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Technische Universität München

Technische Universität München

Sitemap > Veranstaltungen und Termine

Veranstaltungen und Termine vom 27.03.2017 bis 02.04.2017

Übersicht über aktuelle Termine, Veranstaltungen und Vorträge an der Technischen Universität München.

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Dienstag, 28.03.2017

28.03.2017, 13:00 - 13:15

Webinar "E-Mail an der TUM - Was muss ich beachten?"

Das IT-Servicezentrum der TU München lädt neue Kolleginnen und Kollegen herzlich zum Webinar „E-Mail an der TUM – Was muss ich beachten?“ am Dienstag, 28. März 2017, 13:00 - 13:15 Uhr ein.


Dr. Frauke Donner

Donnerstag, 30.03.2017

30.03.2017, 00:00 - 01.04.2017, 00:00

Workshop "Macroscopic Limits of Quantum Systems"

The main subject of the workshop is the mathematical investigation of equations describing the behaviour of quantum systems at macroscopic scales, and their rigorous emergence from microscopic dynamics. The workshop also serves as an occasion to celebrate the 70th birthday of Herbert Spohn and to congratulate him on the reception of the Max Planck Medal 2017.

Technische Universität München

Freitag, 31.03.2017

30.03.2017, 00:00 - 01.04.2017, 00:00

Workshop "Macroscopic Limits of Quantum Systems"

The main subject of the workshop is the mathematical investigation of equations describing the behaviour of quantum systems at macroscopic scales, and their rigorous emergence from microscopic dynamics. The workshop also serves as an occasion to celebrate the 70th birthday of Herbert Spohn and to congratulate him on the reception of the Max Planck Medal 2017.

Technische Universität München

Samstag, 01.04.2017

30.03.2017, 00:00 - 01.04.2017, 00:00

Workshop "Macroscopic Limits of Quantum Systems"

The main subject of the workshop is the mathematical investigation of equations describing the behaviour of quantum systems at macroscopic scales, and their rigorous emergence from microscopic dynamics. The workshop also serves as an occasion to celebrate the 70th birthday of Herbert Spohn and to congratulate him on the reception of the Max Planck Medal 2017.

Technische Universität München