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Technische Universität München

Technische Universität München

Sitemap > Veranstaltungen und Termine > Driving Despite Impairments - Safety and Equity Issues in Connected and Automated Vehicles


Driving Despite Impairments - Safety and Equity Issues in Connected and Automated Vehicles

Mittwoch 16.12.2020, 13:30 - 14:30



Prof. David Hess, Dasom Lee, Dr. Rachel McKane

With demographic change, an increasing number of people is excluded from driving due to physical or cognitive limitations. While impairments like visual deficits can have a great impact on driving safety and performance, the development of automated vehicles offers the potential of including such non-drivers in road traffic in the future. With an international composition of renowned scientists, this weekly webinar sheds light on manual and automated driving for visually impaired users in front of the background of psychology, ophthalmology, computer science and sociology. Further information on the individual lectures can be found under the connected URL.

Chair of Ergonomics (TUM)

Bianca Biebl (bianca.biebl@tum.de)

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