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Technical University of Munich

Technical University of Munich

Sitemap > Veranstaltungen und Termine > Working with Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) in Crisis Zones: Can MSF Really Make a Change and an Sustainable Impact?


Working with Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) in Crisis Zones: Can MSF Really Make a Change and an Sustainable Impact?

Wednesday 17.07.2024, 06:00 - 07:00


Hybrid: Lecture Hall N1190 and via Zoom 

Monika Ried

Countless individuals globally endure ongoing conflict and preventable illnesses, particularly impacting the most vulnerable, such as infants and children. Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) medicals undertake courageous missions in these regions, striving to save lives and improve healthcare conditions. One of these doctors is Monika Ried. In the lecture, she’ll talk about her experiences in Yemen, Iraq, and Nigeria, where she and her colleagues helped people hurt by war, provided care for Yazidi refugees who suffered under genocide, and fought against diseases like Diphtheria. Let’s hear about how she and the team from MSF are helping in places without stable government, supporting their colleagues in tough situations, saving patients, and trying to find ways to stop poverty and unfairness.

Monika Ried is a medical doctor, who specialized in internal medicine and intensive care. Currently, she’s working in München Bogenhausen in an interdisciplinary Intensive care unit. Within her engagement in “Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)” [engl. “doctors without borders”, dt. “Ärzte ohne Grenzen”], she was sent 9 months to Yemen in 2018 for her first mission. There, Monika Ried worked in the emergency room, where she nurtured war-wounded people and cared for babies and children with severe malnutrition or almost forgotten infectious diseases like tetanus or diphtheria. In 2020/21 Monika Ried was sent to north Iraq to support a hospital, especially for the Yazidi refugees who underwent genocide by the IS. Last year she went to Nigeria on an emergency mission as a medical team leader.

Ringvorlesung Umwelt (Environmental Lecture Series) / Referat für Umwelt


Further information available under: https://umwelt.asta.tum.de/en/ringvorlesung/

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