Co-creation and the future of innovation in Europe (Kick-off of EU-H2020 Project “SCALINGS“ )
Thursday 24.05.2018, 16:30
Vorhoelzer Forum
Speakers of the Panle will be: Prof. Dr. Sebastian Pfotenhauer (TUM, MCTS/SOM); Prof. Dr. Claudia Peus (TUM, Senior Vice President Talent Management and Diversity); Dr. Reinhard Lafrenz (Secretary General, euRobotics); Dr. Kyriaki Papageorgiou (ESADE Spain, Institute for Innovation and Knowledge Management); Prof. Dr. Isabelle Reymen (TU Eindhoven, Industrial Engineering & Innovation Sciences; Director TU/e Innovation Space); Dr. Jack Stilgoe (UCL, "Responsible Innovation"); Prof. Dr. Christopher Tucci (EPFL, Innovation Management); Dr. Gunter Bombaerts (TU Eindhoven, Industrail Engineering & Innovation Sciences; Moderator)
How is innovation changing in Europe? Which role will co-creation and open innovation practices play in the future? How does innovation differ across countries, cultures, and technical domains? This event will bring together leading innovation experts from academia, industry, government, and civil society to discuss the future of innovation in Europe and the opportunities and challenges for including society in science and innovation. The event is the kick-off of the new multi-year EU flagship project “SCALINGS”, coordinated at TU Munich.
Speakers of the panle discussion will be:
Prof. Dr. Sebastian Pfotenhauer (TUM MCTS/SOM)
Prof. Dr. Claudia Peus (TUM Exectuvive VP)
Dr. Reinhard Lafrenz (Secretary General, euRobotics)
Prof. Kyriaki Papageorgiou (ESADE Spain, Institute for Innovation and Knowledge Management )
Prof. Isabelle Reymen (TU Eindhoven, Industrial Engineering & Innovation Sciences; Director TU/e Innovation Space)
Prof. Jack Stilgoe (UCL, “Responsible Innovation”)
Prof. Chris Tucci (EPFL, Innovation Management)
Co-creation — the practice of bringing together diverse actors in a joint innovation activity to mutual benefit — has emerged as a widely desired key resource in current attempts to enhance innovation processes and outcomes.
The European Research Consortium SCALINGS explores the avenues and limits for the wider dissemination and use of co-creation practices across Europe. Through a multi-sited, embedded, and comparative experimental research design, SCALINGS studies the unique implementations and outcomes of three co-creation instruments: innovation procurement, living labs, and co-creation facilities. The consortium focuses on two technology domains (robotics and urban energy systems) across 10 partner countries.
SCALINGS aims to strengthen opportunities for best practice transfer and a socially robust upscaling of co-creation, while improving our understanding of how co-creation practices relate to the social, cultural, economic, and institutional environments in which they are implemented.
Funded by the European H2020 Program “Science with and for society,” SCALINGS is an interdisciplinary project that brings together social scientists, engineers, policy-makers, and industry partners from all over Europe.
The project SCALINGS is funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme. SCALINGS is funded within the specific objective Science with and for Society of Horizon 2020. It includes all four partner universities of the EuroTech Consortium as well as a range of other leading universities in Europe.
MCTS - Prof. Dr. Sebastian Pfotenhauer
Prof. Dr. Sebastian Pfotenhauer
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