

22.02.2024, 02:00 - 21.04.2024, 23:55

Photography competition: Biodiversity through a lens

Your creativity is needed! Grab your cameras and set off! What do you see? Use your photos to show what nature and biodiversity mean to you and why they should be valued. The Green Office Weihenstephan invites you to participate in the "Biodiversity through the lens" photo competition! You can submit one photo in each of the following categories: Biodiversity in the city, People and Nature and Macro World Wonders. The photo competition is open to all age groups and both amateur and professional photographers are welcome to submit their entries. Participants under the age of 18 must enclose a declaration of consent from their parents. All photos must be submitted by e-mail to greenoffice.weihenstephan@tum.de. Please read the requirements for participation before sending out the photos! Good luck!


Wednesday, 17.04.2024

17.04.2024, 10:00 - 12:00

TUMInspiriert Projektarbeit

Wie kriege ich ein Projekt auf die Reihe? Wie motiviere ich meine Mitstreiter? Welche Rolle spielen Kommunikation und Führung im Team? Und dafür gibt es auch noch 3 ECTS! Die Antworten findest Du nicht in Lehrbüchern, sondern nur in der Praxis: Plane einen Event, unterstütze das Umweltreferat oder zeige Deine Stärke in einem technischen Projekt - nicht nur allein, auch im Team! MentorInnen und Trainer des Kontextlehre WTG unterstützen Euch dabei. Anmeldung über TUMonline! Die Workshops zum Thema Kommunikation und Teamführung und Projektmanagement stehen allen Studierenden der TU München offen. Hole Dir Tipps und Anregungen für Deine Projektarbeit!

Arcisstr. 21

Barbara Kopp

22.02.2024, 02:00 - 21.04.2024, 23:55

Photography competition: Biodiversity through a lens

Your creativity is needed! Grab your cameras and set off! What do you see? Use your photos to show what nature and biodiversity mean to you and why they should be valued. The Green Office Weihenstephan invites you to participate in the "Biodiversity through the lens" photo competition! You can submit one photo in each of the following categories: Biodiversity in the city, People and Nature and Macro World Wonders. The photo competition is open to all age groups and both amateur and professional photographers are welcome to submit their entries. Participants under the age of 18 must enclose a declaration of consent from their parents. All photos must be submitted by e-mail to greenoffice.weihenstephan@tum.de. Please read the requirements for participation before sending out the photos! Good luck!


Thursday, 18.04.2024

22.02.2024, 02:00 - 21.04.2024, 23:55

Photography competition: Biodiversity through a lens

Your creativity is needed! Grab your cameras and set off! What do you see? Use your photos to show what nature and biodiversity mean to you and why they should be valued. The Green Office Weihenstephan invites you to participate in the "Biodiversity through the lens" photo competition! You can submit one photo in each of the following categories: Biodiversity in the city, People and Nature and Macro World Wonders. The photo competition is open to all age groups and both amateur and professional photographers are welcome to submit their entries. Participants under the age of 18 must enclose a declaration of consent from their parents. All photos must be submitted by e-mail to greenoffice.weihenstephan@tum.de. Please read the requirements for participation before sending out the photos! Good luck!


Friday, 19.04.2024

22.02.2024, 02:00 - 21.04.2024, 23:55

Photography competition: Biodiversity through a lens

Your creativity is needed! Grab your cameras and set off! What do you see? Use your photos to show what nature and biodiversity mean to you and why they should be valued. The Green Office Weihenstephan invites you to participate in the "Biodiversity through the lens" photo competition! You can submit one photo in each of the following categories: Biodiversity in the city, People and Nature and Macro World Wonders. The photo competition is open to all age groups and both amateur and professional photographers are welcome to submit their entries. Participants under the age of 18 must enclose a declaration of consent from their parents. All photos must be submitted by e-mail to greenoffice.weihenstephan@tum.de. Please read the requirements for participation before sending out the photos! Good luck!


Saturday, 20.04.2024

22.02.2024, 02:00 - 21.04.2024, 23:55

Photography competition: Biodiversity through a lens

Your creativity is needed! Grab your cameras and set off! What do you see? Use your photos to show what nature and biodiversity mean to you and why they should be valued. The Green Office Weihenstephan invites you to participate in the "Biodiversity through the lens" photo competition! You can submit one photo in each of the following categories: Biodiversity in the city, People and Nature and Macro World Wonders. The photo competition is open to all age groups and both amateur and professional photographers are welcome to submit their entries. Participants under the age of 18 must enclose a declaration of consent from their parents. All photos must be submitted by e-mail to greenoffice.weihenstephan@tum.de. Please read the requirements for participation before sending out the photos! Good luck!


Tuesday, 23.04.2024

23.04.2024, 10:00 - 21:30

TUM Sustainability Career Day 2024

At the TUM Sustainability Career Day at Straubing campus, we bring students together with companies and offer an opportunity for networking. The focus is on entry-level opportunities and careers in the fields of sustainability, bioeconomy and biotechnology.

TUM Campus Straubing

Barbara Roth

Monday, 06.05.2024

06.05.2024, 11:00

TUM Entrepreneurship Day 2024

TUM Stammgelände

Anna-Sophie Rauschenbach

06.05.2024, 19:00 - 20:30

Empowering Action for Ocean Conservation: Insights, Initiatives, and the Need to Love our Ocean

Did you know that everyone has a strong impact on “Life below water” and our marine ecosystems, even though we here in Bavaria live so far away from the ocean? Do you want to learn how and why we need to act now for our oceans and marine life? Then join this lecture by Frank Schweikert, Founder and Director of the German Ocean Foundation. He will explain how the daily work of the institutions he is involved in contribute to a meaningful status improvement of the world’s largest ecosystem – the ocean. Although we humans depend on a healthy ocean to survive on planet Earth and the ocean is connected to all our rivers, we nearly know nothing about it. So, let’s dive into this amazing and still unknown ecosystem, allow ourselves to be inspired to change how we think, act, and feel about the ocean, and learn how we, even as students, can sustainably impact the future of “Life below water”.

Hybrid: Lecture Hall 0980 (AUDIMAX) and via Zoom


Wednesday, 08.05.2024

08.05.2024, 18:00 - 19:30

Transformation Towards Long-term Sustainability Beyond Sustainable Development Goals (BeyondSDG)

Countries are not on track to meet the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development that comprises 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and 169 targets to be achieved by 2030. Although SDGs aim to shift the world onto a sustainable and resilient path, countries are not yet able to make transformative changes for long-term sustainability that require building social prosperity and foundations within planetary boundaries. Failing to achieve SDGs will negatively affect billions of people and worsen environmental conditions and socio-economic problems. Therefore, BeyondSDG aims to understand the necessary conditions for long-term sustainability, including achieving SDGs, based on the following specific objectives: identify critical targets for prioritizing SDGs; investigate the effects of (under)achieving SDGs on long-term sustainability beyond 2030; and identify sustainability targets for the post-2030 development agenda. For this, BeyondSDG applies a threefold scientific approach that combines statistical analysis of empirical and modelled data, qualitative analysis of literature, and knowledge co-creation with stakeholders, including sectoral experts and policymakers, based on systems thinking. This combination of three approaches is complementary and essential to deal with the complex topic of long-term sustainability.

Hybrid: Lecture Hall N1190 and via Zoom


Monday, 13.05.2024

13.05.2024, 06:00 - 17.05.2024, 21:00

Biodiversity Week

Research into nature conservation and biodiversity has been conducted at the Weihenstephan Campus for decades. The Green Office aims to raise awareness of these topics not only among fellow students and colleagues, but also among people without specialist knowledge, and to make it clear that scientists, students, initiatives and organizations in Freising are making a positive contribution to nature conservation.


Tsveta Davidkova, greenoffice.weihenstephan@tum.de

Tuesday, 14.05.2024

14.05.2024, 19:00 - 20:30

TUM@Freising: Einen Schluck voraus – Getränketrends der Zukunft

Relevante Inhalte, verständliche Sprache und unterhaltsame Präsentation – so bringt TUM@Freising die Wissenschaft in die Stadt. Eine anschließende Diskussion nach jedem Vortrag ist ausdrücklich erwünscht, denn Wissenschaft lebt vom Meinungsaustausch. Weitere Informationen und die Aufzeichnungen früherer Vorträge unter: www.ls.tum.de/ls/presse/tumfreising/ Der Einlass beginnt um 18:30 Uhr und der Eintritt ist frei.

Lindenkeller Freising

Sonja Böhm

13.05.2024, 06:00 - 17.05.2024, 21:00

Biodiversity Week

Research into nature conservation and biodiversity has been conducted at the Weihenstephan Campus for decades. The Green Office aims to raise awareness of these topics not only among fellow students and colleagues, but also among people without specialist knowledge, and to make it clear that scientists, students, initiatives and organizations in Freising are making a positive contribution to nature conservation.


Tsveta Davidkova, greenoffice.weihenstephan@tum.de

Wednesday, 15.05.2024

13.05.2024, 06:00 - 17.05.2024, 21:00

Biodiversity Week

Research into nature conservation and biodiversity has been conducted at the Weihenstephan Campus for decades. The Green Office aims to raise awareness of these topics not only among fellow students and colleagues, but also among people without specialist knowledge, and to make it clear that scientists, students, initiatives and organizations in Freising are making a positive contribution to nature conservation.


Tsveta Davidkova, greenoffice.weihenstephan@tum.de

Thursday, 16.05.2024

13.05.2024, 06:00 - 17.05.2024, 21:00

Biodiversity Week

Research into nature conservation and biodiversity has been conducted at the Weihenstephan Campus for decades. The Green Office aims to raise awareness of these topics not only among fellow students and colleagues, but also among people without specialist knowledge, and to make it clear that scientists, students, initiatives and organizations in Freising are making a positive contribution to nature conservation.


Tsveta Davidkova, greenoffice.weihenstephan@tum.de

Friday, 17.05.2024

13.05.2024, 06:00 - 17.05.2024, 21:00

Biodiversity Week

Research into nature conservation and biodiversity has been conducted at the Weihenstephan Campus for decades. The Green Office aims to raise awareness of these topics not only among fellow students and colleagues, but also among people without specialist knowledge, and to make it clear that scientists, students, initiatives and organizations in Freising are making a positive contribution to nature conservation.


Tsveta Davidkova, greenoffice.weihenstephan@tum.de

Wednesday, 22.05.2024

22.05.2024, 18:00 - 19:30

Getting Ready for the Future - Rethinking Systems, Paradigms and Economics

What does it take to use our economy as a lever to shape the sustainable transformation? And why are we still working with paradigms that are outdated? The talk will give an overview of future needs and obstacles on the way. How can we shape our economy to operate within planetary boundaries? And how do we need to shift our way of thinking about things?

Hybrid: Lecture Hall N1190 and via Zoom


Tuesday, 11.06.2024

11.06.2024, 10:00 - 15:00

TUMgesund Gesundheitstag am Campus FS-Weihenstephan

Im Rahmen der betrieblichen Gesundheitsförderung an der TUM werden an diesem Tag Aktionen rund um die Gesundheitheit angeboten.

Campus Freising-Weihenstephan (ZHS)

Wednesday, 12.06.2024

12.06.2024, 08:00 - 22:00

TUM Sustainability Day

The second TUM Sustainability Day will take place on 6th June 2024. More info in time at tum.de/sustainability

voraussichtl. Garching, MW

Wednesday, 19.06.2024

19.06.2024, 18:00 - 19:30

How Can Finance and Investment Support Ocean Health?

A healthy ocean is essential to global well-being, biodiversity, and includes critical ecosystems underpinning all life on earth. Despite its values, the ocean is under immense pressure from human activities, threatening its ability to support human well-being, with disproportionate impacts on vulnerable communities. The majority of these pressures come from economic activities related to the ocean (“ocean economy”) such as fishing, aquaculture, coastal development, and shipping. Globally the ocean economy is worth over $4t AUD/yr and is expanding at twice the rate of the mainstream economy. At the same time, the gap in funding to protect and manage ocean health is at least $266b AUD/year and growing rapidly. Not only does this put the future of the ocean at risk, it also risks the entire global economy: over two-thirds of all publicly listed companies are at risk due to ocean decline. Investing a sustainable ocean economy (SOE) however can reduce economic losses by $8t AUD by 2037, yield six times more food and create 12 million new jobs by 2030. In a SOE, ocean health and ocean wealth are held in balance, and sufficient and durable finance for the management of ocean health is provided from the SOE. Despite clear evidence that achieving SOE will be better economically, ecologically and socially, market barriers hinder the transition. Key market barriers include inadequate policies, funding, capacities, and pipelines of investable SOE deals. This talk will dive into the global efforts to align capital flows with SDG 14.

Hybrid: Lecture Hall N1190 and via Zoom


Thursday, 20.06.2024

20.06.2024, 10:00 - 15:00

TUMgesund Gesundheitstag am Campus München - Innenstadt

Im Rahmen der betrieblichen Gesundheitsförderung an der TUM werden an diesem Tag Aktionen rund um die Gesundheit angeboten.

Campus München - Innenstadt/Arcisstr. (Immatrikulationshalle)

Tuesday, 25.06.2024

25.06.2024, 10:00 - 15:00

TUMgesund Gesundheitstag am Campus Straubing

Im Rahmen der betrieblichen Gesundheitsförderung an der TUM werden an diesem Tag Aktionen rund um die Gesundheit angeboten. Mehr Informationen zum Programm erhalten Sie zeitnah auf der Homepage https://www.hr6.tum.de/hr6/tumgesund/

Campus Straubing

Tuesday, 02.07.2024

02.07.2024, 10:00 - 15:00

TUMgesund Gesundheitstag am Campus Garching

Im Rahmen der betrieblichen Gesundheitsförderung an der TUM werden an diesem Tag Aktionen rund um die Gesundheit angeboten.

Campus Garching - Magistrale Maschinenwesen

Tuesday, 09.07.2024

09.07.2024, 19:00 - 20:30

TUM@Freising: Saufen ist nicht alles! - Nachhaltige Nutzung von Wasser bei der Milcherzeugung

Relevante Inhalte, verständliche Sprache und unterhaltsame Präsentation – so bringt TUM@Freising die Wissenschaft in die Stadt. Eine anschließende Diskussion nach jedem Vortrag ist ausdrücklich erwünscht, denn Wissenschaft lebt vom Meinungsaustausch. Weitere Informationen und die Aufzeichnungen früherer Vorträge unter: www.ls.tum.de/ls/presse/tumfreising/ Der Einlass beginnt um 18:30 Uhr und der Eintritt ist frei.

Lindenkeller Freising

Sonja Böhm

Tuesday, 24.09.2024

24.09.2024, 19:00 - 20:30

TUM@Freising: Tropischer Regenwald und heimische Forstwirtschaft – wie das zusammen hängt

Relevante Inhalte, verständliche Sprache und unterhaltsame Präsentation – so bringt TUM@Freising die Wissenschaft in die Stadt. Eine anschließende Diskussion nach jedem Vortrag ist ausdrücklich erwünscht, denn Wissenschaft lebt vom Meinungsaustausch. Weitere Informationen und die Aufzeichnungen früherer Vorträge unter: www.ls.tum.de/ls/presse/tumfreising/ Der Einlass beginnt um 18:30 Uhr und der Eintritt ist frei.

Lindenkeller Freising, Oberhaus, Veitsmüllerweg 2, 85354 Freising

Sonja Böhm

Thursday, 17.10.2024

17.10.2024, 09:30 - 12:00

Personalversammlung Hauptdienststelle

Friedrich von Thiersch Hörsaal (Raum 2300)
