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Technical University of Munich

Technical University of Munich

Sitemap > Veranstaltungen und Termine > Career Planning for Women


Career Planning for Women

Tuesday 31.01.2023, 18:30 - 19:30



Get Clear on Your Vision and Create a Plan of Action! Having a clear direction and a precise idea of how to develop yourself professionally is the first step to making it happen. In this webinar you will learn an easy step-by-step process for designing a suitable career path for yourself and for making it a reality. As you are the critical factor for bringing your career roadmap to life, we will also look into best practices to support yourself in a constantly changing and challenging professional environment. This session will be held by Heike Dietzel, career coach, author and owner of the nature retreat “Lichtzeit”. Heike works with professionals in all phases of their career. She follows a holistic approach helping clients uncover the golden thread in their lives and translating it into both personal and professional goals. You will receive the access data for the online event via email.

TUM Alumni & Career; Women of TUM

Further information available under: https://www.community.tum.de/en/events/

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